Birthday Lunch

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Harry's POV

I went downstairs ready to go to lunch expecting to find Tracey with Louis but he said that he had taken her home and said she wasn't feeling very well and wasn't coming to lunch, something isn't right I need to text her, should I text her, I know there is more to it that Louis is not telling me. I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Tracey

Me: Hey, how you feeling? xxxx

I head off to lunch with Louis, we get to the restaurant and everyone is there, Niall and Liam asked Louis where Tracey was and he just said she wasn't feeling well and they were like oh we should text her and see how she is. I checked my phone and still nothing from Tracey. I wonder if she is ok I am getting a bit worried now so I send her another quick text

Me: Are you ok??? Please text me back? xxx

I see Niall and Liam with their phones and I can see they are talking to someone but I don't know who so I go over and ask what they are up to. Niall replies with oh we are just chatting to Tracey on Whatsapp seeing how she is feeling? Oh right ok fair enough, tell her I hope she is feeling better. I start to feel like she is avoiding me, why is she answering them and not me. I thought we were getting back on track. I try to put it to the back of my mind and enjoy lunch but it doesn't quite feel right without Tracey here. It was so nice having all my friends and family here, I will miss them so much when we go on tour next week. Oh god what if she doesn't come on tour

Whilst we were waiting for dessert I decided to scroll through Facebook and I see that Tracey is out shopping with her friends so she is avoiding me. This made me really angry so I sent one last text

Me: So you can answer Niall and Liam but you can't be bothered to answer me and then you go shopping when you are supposedly ill, well thanks very much. I was actually sorry for the way I treated you but now I realise you are in fact the complete bitch that I first thought you were when I first met you!!!!! I hit the send button and within seconds I regret it, Fuck, what have I done!!!

Tracey's POV

I had my shower and called the girls and we met up and had some lunch and then decided to do a bit of shopping, as usual we tagged ourselves on Facebook so people can see all the random shit that we get up to...I hear my phone bleep and I take a look at it

Harry: Hey, how you feeling? xxxx

I choose to ignore it, I am not ready to speak to him yet, the point of today was to take my mind off things. We move from lunch to the shops and I hear my phone again and its another text from Harry

Harry: Are you ok??? Please text me back? xxx

I think about replying cos he actually seems a bit concerned as I was about to reply I see I have a Whatsapp messages from Niall and Liam, I make a quick group convo so I can talk to them both to save time. We are just having a random chat and I keep sending them pictures of me in silly outfits and stuff that I am trying on. I then see a message saying Harry hopes I feel better, I feel a pang of guilt because they obviously know I am not ill as I am shopping. I was about to send a quick reply to Harry but before I get a chance I get one last text from him and this one was typical Harry and proves I have made the right decision

Harry: So you can answer Niall and Liam but you can't be bothered to answer me and then you go shopping when you are supposedly ill, well thanks very much. I was actually sorry for the way I treated you but now I realise you are in fact the complete bitch that I first thought you were when I first met you!!!!!

I forward the text to Will and Louis with a quick note saying, looks like I made the right decision by not getting involved with Harry.

Will - WTF is Harry playing at!! I am gonna kill him

Me: I don't know if I should go on tour with you guys

Louis - Are you serious, he really sent that to you

Me - Yup and I am now seriously regretting my decision to work with you guys

Will - Don't you dare! I am not gonna let you just back out of this because of Harry

Louis - No!!! Don't let him make you second guess yourself

Louis - Please don't do this babe, I really want you to come on tour with us and so do all the boys

Me - I know you do, I love you guys you know that but I just don't know.

Will - You can do this, I know you can. it's one of the many things I love about you and how strong you are

Me - Can I come on the tour a few days after you guys, I don't think I can handle the flight with Harry atm

Will - Ok, As long as you swear you are going to come and join us

Me - I promise I just need a few days and then I promise I will fly out

Will - OK babe, I will book you a flight as soon as you tell me your ready to join us.

Me - Thank you babe, Love you xxx

Louis - We are home now, Harry has shut himself in his room and hasn't said a word since we left the restaurant

Me: I am not coming on tour next week, I am going to follow you guys a few days after

Louis: WHAT!!!!!!!!! You are joking right, NO, you need to be on that flight with us next week, Please don't do this!!!

Me: I'm sorry I have to, please understand

God I feel really shitty but I just can't face getting on the plane with Harry atm, I need to work out how I want this to go when I do get out there......

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