Back at the Hotel

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Niall's POV

I take Tracey back to the hotel and we get upstairs to the bedroom and she just breaks down and starts sobbing uncontrollably, I have never seen anyone this upset before and I don't know what to do.  I ask her what happened and she tries to tell me but she's just so upset that she can hardly speak and then all of a sudden she starts gasping for breath and is clutching at her chest, she's having a panic attack and I don't know what to do.  I grab my phone and call Harry

N: Get back here now!!!!!

H: What's wrong???

N: Tracey's having a panic attack and I don't know what to do, where's Will? 

H: He's on his way back, I will call him!!! I am on my way, just rub her back and stroke her hair and try and get her to breathe

N: Ok I will try that, hurry please mate

I throw the phone on the bed and her breathing has got worse "where's Harry" she says inbetween her laboured breathing, "he's on his way princess" I start to rub her back and stroke her hair and start telling her to breathe but it's just not working, there is banging on the door and I leap up and it's Will, he comes flying through the door, everyone else is there just looking scared at her struggling for breath on the floor "everyone go next door" Will shouts, Niall find me a bag or something, he rubbing her back but she's still not calming down, the tears are streaming down her face and she's literally screaming for Harry every chance she can I sit down next to her and tell her that Harry's on his way, nothing we say manages to calm her down, what the hell has Louis done to her.

The next thing I know the door is flying open and Harry comes bursting through and just darts across the room and wraps his arms round her and starts rocking her in his arms he does exactly what he told me to do but then he starts singing Little Things to her and tells me to sing along with him, the other boys are next door and they heard us and come in and sing too, Will drags Louis out the room as she had started to calm down but as soon as she saw him, she freaked again. By the time we have finished the song her breathing has calmed down and she is just sobbing quietly in Haz's arms.  We all leave them alone so Haz can take care of her.

Harry's POV

I have told Niall to take Tracey back because I wanna talk to Louis and find out what the fuck he is playing at and why the hell she is saying he called her a slut! I am so angry right now, he will be lucky if he doesn't walk out with a black eye.  We sit down and I say "ok what the fuck did you say to Tracey" he starts to explain what he said and I look at him "so yeah you basically called her a slut" "I didn't mean it to come out that way, I was angry, I would never want to upset Tracey.  "you need to accept that she only sees you as friend, I know it's hard but we are getting married" We are sitting talking when my phone is going crazy and I can see it's Niall something is obviously wrong.  I answer my phone

N: Get back here now!!!!!

H: What's wrong???

N: Tracey's having a panic attack and I don't know what to do, where's Will? 

H: He's on his way back, I will call him!!! I am on my way, just rub her back and stroke her hair and try and get her to breathe

N: Ok I will try that, hurry please mate

I am literally up and on my way back to the hotel before I have even hung up the phone, she needs me, I have to get to her, Paul is literally speeding to get me back to the hotel, I fly up the stairs, I don't have time to wait for the lift, I shove my key in the lock and throw the door open and I rush over to her, she is really struggling to breathe, Niall looks so scared as he doesn't really know what to do, I wrap my arms round her and and rock her gently in my arms then I start rubbing her back and trying to get her to breathe I am stroking her hair "Shhh come on baby, breathe for me, I need you to breathe baby, I know you can do it" she slowly starts to calm down and then she sees Louis and that just sets her off again  "get him out of here" I yell at Will whose up and pushing him out the door, I think to myself maybe if I sing she might calm down so I start singing Little Things, I know how much she loves that song I look at Niall and he gets the hint and starts singing also and then I hear the other boys joining in all but Louis and by the end of it, she has calmed down and her breathing returned to normal and she is just sobbing quietly in my arms, all the boys leave and I pick her up in my arms and put her on the bed and lay her down pull the quilt over her and climb in next to her and pull her into my arms and she is just sobbing, It breaks my heart, I can't believe Louis has done this.

After a while she has fell asleep so I go to Niall's room to say thanks for looking after her the best he could, I knock on the door and Liam opens it and I wander in and they are all in there, the 5SOS boys, the band and Will, Pablo, everyone is just chilling out, "How is she Haz" Niall asks "She's sleeping now so I am hoping she will sleep all night and Louis stands up "I'm sorry Haz" "stay away from her Louis, I mean it you don't go anywhere near her" "But she's one of my best friends" he protests "Not anymore she isn't! Your friendship is done as of now!!! did you not see the state you got her in" "Well at least I didn't put her in hospital like you did" That's it I go for him and before I can hit him the boys are holding us apart, I suddenly hear Tracey's voice in the room "Harry don't!!!

He's not worth it, please don't, lets please just go back to bed, please Harry" I can't say no to her, before we leave the room she looks at Louis and just says "I'm done!, this friendship is over! we are work colleagues and unless it is work related then I have nothing to say to you"  "you two deserve each other" he sneers and before anyone can even react Tracey has swung her arm up and punched him in the face, we all just stand there speechless, Louis is holding his nose and it looks like it's broken, there is blood pouring out, wow, she's got one hell of a right hook! she storms out of the room and I follow her back to our room.  When we get back into the room, I just plant a massive kiss on her lips and cheekily say "remind me never to piss you off" she laughs but her hand clearly hurts which I'm not surprised so I call room service and ask for a bucket of ice. "Can I have ice cream and waffles, oooh and some cookie dough too" she asks "Of course anything for my princess" I put down the phone and say  "I can't believe you hit him" "it's one thing him calling me names, I have dealt with shit like that for years, but to say what he did to you about putting me in hospital, no I am not having that! I will defend you til the day I breathe my last breath" "Awww baby, that's so sweet, but lets look at that hand, come on." Room service arrives with the bucket of ice and the other bits Tracey wants, I can see her hand is painful so I wrap some ice in a towel and put it on her hand and then I feed her the desserts she wanted as well as eating a bit myself which she tells me off for.

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