Rest and Relaxation

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Tracey's POV

I sat in the wheelchair begrudgingly and let Harry take me out to the car, it seemed so bright out, well I guess I haven't been out in almost a week.  We got to the car and I started to stand up and Harry was there almost instantly trying to help me.  I looked at him sadly and said "Please just let me try" "Ok baby, but I am staying here because I don't want you to fall. I finally managed to muster up enough strength to get myself in, I knew Harry was ready to catch me if I fell and that made me smile.  He jogged round to the other side and jumped in the drivers seat and we were off.  "You know we are leaving today don't you baby" he smiled at me.  "Already, wow, erm ok, guess I have a lot of catching up to do!" I replied.  He looked at me with a pissed off look and said "No! you don't, I mean it I don't want you overdoing it, I will be really pissed if you do!!" "Define overdoing it" I said back sarcastically he really doesn't look amused :/ "I don't want to get into an argument on your first day out of hospital so please lets talk about it later princess" "Ok Haz".  We approach the hotel parking lot and it is absolutley swarming with fans "shit" I hear him mutter under his breath.  I can see the look on his face and he looks really upset because he was hoping to avoid the fans seeing me in the state I am in, we finally manage to drive through them and he pulls up literally right next to the bus and away from the fans but we know a few will spot us.  He comes round to my side to help me out of the car, this time I don't object because I know he just wants to help and get me on the bus, the bus doors open and Harry helps me walk up the steps and then I suddenly hear "SURPRISE" and all these streamers and party poppers going off and I look up to see a banner that says "WELCOME HOME TRACEY" I can tell Zayn made it because of how artistic it is lol. I am literally rugby tackled by the other guys and then I hear Harry shout "For fuck sake you lot, be careful, she's fragile!!" and he tries to wrap his arms round me protectively.  "Sorry" they all say giving me some more space "It's ok guys, just take it easy with me, Harry I love you for caring about me but please lighten up a bit" "I will try baby, I promise, I just want to look after you" "I know and that's why I love you" I smile and give him a peck on the lips, I hear a little moan from him and I feel something else poking in my leg as he's hugging me "oi, down Styles" I whisper in his ear.  He leans down and responds with "I can't help it, that's just what you do to me" and steals another kiss and I just smile back at him "cheeky" I say as he laughs and says "you wouldn't love me if I was any different"

Will's POV

I can't wait to have Tracey back, I really have missed her, we have been friends for so long, she is literally part of my family, I spoke to my dad and he told me that he had given her and Harry his blessing which I was really shocked about but was pleased he didn't fire her.  Although when he found out what had happened he was a bit worried about it.  They seem happy now though and if Harry does anything to hurt her I will kill him, I don't think he will but I know what he's like when it comes to girls although this time he seems different, more caring.  I do have to smile at the way he looks at her and the way she looks back, I haven't seen anyone make her smile like that in a long time. I had my reservation about them and when everything happened I thought I was right but now watching them together maybe I was a bit quick to jump to conclusions. 

Harry's POV

It's so nice having her home with me again the boys all rugby tackle her and I just automatically snap at them telling them to be careful and they all apologise and then she says It's ok guys, just take it easy with me, Harry I love you for caring about me but please lighten up a bit" "I will try baby, I promise, I just want to look after you" I look back at her sadly, I'm already driving her mad "I know and that's why I love you" she smiles that amazing smile up and me and stands on her tiptoes and gives me a peck on the lips, I let a little moan escape my lips, how can someone make me hard just from the smallest of gestures, "oi, down Styles" she whispers to me. I lean down and say "I can't help it, that's just what you do to me" and then I steal another kiss and she just smiles back at me "cheeky" she says this makes me laughs and say "you wouldn't love me if I was any different" god how am I going to cope with not being able to touch her or her touch me for who knows how long, it's going to kill me!

"Haz, baby, I think for the time being we should sleep in separate bunks" she says, "What? Why? I don't want to sleep without you, I've just got you back and now you don't want me again, I don't understand" I'm getting a bit annoyed now, I just assumed we would be together, she looks like she is going to cry and then hides behind Lou and whispers to him "why doesn't he understand Lou" Lou steps in and says "Love, go and get into bed, you need some rest, I will talk to Hazza" "Thank you BooBear, i love you" and then he kisses her forehead and Niall helps her off to the bunks "Hazza! Living room NOW!" he snarls angrily at me "WHAT" I sneer back at him "Will you just sit down, shut up and listen for once in your fucking life!!!, she is not saying she doesn't want you, she's just come out of hospital and needs to rest and she clearly feels that she is better sleeping on her own because what if you knock her in the night or something else happens, she just needs to have somewhere to herself until she is feeling stronger, I am sure she wont object to you going in there and laying with her watching a movie or just having a chat about your day but overnight she just feels it would be better if she has space to move if she needs too and I think she is also slightly worried about the other side of things too, that it will be more difficult for you to be in bed with her and not be able to touch her in the way you want too"

It makes me cringe when he talks about me and her in that context but I know he's right.  How is it that he understands my girlfriend better than I do, "Did she tell you all that?" I ask him curiously "No Haz, she didn't need to, anyone with half a brain can tell that's why she said it but you are so scared of losing her again that you can't see past your insecurities and understand why she says these things, she is so in love with you, that much is obvious! Hell if you ask the girl to marry you tomorrow she would probably do it! That doesn't mean go and ask her to marry you btw Haz! I just mean that she's not going anywhere so stop trying so hard and just cut her some slack mate"

"You're right mate, I am scared of losing her, and if I thought me asking her to marry was something she wanted I would do it in a heartbeat but I won't until the time is right.  I should go an apologise to her, I'm glad she has you mate I really am" I tell him and I head off to the bunks, when I approach I can hear her quietly sobbing and I feel like my heart has split in two, why am I such a fucking idiot. Why can't I just be happy with her and not jump to the wrong conclusions all the time.  I pull back the curtain "Baby?" I hear her sniffle and try and stop herself crying "What do you want Harry" she sounds so cold "Can we please talk, can I please get in with you" I am literally pleading with her now.  "I guess so" she says.

I slide in next to her and try to put my arms round her but she moves away from me and just says "Harry, dont, you can't just solve everything by giving me a cuddle and saying your sorry" wow she really is upset with me.  "I am sorry though baby, sorry I didn't get why you said we should sleep apart, I get it now, I really do, I just am so scared if I let you out of my sight something bad is going to happen and I just don't want to lose you, I love you too much" then before I can stop the words from tumbling from my mouth they are out "Marry me?" She just looks at me and then says "What did you just say? "Erm....Marry me?" "you really think now is the time to be asking me that and when I look and feel like shit and you are seriously asking me to fucking marry you!! Please tell me you are joking?? We have been together 5 minutes and yes one day I would love to marry you but not with some half arsed proposal because you think it will stop me being pissed off with you! Get out Harry just leave me alone, I need some space" I was about to protest but I think better of it, why did I do that, Louis is standing outside the bunks when I get out and I know he was listening and he just looks at me shakes his head and then slides into Tracey's bunk and I hear her crying again and him soothing her and I just have to walk away because I can't bear to hear her cry.  I walk into Will and he asks what's going on so I tell him the whole situation expecting him to be angry at me for making her cry but he just says "she will come around, she's bound to be emotional after what she has been through just give her some time and space, I know you love her but maybe asking her to marry you wasn't your best idea and probably wasn't the most romantic proposal in the world either......" He's right I need to give her time and space if that's what she needs and also need to plan a much more romantic proposal for when the time is right.

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