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Niall's POV
Tracey is literally sobbing in my arms and she looks so scared of Harry, I tell him to leave and let her calm down. I can't lie, I do like having her in my arms even if she is crying, I just want to kiss her and kiss all the tears away. I lead her back to her bed and she looks up at me "Lay with me, please Niall" I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself so I climb up on the bed and wrap her in my arms. It just feels so right, I wait until I am sure that she is asleep and I kiss the top of her head and whisper "I love you princess" she stirs in my arms "I love you too Ni" she mumbles in her sleep.
I can't help but smile and then my smile drops when she starts shouting for Harry, she is literally screaming his name and is thrashing around on the bed, I keep trying to shake her and wake her up but nothing I do is helping, she is crying hysterically in her sleep and screaming his name, its clear I need to call him, it's 3am so I think twice about it but she just won't calm down. The nurses have come in and tried to calm her down and have managed to wake her up and she is now just sat on the bed sobbing uncontrollably and just keeps saying Harry's name over and over again followed by "please come back, don't leave me" I reluctantly take my phone out of my pocket and diall Harry's number.
H - Niall what the fuck do you want!
N - It's Tracey
H - What, whats wrong with her is she ok? are the babies ok??
N - The Babies are fine, Tracey not so much, she was asleep and then started screaming your name and we couldnt wake her and now we finally have she is just sobbing uncontrollably saying your name. I think you should come in to the hospital.
H - I am on my way! I will be there as soon as I can and Niall, thanks for calling me.
I hang up the phone and I realise now that when she said I love you she means as a friend I dont think she will ever truly love anyone like she does Harry.
Harry's POV
I leave the hospital and I am devastated that Tracey was so scared of me, I should not have lost it at her I was just so shocked and I assumed that the kids would have my name. I get into my car and head back to the hotel by now its pretty late so all I want to do is just crash out. I crawl into bed and hug the pillow which has one of Tracey's tops pulled over so it feels like she is there. Daft I know but I miss holding her. I am just dropping off to sleep when my phone starts blaring in my ear and I see its Niall and for a second I consider not answering it but something might be wrong so I do.
He tells me that she was screaming my name and won't stop crying, I leap out of bed and throw some clothes on, I grab my keys and phone and also the teddy bear that I found in the house that I won for Tracey on one of our first dates, I remember how much she loved it. I jump back in the car and drive to the hospital.
I crash through the doors of the hospital and the nurses all just give me dirty looks but I don't care, I burst through the doors of her room and Niall quickly exits leaving us alone, I just freeze and take in the sight before me, she has her arms wrapped round her knees and she is just crying and repeating "Harry, come back please don't leave me" over and over again. I realise in that second just how much me doing what I did really broke her I have completely destroyed the happy fun person she was and turned her into a broken pile of tears.
I slowly reach the bed and slide up beside her, she still doesn't move. I put the teddy down in front of her and as soon as she recognises it she grabs him and then all of a sudden the tears turn to anger, she picks the teddy up and starts to rip it to pieces and is screaming "I hate you for what you have done to me, to us" "why wasnt I enough for you" "I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you" and she is back to the tears again. I have to stop this I grab her arms and pull her into me and just hold her, she tries to get out of my grip but I am not letting her go and before I know it I am crying too, "Don't ever think you were not enough for me! You are more than I deserve! I love you so much, I am so sorry for what I did, I know I can never ever take it back but believe me if I could, I would in a heartbeat. Please give me a chance to show you just how much you mean to me, I will do whatever it takes, I will even give up the band if that's what it takes, I will leave and we can start our lives together just you me and the babies. You and them are the most important thing to me. Just tell me what I have to do and I will do it, Anything!!" The tears seem to have subsided so I reach into my pocket and I pull out her engagement ring and I take her hand and she just looks up at me "you still have it?" "of course I carry it with me everywhere I go in the hope that one day I can give it back to you" she just looks at me with tears in her beautiful grey eyes and says "Ask me again"
I look at her confused and then I realise what she is saying I get down on one knee and she scoots to the edge of the bed and holding her hand I begin "Tracey, I love you with all my heart, you are my everything, there is not a second in the day that you are not on my mind, I am so lucky to have met the love of my life at such a young age and you have given me two beautiful babies that I feel so blessed to have, you are one of the most amazing and caring people I have ever met in my life and I was wondering if you would do me the honour of agreeing to by my wife" "Yes" she breathes
I slide the ring on her finger and she looks down at it and she looks a bit disheartened and I say "we can get you a different ring baby, a new ring for our new start" she beams up at me "Thank you baby" and the she kisses me and it feels so good and so right and I am so happy. "Guess the kids will have to have your name now" she giggles, "the kids can't have a different name to their mum now can they" it's the first time I have seen her smile in months. "No they can't baby" I say back to her kissing her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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