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Louis's POV

The break is nearly over and we are heading off for the next part of the tour, I haven't spoken to Tracey much as she has literally spent the whole of the break with Harry after she left Doncaster, I found out from a magazine that he had taken her to Paris which tbh I was a bit annoyed about, she had said she was going to call me but she never did, I have text her a few times and she doesn't reply so I hope to be able to get some time with her when we go away again. Her and Harry look more loved up than ever from the pictures, they look so happy and I can't tell if I am jealous because I miss my best friend or if it's because I have feelings for her. We will all be meeting at Heathrow later, I assume Tracey will arrive with Harry since they seem pretty inseparable. I am surprised he hasn't fucked things up again yet. I pack the rest of my stuff and then the car arrives to pick me up. I ask the driver to take me by my mum's so I can say goodbye to everyone. After I have been hugged for the millionth time I get in the car and make my way to Heathrow. I text Niall, Liam and Zayn to see if they are on route and they are all in their cars on the way so I decide to text Harry and Tracey,

L: Hey, are you on your way yet?

H: At Tracey's still trying to get her to decide what she is bringing!!!

So they haven't even left yet, Will is gonna be pissed. Then my phone bleeps again

H: Change of Plan, Trace and I are getting a different flight in a day or so

L: WTF?? Why are you doing that???? Are you fighting again??

H: No, everything is great between us, we just are, we have some stuff to attend to here

L: Haz, what is going on?? Does Will know?

H: Yeah, Will knows, he's cool with it, we will be there before the first show. See you in a few days mate. Oh and Tracey has a different number btw so if you have been texting her old one she wont have got it, and mine has changed too so it's lucky you text my work number, you have our work numbers so you should probably stick to using them.

She's changed her number and didn't tell me? Why would she do that I decide not to text Harry anymore, what could they possibly have to attend to here?? I am really upset that she didn't tell me it had changed and why is Harry telling me to only contact them on their work numbers, why have they changed their numbers, what is going on. Maybe Will can shead some light on all this.

We have all now arrived at Heathrow and we are all sat in our private deaprture bit and so I blurt out "Will, what the fuck is going on with Tracey and Harry?" "What do you mean Louis?" he looks at me confused. "Well apparently they are getting a different flight in a few days and now I find out they have both changed their numbers and didn't tell anyone and Harry is telling me I should just contact them on their work numbers, so what gives, what the hell is going on???" all the boys are now looking at Will waiting for him to answer "I don't know why they have changed their numbers, you will have to ask them about that, and as for the flights, they have some business to sort out before they fly out, it's not my place to discuss it" "Do you have their new personal numbers then" Niall asks Will. "Yes, of course I do, I have known Tracey for years, she is practically family and I have Harry's because if I need to get hold of Tracey and I can't then I can call him" I am really quite angry now, this whole situation is just not quite right, something is not right and doesn't add up, what are they doing.....

Harry's POV

The break has been amazing. Tracey and I are stronger than ever. Paris was amazing and was nice to just get away from everything. We talked about everything while we were away, how we felt about things and what happened with Tracey and why she did it and felt that way. I told her how I felt about stuff too and we agreed to a complete fresh start. Draw a line under everything and part of doing that was deciding to change our phone numbers and just giving our personal ones to family and friends. We both had people in our phones that we were not comfortable being able to contact us so we got them changed. I am just so happy at the moment that not even the fans can spoil it. They have been giving Tracey a lot of hate but we have both just risen above it. I am so proud of her for not reacting because it's so hard. Tracey and Gemma are really close too.

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