Meeting the Boys

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Tracey's POV

Will text asking me to go to his house for pizza and a movie, what the hell do I wear! I have to look semi presentable lol...I finished work and rushed home, jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I dried it and curled it slightly and left it down so that my long brown curls hung down my back and went in search of an outfit. I went with black skinny jeans and a floaty purple top since we are just hanging out at home. I put my converse on and headed out the door.

I was a little nervous I mean this was One Direction after all...I know they are just normal guys but still it was slightly intimidating. The drive to Will's was pretty quick as luckily there was no traffic. I loved Will's house, he lived in Hampstead, it was such as lovely area. I pulled up to the gates and pushed the button on the keys I have for his house and drove up the driveway.

I got out the car, took a deep breath and let myself in the house to hear lots of screaming and shouting... I guess the boys were playing FIFA....oh god, kill me now!!!

Will's POV

I was playing a game of FIFA with Harry and Louis when Niall decided he wanted to play because the others had played long enough and so they started fighting and screaming and shouting at each other about who was gonna play and I tried to calm them down but before I knew I was arguing with them. We were so busy arguing the first I knew that Tracey had arrived was when we suddenly heard the TV go quiet and we all looked up to see why and there she was standing by the PS4 with the power lead in her hand! "Now none of you can play!" she said. This is what I loved about her, she doesn't take shit from anyone. The boys just sat there open mouthed at the shock that she had just walked in and turned the game off. "You can have the power lead back when you can all learn to play nicely" was all she had to say and then walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

Liam's POV

The boys were getting on my nerves with their bickering over who was gonna play who in the next game and all I wanted to do was just turn the bloody game off and be done with it, we were meant to be here to meet Tracey and god knows what she is going to think if she walks into this. "Guys, come on enough already" I tried to get them to calm down "Fuck off" spat Niall so after that I just left them to it. Next thing I know the TV goes blank and there is this  brunette who looked familiar standing next to it holding the power lead! After telling the boys off she walked off to the kitchen. I like her already!! haha

Tracey's POV

After I took the power lead I went off to the kitchen to get a drink leaving all the boys with a stunned look on their faces except Liam who just looked amused at what I had done, I could hear all the boys whispering and a grin spread across my face. What a way to make a first impression! Shortly after Will came wandering into the kitchen and gave me a hug "you made quite and entrance there babe" he said "Well I do try" I replied and he started laughing. "I think that is the first time I have ever seen them lost for words, come on lets go back in and I can introduce you properly!"

Harry's POV

Will and Tracey walked back in and I was still a bit pissed that she had walked in an turned our game off I mean who does she think she is! He introduced her to all the other boys and they all gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. I was so annoyed I didn't even want to speak to her. I mean yeah, we all thought she was hot and I could totally imagine myself doing all manner of things to her but what a bitch, coming in here like she owns the place. No, I did not want to speak to her at all so when no one was looking I slipped out in to the kitchen. She might be our new PA but doesn't mean I have to like her.

Tracey's POV

Will introduced me to all the boys and they all said hi, Liam congratuated me on turning the game saying he had been dying to do that for an hour lol. Louis and Niall almost hugged me to death and Zayn just gave me a quiet hello and kiss on the cheek. I noticed Harry sitting down looking at his phone looking really pissed off, surely it wasnt over me turning that stupid bloody game off. He snuck out into the kitchen when he thought no one was looking but I knew exactly where he had gone. I wasn't gonna let this one go so I decided to go and see what had crawled up his ass to be making him act like such a spoilt brat.

Personal Assistant to One Direction (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن