Time and Space

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Tracey's POV

So it's been 2 months and the tour is about to break for a few weeks Harry and I have barely spoken, we still sleep in separate bunks and I spend most of my time with Louis and the other boys. I got better and back into work but by then the distance was already there, he still tells the talk shows that he has a girlfriend and we put on a show whenever we go to events but as soon as the event is over we just go our separate ways, it's been hard because I do love him so much and I would love nothing more than to be back in his arms, kissing him and him holding me when I sleep but something between us has changed as soon as he uttered those words "Marry me" something changed, had it been 6 months down the line I would have loved to have heard those words but not as a solution to an argument. I don't even know if we are together or not, I cry myself to sleep most nights because he feels so far away yet he's so close. At least the break might do us both some good, we won't have to see each other for a few weeks. We fly home later today, Louis has asked me if I want to go to Doncaster and stay with him for a few days and meet his mum and sisters and Stan, I smile at him and hug him and say I would love too, I catch Harry watching us with a sad look in his eye, part of me hoping he would ask me to go with him to Holmes Chapel but he doesn't. I go to pack the rest of my stuff and then I bring my bags out to the living room. I pack Louis's, Niall's and Liam's bags too because they are useless at packing. Once we are done it's time for me and Louis to go, I hug each of the boys in turn, Will doesn't want to let go and this makes me laugh and I just say "Will, I am only going to Doncaster for a few days lol, I will be home before you know it" he finally lets me go and that just leaves Harry. Louis just comes over and says "I will be in the car love" I just wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips and whisper in his ear "I love you" and then I walk out the bus and get in the car and we pull away, I can't bring myself to look back to see if he has come after me, I snuggle in to Lou and he kisses my forehead "everything is gonna be ok love, I promise" we get to the airport and board the plane leaving everything behind me and I feel a strange sense of relief.

Harry's POV

Tracey and I have just grown further and further apart, I really blew things asking her to marry me, we've barely spoken for 2 months and I miss her so much, I miss her being in my arms and her kisses and of course other stuff. If I am asked on any interviews I always say I have a girlfriend and when we go out we pretend like we are a couple who are happy although if people looked a little closer they would see nothing could be further from the truth. We are breaking for a few weeks and Tracey is going back to Doncaster with Louis to meet his mum and sisters, anyone would think she was his girlfriend. I just watched her sadly as she brings her bags out to the living room. I thought about asking her to come back to Holmes Chapel with me but I then think maybe that's not a good idea so I don't and then I instantly regret it. She hugs all of the boys in turn and Will doesn't want her to leave, and she laughs and says "I'm only going to Doncaster for a few days, I will be back home before you know it" she then walks up to me after Louis said he would wait in the car for her. She wraps her arms around my neck and my god if feels so good and then she just plants a single kiss on my lips and whispers "I love you" into my ear and then before I can say anything she is gone and in the car. I go outside to stop the car but they have already gone. I let her drive off and out of my life.

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