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Tracey's POV

I've landed back in England and I am heading home. I have not heard from Harry so clearly he spent the night with the slutty blonde. I made Will promise not to tell the boys I was gone until I was back in England.

I text him and Gemma saying that I am back home safely.

G: Please look after yourself and bump :( xxx

T: I will. I have a appointment later for my first scan. Want me to send you a pic when I'm done xxx

G: Yes please! I can't wait to meet my niece/nephew xxxx

T: Have you seen him

G: No, not yet but we have all just met for breakfast and I think Will is gonna tell them all that you have gone home indefinitely. Mum and I will speak to him after xxx

T: I know where he is. He brought some slutty blonde back with him and went off with her xxx

G: WHAT? Are you kidding me xxx

T: Nope I saw them kissing before they got in the lift. He doesn't know I saw him. xxx

G: Was that what you saw and said was

T: Yup, I think that shows how much I mean to him, hence why I gave you my engagement ring back. I have to go now, I will text you later. Please don't show Harry the scan pictures xxxx

G: Ok babe love ya lots xxxx

I head into the hospital and they do the scan, I get about 10 pictures because I know Harry's family will want them, I still haven't even had so much as a text from him! I snap a picture and send it to Gemma and she texts me back, miss you already.

Will's POV

I've called all the boys together for a breakfast meeting, I don't know what's happened, but if Tracey needs a break then so be it, I trust her and she's my best friend and I will do whatever is best for her. All the boys have arrived and are sat around and the Niall speaks up and says " Where's Tracey? She normally does these kinda things" "that's what I have called you all together for, Tracey has gone home and until further notice, she won't be returning" "what??" I hear as a chorus from all the boys, I see Harry bolt out of the room and into the lift with his phone in his hand. "Why Will" Niall asks "I don't honestly know mate, she called me saying she needed a break and had to leave immediately and to not ask any questions" All the boys just look really sad and I notice a couple of them say let's message her and just let her know we miss her.

Harry's POV

No, no,no, she can't have gone! Oh my god, what have I done! I get to our hotel room and sure enough all her things have gone, I get a text from my mum saying come to Room 0102 now! So I make my way to that room to be greeted by a very angry looking Gemma and a very disappointed looking mum. She ushers me in and then starts having a go at me about everything! Tracey had told her and Gemma everything right from the start of our relationship to the threesome with Louis and of course what I had said to her about being pregnant. Gemma then lays into about the blonde from last night and how could I disrespect Tracey that way and I ask her how she knew about that, "you were seen Harry" she replies and then I glance over to see what she is looking at and that's when I realise who saw me, Tracey's engagement ring is laying on the table.

I don't even know what to say to my mum or Gemma, they are so angry and upset with me and I don't blame them! Now I have lost the love of my life due to my stupidity! I don't think she will every forgive me for this. I go put on to the balcony and slope down to the floor and put my head in my hands and I just start sobbing, my mum comes out and hugs me and says "you silly silly boy how could you say such things to her and then cheat on her to top it all off I brought you up to be more respectful than that" "I know I have screwed up so badly and I have lost the single most important person in my life because of my stupid temper!!"

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