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Tracey's POV

I wake up wrapped in Harry's arms and he's still sleeping, he looks so peaceful and cute when he's asleep, I try to move but it's no use he has hold of me. I feel the grip get a little tighter and kisses being peppered all along my neck. " Morning baby" he says in his sexy morning voice. Oh god no, we need to talk before he gets all horny on me again lol. " Harry, we need to talk" I say moving slightly away from him. "Ok...." he says a little unsure.

Me: About last night...I don't want you to read too much into it...

Harry: What do you mean, we slept together, surely that meant something to you!!

Me: Whoa, don't be getting all defensive on me, of course it did it was amazing, what I meant is we need to be friends first before we are anything else assuming that we want to be anything more.

Harry: I know I seriously have some making up to do and last night was pretty amazing but your right we do need to do the friendship thing first I guess, I definately want us to be something more and I hope you do too??

Me: I do, of course I do but I don't just want to be another of Harry's girls!!

Harry: I want you to be my only girl. I am crazy about you and I do kinda agree on the friends thing but its gonna be hard when all I wanna do is kiss you and hug you.

Me: I am scared that if we get together and it all goes wrong what then??

Harry: But that could be the case even if we are friends first and things went wrong whose to say we would still be friends after.

Me: I guess you are actually making sense, so what are you asking me?

Harry: I am asking you to be my girlfriend! I know I still have to make things up to you and I will. You are so important to me you don't even realise, lets just try it and see how things go!

Me: Ok, I sigh, please don't let me down this is the your final chance....

He leans over and plants a soft kiss on my lips and says"I won't baby, I promise" something in the way he says it and the look in his eyes I actually believe him.

We get up and head down to breakfast, I stay hidden behind Harry and they can see he is holding hands with someone and I hear Louis sneer at him "bringing your fuck buddies to breakfast now" at this point I step out and go "surprise!!" Louis leaps out of his chair and throws his arms round me, picks me up and starts spinning me round, "oh my god, your actually here, why didn't you tell me, when did you arrive, I've missed you so much" "I've missed you too Boobear" as he is still hugging me, Harry looks a bit pissed as he's jealous, it's kinda cute when he's jealous.

We sit down and I am between Louis and Harry and then all of a sudden Louis says "you guys arrived together, holding hands? Ok wtf is going on, Harry I heard you with your latest slut last night moaning your name as I walked past your room and then today you're with Tracey."

"That latest slut as you put it Lou was actually me!, I was with Harry last night!!" I tell him and his face drops "oh erm I'm sorry you're not a slut" "it's ok Boobear, I still love you" this makes him smile and hug me again and then says "you're all mine today then, we are spending the whole day together just the two of us" Harry just glares at me and I walk over to him and give him a kiss and say "don't worry baby, we are just friends, I am yours and only yours...and I will prove that again later" and I send him a little wink.

He smiles and kisses me back and then slaps my bum and says "have a good day baby, see you later" and then he goes off to join the others and with that Louis and I head off shopping for the day and to actually get some breakfast since Louis didn't let me have any before dragging me off!

Harry's POV

We head down to breakfast and I have a massive smile on my face, she's mine, I finally have her and she's all mine. "Don't let me down" she said to me this morning, and I have no intention of doing that, I am gonna treat her like a princess because that's exactly what she is, MY princess! She will want for absolutley nothing, I will do everything in my power to give her everything her heart desires!

When we got to breakfast, I got a death stare from Louis, Tracey was hiding behind me "bringing your fuck buddies to breakfast now" he sneered at me, I actually wanted to punch him but then Tracey jumped out and said " Surprise". His face changes immediatley as he jumps up and hugs her and starts spinning her round, jesus, anyone would think she was his fucking girlfriend the way he was carrying on. Ok ok, so I am slightly jealous.

Then Louis starts to question what's going on and he's like but I heard you fucking your latest slut last night, moaning your name as I walked past your room.  Tracey blushed profusely and then said " Actually Lou, that latest slut as you put it was me! I was with Harry last night" "Oh fuck" I hear him mutter under his breath and he apologises very quickly saying he didnt mean it and Tracey just laughs and says "Its ok Boobear, I still love you" I feel that jealously pang again as I want her to be telling me that she loves me, I know its too soon and she doesn't love him in that way but still. Then Louis tells her that she's all his for the whole day, just the two of them. I am getting pretty angry by this point, we've only just got together and already he wants to steal her away, but then I can't really complain as it was me that she came to see last night when she arrived before anyone else.

Tracey could see I wasn't happy about her spending the day with Louis and she came over kissed me and said "don't worry baby, we are just friends, I am yours and only yours...and I will prove that again later" and then she winks at me.  Those words just sent shivers down my spine the ways said "I'm yours and only yours" I will never tire of hearing those words.  How could I object now so I just kissed her back and slapped her lovely arse and said "have a nice day baby, see you later" and went to join the others.

I watched as they walked out the door arm in arm chatting and giggling like their life depended on it and it made me smile somewhat.  I looked up to see confused faces just looking at me with a look that kind of says what the fuck has got into you and then I hear Niall say "awwww I think our little Hazza is in love" and I actually couldn't deny it so I didn't even try.  Will looked really angry and just glared at me and said, " I think you and I need to have a little chat Styles!" Oh shit this can't be good!!!

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