Later that night....

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Tracey's POV

I was outside and Harry came out. I thought oh great I so don't need this and so I just turned around and said

"Harry, just fuck off I am not in the mood for your shit tonight.  I don't care if it's your birthday I am not in the mood!" He stood there stunned by my outburst.  I thought he was gonna say something but instead he smashed his lips on mine. After a couple of seconds I pushed him off and said "what the fuck are you doing " and then I went back inside,  I could feel the tears building up. I can't believe he just did that.  I sat down next to Louis and said quietly "Can we please go? He put his arm round me and  said "are you ok" I responded with "can we please just go" and with that Louis jumped up and said "of course love" he put my coat on for me and then looked at Harry and he knew clearly he had said or done something because he could barely make eye contact with him. I said goodbye to all the other lads and gave them a hug and as I walked past Harry he got up to say goodbye but as he did I just looked at him with a disappointed look  and simply said "don't" and then I walked out the door the tears threatening to spill again. Louis was pissed at Harry too and I heard him say "whatever your problem is with her and whatever you've done to her, you need to get over it and fix it soon!" and with that he was right there beside me. I wonder what bullshit he is gonna feed them about what's happened.

Louis's POV

I am so pissed at Harry. Why did he have to upset her.  We were having a nice time and he's just ruined it. We walked back to the car and as I went to open the door for her I could see she was crying so I put my arms round her and gave her a hug and she hugged me back and just sobbed in my arms. It broke my heart seeing her like this. Harry needs to sort himself out otherwise this tour is gonna be hell for poor Tracey.  Once she stopped crying she looked up at me with her gorgeous grey eyes and before I even knew what I was doing I had leaned down and kissed her.  I was expecting her to pull away but she didn't,  she kissed me back. It was amazing.  After a few minutes we stopped and she just said "let's go back to yours".  "ok" " you do realise I live with Harry" "I don't care. Let's just go" she said. Wow this was not how I saw the night ending not that I am complaining. I don't even care if we don't do anything.  I will take things as slow or fast as she likes....

Will's POV

I don't know what the hell is going on right now. Tracey arriving with Louis holding hands and saying they are on a date, then Harry giving them dirty looks and then making her cry. And then Niall just told us that he saw Tracey and Louis kissing before getting in his car. I need to talk to her like asap.  I pulled my phone out and called her and she sent me to voicemail. I then got a text from her.

Tracey - What's up? bit busy right now. ...

Me - What the hell is going on?  You and Louis? Why did Niall see you kissing?  Why did you leave?

Tracey - Louis and I were kissing yes, I was upset and he was comforting me and it just kinda happened.  I left because Harry kissed me outside after being such a dick to me.

Me - so Harry kissed you? Did you kiss him back?

Tracey - No! I pushed him off and was really upset that he did it. he can't treat me like shit and then just try and kiss me.

Me - Do you like Louis? Do you like Harry?

Tracey - Yes I think so and Yes but he's a dick to me.

Me - Don't do anything with Louis tonight that you will regret please.  We leave for tour in less than a week.

Tracey - I won't.  I promise.  Gonna watch a movie now and then crash.  Will call you tomorrow.  xxx

Me - Ok. Are you staying with Louis??? I think you should ask him to take you home....

Tracey - Yes...I am staying here. We are already in bed now. It will be fine x

Me - me tomorrow. Love you xxx

Tracey - Love you too xxx

I know this is a bad idea but what can I do. Tracey is sensible enough I think....

Harry's POV

I didn't feel much like going to the club so we all decided to go home and meet for lunch tomorrow before everyone went back to their own places. Will had been frantically texting someone. I can only guess it was Tracey.  He kept looking at me but didn't say anything.  I got in the car and drove home.  I got home and decided to go straight up and talk to Louis,  when I walked in his room I felt sick,  Louis was on top of Tracey and he was kissing her and it looked like it was getting pretty steamy. I couldn't move I was rooted to the spot, My heart had just dropped to my stomach. I left the room before they knew I was there.

Tracey's POV

Will had been texting me and told me not to do something I would regret and I promised him I wouldn't.  I wasn't gonna let anything happen with Louis but we were laying in bed watching the movie and then he kissed me again and it felt so right and before I knew it he was on top of me kissing my neck, it was getting pretty steamy pretty quickly.

Do I want to do this? I thought I heard someone open the door...oh god what if it's Harry....shit...what am I doing. I need to stop this.  When he stopped for a second I just looked at him and said "I'm sorry but I don't think we should be doing this babe. Can we just think about this" Louis just looked at me and said "of course love. What's wrong?. You like someone else don't you" "Yes, I think I do" I said to him.

He just looked at me and said "it's Harry isn't it,  I think you guys need to work it out. Why don't you go talk to him" Thanks Lou, your the best.  I hope we are still friends.  He just hugged me and said "best friends". With that I left Louis's room and walked down the hallway and found Harry's room, I opened the door, all the lights are off but I can see he's in bed. I walked over to his bed and lifted the covers and slid in beside him, then I felt his arms wrap around me and it was almost as if he could sense I was there even though he was asleep.  I heard him mumble "I'm sorry" and with that I drifted off to sleep in his arms with a smile.

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