The Hospital

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Harry's POV

I get off the phone with Ed and I tell all the boys what has happened and within seconds we are all rushing out the door to the hospital, Paul is moving all the fans so we can get to the cars. I hide my head as I have been crying so has Louis and the other boys aren't far off. I can't get the thought out of my head that we are going to get there to be told that there was nothing they could do.

I go running through the doors and up to the reception and give them her name, "Are you family? I am her boyfriend!" We can only talk to family members, "she doesn't have any family members out here, we are her family" I can feel the tears welling up, "please just tell me she's ok" " Let me get the doctor to come and speak to you, please take a seat in the relatives room" We all traipse into the room and after what feels like an eternity the doctor comes in "which one of you is Will Bloomfield?" Will stands up and says "I am" we have spoken with Tracey's parents and they have authorised us to discuss anything that we need to with yourself and are happy for you to make any decisions that may be necessary" "like what decisions" I yell angrily. "Harry, calm down you are not helping" Louis says. Will goes out the room with the doctor so we can't hear. " I am her fucking boyfriend damn it!" "Maybe if you had stayed away from her and not been a complete dick to her in the first place then we wouldn't be standing here not knowing if she is dead or alive!!!!" Louis screams at me. I swing my fist round and punch in straight in the face. Liam and Niall pull us apart "stop it both of you, Tracey wouldn't want this"

The door opens and a very white looking Will comes in. "She's alive but barely, they pumped her stomach, but she lost a lot of blood when she hit her head and she has pneumonia from being out in the cold, even though she was only out there a short while, her body was too weak to fight against it. She is currently in a coma, she can't breathe for herself, they tried a couple of times to take her off the machine but each time the same thing, she stopped breathing"

"Can we see her" Louis asked

Will's POV

Harry got off the phone with Ed and told us what has happened, I am so angry at Harry right now, this is exactly why I told the boys to stay away from her. We arrived at the hospital and of course typical Harry starts yelling even after they told him that it was family members only. We were asked to wait in the relatives room after I gave the details of Tracey's parents to the receptionist. A little while later the doctor came in and asked to speak to me, Tracey's parents had given their permission for the doctors to discuss her condition, I have known them for years so I am not surprised by this. Harry again is getting angry so I motioned to the doctor to go out into the corridor so we can talk properly. He tells me that they pumped her stomach due to the pure amount of alcohol she had drunk and that when she hit her head she lost a huge amount of blood and because of the alcohol in her blood her body was too weak to fight the pneumonia. She can't breathe on her own either at this stage and she has slipped into a coma.

I just stand there speechless, "can we see her" Yes but not too many at once and no fighting otherwise we will ask you all to leave. "I understand" I go back in and tell the boys the situation. Louis asks "can we see her" "yes but only 2 of you at a time and no fighting otherwise the doctor has already said he will ask us to leave. Louis and Josh head off down to see her while the others stay in the room, I look over and see Harry slumped down in the corner and I can hear him silently sobbing. I go over to him and as much as I want to be angry with him, seeing him in this completely broken state I just can't and thats when I realise how much he does actually care about her.

The boys all come back in their pairs and I have been in to see her, she looks terrible and pale all hooked up to the machine, I miss her, she's my best friend and one of the most important people in my life, I need her to be ok. I ask Harry if he wants to see her before we all leave, it's the early hours of the morning and the boys have a show tomorrow and he just looks at me and says "I'm sorry, this is all my fault!!" "It's not Harry, you can't blame yourself, I don't blame you" "The rest of the boys do" he replies. Louis comes over and hugs him and says " We don't mate, I was just scared and angry, I didn't mean what I said, I'm really sorry"

"Now, Harry do you want to see her before we go" I ask him. "Can I please stay with her, I don't want to leave her" he asks. " I don't know if the doctors will allow that but go and sit with her and I will speak to them" and with that he heads off to her room.

Harry's POV

I walk into the room and I have to choke back the tears that are threatening to spill again, my baby looks so pale and fragile, I am afraid to touch her in case she shatters. I pull up the chair right next to her bed and I gingerly take hold of her hand. A nurse comes in to check on her and says "talk to her, it might help, all the other boys who visited did it" after a couple of minutes she leaves us alone and I start to talk:

Baby, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I am gonna give it a try, I will do anything to make you come back to me, I would give up all the money, all the fame everything if it meant i had you back in my arms again. I know we've only known each other a short time and it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing but I always said when you know you know and well the minute you walked into Will's house I knew. I knew you were the one, I acted out because I didn't know how to deal with what I was feeling, it was all new to me and I didn't know how to handle it and I'm so sorry, maybe if I had been nicer from the start, we wouldn't be here now. I love you, I didn't know how that felt until you. I need you to come back to me. I want you to meet my mum, dad, Robin and Gemma properly as my girlfriend not just our PA, I want to make new memories with you as we spend our lives together, I just know that we can get through this, you are strong, I remember that is one of the things Will used to tell us when he talked about you about how amazingly strong you were no matter what the situation, and how kind and funny you were, I can see all that and I can see why you mean so much to so many people because even after this short time you already mean so much to me. Please please if you can hear me, open your eyes, squeeze my hand do something to let me know that you can hear me.

I really hoped Tracey would do something but nothing, no reaction, I hear the door creak open and Will sticks his head in and says " I'm sorry mate, we have to go, she needs her rest, I promise you can see her tomorrow, but you have still got a tour to do" I get to leave, I lean down and plant a kiss on her lips, she is so cold and I feel the tears again. I see her ipod laying on the side, she must have had it in her pocket, I pick it up and look through the playlist and I smile when I see she has a One Direction playlist, I put the earbuds in her ears and turn the volume down so its not too loud and I set the playlist to play in the hope that our music will bring her back around. I will bring the charger with me tomorrow so I can leave it on charge whilst she listens to it. I place one last kiss on her forehead and whisper "I love you" into her ear and replace the ear bud and with that we left.

The journey back to the hotel was agonisingly slow and then I remember everything I had done for her was still in the bedroom. "Louis, mate can I crash in your room tonight, I can't face going back to all the stuff I had done for Tracey right now" "Of course, I understand mate, I wouldn't want to sleep in there either. We get up to Louis's room and we both crawl in to the 2 beds in his room and then Louis looks over at me and says "you really do love her, don't you" I just look back at him and said "yeah I really do, I never believed in love at first sight until I met Tracey"

Personal Assistant to One Direction (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara