Dealing with the consequences!

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Tracey's POV

A few weeks have passed now and I've had like a million I'm sorry and I love you texts and voicemails from Harry and my house is full of bouquets of flowers and teddy bears that he's sent me, the other boys now know I am pregnant as I text them all and told them after I told Will first. I haven't spoken to Harry because I can't bring myself to after everything he said and then the fact he cheated on me, I don't know if he slept with her and I don't care, the fact he was even with someone else and kissed someone else is enough for me!

The other boys have been great texting me and going on Skype to check how I am but always doing it when Harry is not around which I am grateful for. I have seen Harry in the some pictures on twitter and he looks so withdrawn and not his usual bouncy playful self and all the fans have noticed as well, a few have tweeted me asking about him but I haven't responded because I don't know what to say. It's time for my 20 week scan next week and I decide to call Gemma and Anne to ask if they would like to come, I can also find out the sex of the baby if I want also. I pick up my phone and call Anne as I know Gemma will be at work

A: Hi sweetie, how are you doing?

T: Not too bad, morning sickness has stopped now so that's good, are you and Gemma free next Wednesday ?

A: I am will need to check with Gemma tho as I think she might be working, everything ok?

T: yeah, I have my 20 week scan and was wondering if you guys would like to come with me? I might find out the sex too.

A: Oh Tracey, I would love to be there and I know Gem would as well, I will call her for you now and see if she can get the day off work, I'm sure it will be ok tho. Have you spoken to Harry at all yet?

T: No, I haven't spoken to him since that night, I just can't forgive him.

A: I know Hunni, he really misses you though and regrets every word he said he was just scared, I'm not making excuses for him because what he said and did was totally unacceptable but he really does love you.

T: He has a funny way of showing it then, I just need to think about me and the baby now, I am doing it alone so I will just have to get on with it.

A: you're never alone, we will be there no matter what you need, just call and we will be there for you.

T: thanks, I will see you next week

A: Bye sweetie, look after yourself and bump

T: I will, bye

I put down the phone and think about what Anne says, my phone rings and I don't look at the caller Id I just answer it thinking it's Anne forgetting to say something and then I hear the voice on the other end

H: Hi Baby

I don't say anything because I don't know what to say so I do the first thing I think of, I hang up and then I just burst into tears, I can hear my phone ringing but I just switch it off, I can't deal with him, I just can't.

Once I have calmed down I decide I am going to go out and get my number changed, if I am doing this then I need a clean break from him so I head out to Hatfield to do some shopping. I come back a few hours lunch with a whole heap of stuff for the babies room and for me and a new phone number, I text everyone my new number except for Harry, they all get the same text

Hi!!! This is mine and bumps new number! DO NOT GIVE TO HARRY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! xxxxx

I get a few replies from Niall and Liam and Louis saying they miss me lots and asking how I am, I find myself asking how he is. My phone rings and it's Niall

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