Decision Time

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Will's POV

Well, It's been 3 days since Tracey and I last spoke, she is really upset with me about dropping this whole thing on her out of the blue. She won't respond to any of my messages. I have to tell the boys about her today in case she say yes...I hope she does. I think the boys would love her and her cheeky sense of humour, she would totally fit in and she could handle the boys if they got to rowdy cos she won't take any crap from them....

Tracey's POV

Ok, so I have read and re-read this bloody contract. I would be mad to say no! I mean the contract is offering way more than a PA would normally get which I can't help but think that Will had something to do with that to try and convince me to take it. I don't really like my current job anyway because I am bored it is not a challenge and working with those boys would certainly be a challenge in more ways than one!! I have a huge crush on Harry Styles so I am going to have to keep that one to myself. Will doesn't even know. After thinking about it for the millionenth time I think I have made my decision.....

Will's POV

All the boys have met me at Modest for a run down of where we are and what we have coming up, Louis and Liam are playing on their phones, Niall is moaning about being hungry, Zayn is complaining it's too early and Harry is just late as per usual. Once Harry finally arrives we start the meeting...while I am going through the schedule as it stands my phone beeps, I stop mid sentence to grab my phone out of my pocket hoping that it's Tracey even if it's not about the proposal, just to hear from her. We never fight so this is uncharted territory for us at the moment.

Tracey: Ok....I will do it...still pissed at you though!!! xxx

A massive grin spreads across my face and I am being stared at by 5 very confused faces who are wondering why I am grinning like an idiot.

Louis POV

We are all in this meeting listening to Will drone on and on about the schedule, so boring now although I will be kinda glad to get away from everything for a while and all the drama. I'd forgotten what being single was like. All of a sudden Will's phone goes off and he just stops mid sentence and the next thing we know he is grinning like a cheshire cat!

Louis: Who's that then Will!! You getting laid tonight hahaha....

Will: Haha very, its Tracey.

Louis: Is that the fit one that's in the pics you put up in your bunk on the tour bus!

Will: Don't be so rude Louis and yes that is Tracey in the pictures and she has just agreed to become your new PA.

Louis: PA? Why do we need one of them????

Will: Yes, Personal Assistant, she is here to basically help me with the schedules and to assist you guys with whatever you need help with.

I looked over at Harry who has one of his cheeky grins on his face and he whispers, this tour might not be so bad after all and give me a little wink while Will is not watching....I wonder what Hazza is up to now.....

Will's POV

Guess now she has agreed it's time for her to meet the boys, this should be interesting.

Will: Pizza and a Movie at mine tonight, you can meet the boys too, they are looking forward to it. Love You xxx

Tracey: Ok I guess, what time, I have work til 5.30pm...still pissed but love you too xxx

Will: Shall we say 8pm? xxx

Tracey: Ok, see you then xxx

Her texts make me smile, she says she is still pissed at me but I can tell she is softening. I tell the boys to be at mine at 7.30pm so I can brief them on things not to say to piss Tracey off but they just laugh and assure me they don't need lessons..

*sorry this was quite long....I know Louis is not single but this is just a story!! All the boys are single in this story....

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