LA at Night

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Tracey's POV

I had to get out of there, I just couldn't handle it, who was I kidding to think that I could be Harry Styles girlfriend...He deserves someone so much better. Louis was right! Who am I kidding he's never going to change. Everywhere I look there is pictures of him with some girl who he's supposedly dating...I am not gonna be just one of Harry's girls who end up in the papers as his latest flavour of the week, I can't do it, I really can't. I know I told him I would try but I just know it's going to end badly so better I stop it now before either one of us gets in too deeply.

I wander round and I don't really know where I am going, I don't know LA at all but at this point I don't care, I just needed to get out of that hotel, my phone is going mental in my pocket, all the boys calling me over and over and texting me again and again. I turn my phone off because I just can't stand it anymore I just need some time on my own. I find a bar and head inside, sometime I love being older because it means I can get totally smashed and no one can stop me! It's been a while since I have done that but I think tonight I just need to. I walk in and it's quite busy, I head to the bar and order myself 2 shots and a vodka and red bull, the bartender looks at me as you can clearly tell I have been crying but doesn't pry just says "coming right up" and smiles at me.

I take a seat and down the shots and order 2 more and then start to drink my vodka and red bull, I can see a group of people in the corner, clearly celebrities judging by the amount of people crowding round them "Whose over there" I asked the bartender, "Erm some ginger guy from England and some blonde bird Ellie something or other I think" "You mean Ellie Goulding and Ed Sheeran" I laughed "yeah that's them, they are here with Taylor Swift" "Oh nice" I replied feeling sick to my stomach "What's wrong not a Taylor fan" he asked "Long story but it's not that I am not a fan it's something else, I erm work with her ex Harry Styles" As I said that Ed, Ellie and Taylor appeared at the bar to say goodbye and I hear Ed say "you work with Haz, is he here, where is he?" Taylor just looks a bit sad at the mention of his name and I can totally sympathise with her at this point...."erm yeah...I'm their PA, he's in LA but he is at the hotel" I leave out the part where he is probably frantically still calling me and looking for me.

"My name's Tracey by the way, sorry I am being really rude" "Hey, don't be daft, I'm Ed, this is Ellie and Taylor" Yeah I know who you guys are lol, I was at Taylor's concert in London in February and saw her and Ellie, it was a great concert" "Thanks" She replied smiling at me. "So why are you sat in a bar all on your own in the middle of LA at 10pm at night" Ed asked..."Long story and there are probably a lot of very angry boys searching LA for me if I am honest" I said. Ed looked at me confused as if to say would you like to explain? "It's a long story, trust me I don't wanna bore you with it, I am just gonna stay here and get insanely drunk and deal with the fall out tomorrow..." I down 4 more shots as if they were fruit juice "Wow, someone's definatley trying to get drunk!" Ed commented. By now, I am getting quite tipsy, "I need to, to forget about that stupid fucking Harry Styles, what was I thinking!!!" I downed some more shots and just looked at the bartender and said just leave the bottle! with that Taylor sat down next to me and smiled "Think I'll join you if that's ok" "Of couse, we can be the I hate Harry Styles fan club" Taylor just laughed and said "I'll drink to that!, Wanna tell me what happend" I couldnt even talk about it. I glanced up and I see Ed on the phone shit, he's called Harry. I have to get out of here, I stood up grabbed my bag and ran out, Ed comes out after shouting at me to come back but I just keep going. I am really quite drunk by now and I have no idea where I am, it's getting close to midnight and I am freezing, I left my coat in the bar.

I find a liquor store and go in and buy a bottle of vodka, I just need to get drunk to numb the pain of Harry, we were barely even together 5 minutes and look at the state of me, I don't even know what caused this, whether it was what Louis said about him never changing and then seeing the magazines and internet and then all the girls outside the hotel, I just can't do it, what if he realised he could do better and leaves me. No this is the best thing for all of us, professional relationship only! I start to drink the bottle of vodka and it burns my throat, I have drunk nearly three quarters of the bottle and things are starting to get a little blurry and I am feeling really cold and tired. I can see ginger hair coming towards me and shouting my name and then everything just goes black....

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