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Harry's POV

I thought I had got away with sneaking off into the kitchen but then I looked at from my phone and who is standing in front of me with a sarcastic smirk on her face, Tracey!!! She is definatley hotter in person, those pictures don't do her justice at all. No Harry stop it! you are pissed at her remember. I snapped out of it when she started talking to me.

"What's your problem then?" she said

"Nothing, just didn't feel like being sociable"

"You didn't have problem before I was here, when you were all screaming at each other like five year olds"

Now she was really pissing me off

"Who the fuck do you think you are, just coming in here like you own the place, we have never met you and then you just walk in and take the power lead to Will's Playstation. This is not your house!!!"

"No, you are indeed correct it is not my house, I am fully aware of that thanks" she said with that sarcastic smile on her face again. God I would love to just smash my lips on hers and wipe that grin off her face!!

Tracey's POV

I could see I was winding him up more and more everytime I said something. Just because he is Harry Styles that doesn't intimidate me. I wouldn't take this attitude and shit from Will so I am damn sure I am not going to take it from him! He kept staring at me and thinking about something and I thought at one point he was gonna say what he was thinking but nothing.

"Ok, well thanks for the chat Haz but you are boring me now so I am gonna go back and join the fun with the rest of the guys, enjoy being not sociable out here. See ya!!" I blew him a kiss and then walked out the kitchen smiling.

That should suitably piss him off, I am not purposefully being a bitch but he needs to learn from the start that I won't stand for it. If we are going to be on tour for 10 months together then he will just have to accept it.

I still really wanted him, as soon as I stared into his gorgeous green eyes it just made me want him more, I know if I like him, pissing him off is probably not the best idea but oh well, he needs to be taught a lesson.

Harry's POV

Haz! She called me Haz! No one apart from Louis calls me that but the way she said it sounded so sexy, I have now gone from hating her to wanting her in the space of 10 minutes...I like that she is feisty and doesn't take my crap, most girls just melt and be like yes Harry, no Harry, whatever you say Harry, but no she calls me out on it and it is the most infuiating and frustrating thing ever! How am I gonna live this close her for 10 months while we are on tour!!! I guess I should go into the lounge and at least make an effort, I don't want Will and the others to get annoyed at me but really I just want to be in the same room as Tracey as I quite like this little game we seem to be playing plus I am really hungry now and they will be ordering pizza soon

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