The Proposal

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Tracey's POV

We are almost at Harry's and for some reason he stops round the corner and I don't understand why until he produces a blindfold and says "I have a surprise for you baby but you can't see it until the time is right" He places it carefully over my eyes and we start moving again.  It's not long before we stop again and I hear my door opening and him taking my arm and helping me out the car and guiding me up to the door, I swear I can hear him talking to someone else but really quietly and then I am not so sure.  He walks me through the house and I hear the patio doors open and he take me out into the garden and then he takes off my blindfold and I look around and there is like a million candles all round the garden and then I look down and there is Harry down on one knee and is holding the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen and he looks up at me and says "don't say a word for a minute".  I couldn't speak even if I wanted to and then he begins:

Tracey, I know we have only been together a short while and it's been a bumpy short while but I knew the minute you walked into Will's house that you were the person I wanted to marry, I never believed in love at first sight until I met you.  I did however believe that when I did meet that right person I would just know and with you that is how it feels everyday we are together, you are the most amazing, thoughtful, caring, beatiful person I have ever met and you are more than just my girlfriend, you are my best friend, my soul mate and I love you with all my heart, would you make the happiest guy on earth and do me the honour of becoming my wife? I just stood there absolutley speechless, tears in my eyes looking down at him and then I snapped out of it when he said sarcastically "an answer would be nice my knee is kinda starting to hurt" then he laughed after. Yes! of course I will marry you Harry!!!!!! He slides the ring on my finger and then picks me up and spins me round and kisses me. "I love you Mrs Styles" "I love you too Mr Styles" "How did you do all this? you were with me all day??" "Gemma" he laughed, my idea she just set it all up for me, she doesn't know I was planning to propose though I told her I just wanted to do something romantic for you.

"I need to call her! is that ok?" "Of course it is baby, my mum is down too her and Gemma were going out for dinner" I grab my phone and call Gemma

Gemma's POV

I have been sent on this mission for Harry because he wants to do something romantic for Tracey and he can't do it because they are spending the day doing stuff before they go away so I don't mind, they are so busy, I bought all the bits I need and set everything up, I finish lighting the last few candles when I hear the car pull up, Harry thanks me and I escape out the front door quietly.  I am off for dinner with my mum, Robin and Chloe so I meet them at the restaurant.  We have finished eating and headed back to my place, we are just sitting around when my phone rings and I see it's Tracey

G: Hi Trace, you alright?

T: Hi Gem!! Yes I am more than alright, thank you so much for setting that up its amazing

G: Your're very welcome

T: Erm, are you with your mum???

G: Yeah and Robin and Chlo, why what's wrong??

T: Can you put me on speakerphone??

G: Of course, what's going on Tracey

T: Hi guys! Erm Harry and I have some news and we wanted you guys to be the first to hear it

G: Come on the suspense is killing me

T: Well first earlier today Harry asked me to move in with him and so we are going to get a new place and also one in Holmes Chapel for when we visit

G: Wow, that's awesome news, what about the current house Harry has?

T: We thought you might want to live in it and Chloe too as I know she want's to move to London?

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