Moving on

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Harry's POV

It's been a couple of months now and I still have not seen or spoken to Tracey because I am trying to give her some space but I know her due date is fast approaching, her twitter and all other accounts have been deactivated, her phone number has been changed again so I decide to bite the bullet and drive round to her house. I pull up to the house and my heart drops, I see a FOR SALE sign in the front garden and when I get up to the front door I peer through the window and the cold hard reality sets in, she has gone! The house is empty!! Where the fuck is she. Now I am angry as she is having my children how dare she just disappear! NIALL fucking Niall! I bet he knows where she is but I need to calm down otherwise he won't tell me. We have a meeting at Modest so I drive into London and head to the boardroom, Niall, Will and Liam are talking quietly in the corner and they stop when they see me.

Halfway through the meeting we are chatting and one of the girls from Modest says to Will "how's Tracey doing? Haven't seen or heard from her for a while" I feel my heart speed up at the sound of her name but it also hurts to hear her name, "she's doing fine, I will let her know you were asking about her" I see Niall keeps looking at his phone and I see it light up and he says to Will "Liam and I have to go do that thing now" "What thing?" I ask him " Oh I just need to go home for a few days and Liam is coming with me to get away" before I can say anything else they are out the door and gone. "What's going on Will!!, Where's Tracey???, I went to her house and its empty, where the fuck is she!" I shout at him "Calm down mate" Louis says to me "This isn't helping anyone. "I know Lou, I just miss her so much and now I don't even know where she is" I know mate but Tracey will tell you where she is, if or when she is ready" Louis replies.

Niall's POV

I've been back from LA after visiting Tracey again for couple of weeks now, Tracey and I talk every day and Skype too, her due date is fast coming round and I know she's freaking out about it, the house looks amazing and she is actually smiling for the first time in ages, I know she misses Harry because if I mention him she clams up but she doesn't tell me not to talk about him or anything, She has asked me to be there at the birth and she wants Liam to be there to meet the babies too, she is going to be induced so once she gets a date she will tell me. I'm at a meeting with the boys and my phone lights up

T: Hey Ni Pie, being induced tomorrow so you guys might wanna get on a flight haha xx

N: Ok Princess, Leaving meeting now we will get on next flight, see you in a few hours xx

T: Ok love you my little leprechaun xxx

N: Love you too xxxx

When we say we love each other its in a best friend kind of way but I dont know if Harry would see it like that, I hate keeping things from him but Tracey made me swear I won't say anything and I can't let her down.

Tracey's POV

I can't believe it's been nearly three months since I have spoken to Harry, I still miss him but I am getting there, I haven't spoken to any of Harry's family either which I feel bad about but I had to do this, he broke me and I had to fix myself. Niall, Will and Liam have been brilliant, they have all been to visit me and I miss them so much. I have my date to be induced so I text Niall and he says he will be on the next flight out here. I have been trying to keep myself busy and getting the house ready. It looks amazing. I decide to have a lie down before Niall and Liam arrive.

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