Lunch with Gemma

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Harry's POV

I drag myself up to get ready for lunch and decide I should make myself look presentable, I look in the mirror at my hair and decide I really need to let Lou cut it! I am nervous to see Gemma as I've not seen her since her and mum yelled at me. I drive to the restaurant that we are meeting in and that's when my heart stops, Tracey is here! Oh my god! Does she know I am coming, I am going to bet not. I hope she doesn't leave. I look around and Gemma is nowhere to be seen, I look at my phone and see a text from Gemma "now is your chance! Don't blow it!! Xx" I smile at my sisters conniving ways and make my way to the table. "Hi baby" I whisper in her ear and she jumps at the sound of my voice, I walk round and sit down opposite her, "I'm waiting for Gemma, she will be here any minute" "check your phone" I tell her. Her face drops and then she looks at me with those gorgeous grey eyes of hers and says "I'm leaving"

"Please don't leave baby, please just have lunch with me and hear me out and then if you still want me out of your life I will go" I am literally pleading with her now.

"Ok, one lunch!" She replies. I am just so pleased to see her, she looks so gorgeous and I can see the baby bump now as I look her up and down, my eyes rest on her bump, she instinctively puts her hands on her stomach and says "bump is doing fine". I smile as she says this and then I look at her again and words just start tumbling out.

"I'm so sorry baby, I know I know I have said that a million times, I was so freaked out at the thought of you being pregnant, I know it wasn't your fault and you didn't do it on purpose, we both created the life that is growing inside you and I am so sorry for everything I said, I can't bare you not being a part of my life, I can't sleep without you with me and everything I do or see reminds me of you! I have your engagement ring on my necklace because it makes me feel closer to you, I spend hours staring at my phone at all the pictures of us, I just love you so much and I want to love our child as well, please please please give me another chance, I will do anything, I will get down on my knees in this restaurant and beg for forgiveness if that's what it takes! I know you saw me with that girl and I am so sorry for that too, I didn't sleep with her, she kissed me and I know I should have pushed her off but I was so drunk and so angry and at that point I wanted to hurt you, I know how wrong and totally fucking stupid it was and I swear to you on my whole families lives I will never ever do anything stupid like that again. All I want is you, me and our baby" she just looks at me and I can see the tears in her eyes, but she doesn't say anything, the waiter comes over to take our order and she just apologises and says that she is leaving and she gets up and walks out. I don't know whether to follow her or not.....

Tracey's POV

I am sitting waiting for Gemma and then I hear "hi baby" in my ear and I just freeze. He walks round and sits down opposite me and I looking into those piercing green eyes and I can see the sadness but then I just feel anger building up inside me. "I'm waiting for Gemma, she will be here any minute" I tell him hoping he will leave, he tells me to look at my phone so I glance down and I have a text from Gemma that just says "I'm sorry, please don't hate me, I didn't know what else to do, you guys belong together" I look up at him and just say "I'm leaving"

"Please don't leave baby, please just have lunch with me and hear me out and then if you still want me out of your life I will go" I look at him begging me not to leave

"Ok, one lunch!" I see him look me up and down, his eyes rest on my bump, instinctively I put my hands on my stomach and say "bump is doing fine". I see him smile and then his words just start tumbling out.

"I'm so sorry baby, I know I know I have said that a million times, I was so freaked out at the thought of you being pregnant, I know it wasn't your fault and you didn't do it on purpose, we both created the life that is growing inside you and I am so sorry for everything I said, I can't bare you not being a part of my life, I can't sleep without you with me and everything I do or see reminds me of you! I have your engagement ring on my necklace because it makes me feel closer to you, I spend hours staring at my phone at all the pictures of us, I just love you so much and I want to love our child as well, please please please give me another chance, I will do anything, I will get down on my knees in this restaurant and beg for forgiveness if that's what it takes! I know you saw me with that girl and I am so sorry for that too, I didn't sleep with her, she kissed me and I know I should have pushed her off but I was so drunk and so angry and at that point I wanted to hurt you, I know how wrong and totally fucking stupid it was and I swear to you on my whole families lives I will never ever do anything stupid like that again. All I want is you, me and our baby" I just look at him I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, the waiter comes over to take our order and I just apologise that I won't be needing to order anything because I am leaving.

I pick up my stuff and walk out the door leaving Harry sitting there. As I get to the car I go to open the door and the tears just start to crash down my cheeks, I hadn't realised how much this had affected me, I am literally leaning against my car crying my eyes out when I feel this pair of arms wrap around me and pull me into his chest and I know it's Harry, I try and push him off but he just tightens his grip and starts stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head and I can hear him whispering into my hair "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry, I love you so much, I'm sorry" I can hear his voice is about to break and I can't stand it anymore, I need to hug him, I slide my arms around him and he just tightens his grip on me and we just stand there hugging in silence for about 10 minutes, I have missed his hugs and kisses so much, these past few weeks have been hell.

I arch my neck to look at him and he leans down and places a his lips on mine and starts kissing me gently, at first I kiss him back but then all I can see is the image of him kissing that girl and I pull away and just say "I'm sorry, I can't do this, I have to go" and I get in my car and go before he can stop me. I find myself driving around and I can hear my phone ringing but I ignore it. I drive round for ages and I find myself at Harry's house. I didn't mean to drive here but something made me want to be here. I still have my keys so I let myself in, I can see he isn't home. I walk in and the house looks like a bomb has gone off, its an absolute mess.  I can't deal with that right now.  I wander up to what was our bedroom and I open the door,  I have missed being here. I am feeling so exhausted that I just need to lay down. I crawl under the covers and grab one of Harry's shirts and put it over the pillow and then I fall asleep tightly gripping the pillow that smells like him. I have missed him so much.

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