Chapter 14 - Gas Problems and Big Belly Burger

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...I'm waking up. The ash and dust. I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust. I'm breathing in, the chemicals....ahhhhhhaah. I'm breaking in, shaping up and checking out on the prison bus. This is it, the apocalypse.....

I smile to myself a little as I furiously type on my computer to reorganize and sort the CCPD crime database so that people can actually use it.

"Good morning whoever that is," I say, hearing footsteps come into the lab. "I really need to readjust this so I can see people," I mutter to myself. Aww frick. I'm talking to myself again.

I'm slowly morphing back into Felicity.


"Hey Rani," Barry and Joe say as he drops a large file box on Barry's desk with a thud.

"Geez, am I allowed to ask what that is?" I ask, turning off my music and Barry and Joe look at each other.

Barry sighs. "That's the evidence from my mother's murder. Joe, I've been through this box a thousand times."

"Before, your story about what happened that night...the lightning storm, the man in the middle of it..." Joe says, gesturing at Barry's board. "I thought that was a kid trying to protect his father from prison. But now that I know it's true, we're gonna go through every scrap of evidence until we find something that helps us."

"It took the jury fifty-two minutes to come back with a verdict of guilty," Barry counters and I awkwardly continue typing, confused if I'm a part of this situation or not.

"They moved too fast, which is why we got to take our time," Joe responds.  "All of us."

"Wait, really?" Barry says.

I spin around on my swivel chair and lose all elements of poise by nearly falling out of it. "You want me to help you?"

"You can work with computers better than anyone else here and have the access we might need," Joe answers simply.

"I'd love to help," I respond. "I guess I was under the impression that you didn't trust me."

"When I first found out about your past I didn't," Joe responds. "But I can see that you're a good person who got put in a tough situation. And for now, until I know you better, that's just going to have to do."

Barry smiles and I nod in understanding. "Thank you, Joe. It means a whole lot more than you realize."

He's about to respond but Eddie walks into the lab.

"Barry, Joe, Rani, we got multiple homicides."

"On it," I say and I start grabbing all my gear, tossing Barry a stray pair of rubber gloves that ended up on my table while he throws me that flash drive from a couple weeks ago. I hook it up to my computer, grab my bag and my coat and the three of us head out of the door like a well-oiled machine.


"Barry, Rani, anything?"

"Only signs of histotoxic hypoxia." Barry responds and Joe gives us a confused look.

"It means that the cells in their bodies were unable to utilize oxygen," I add and Joe nods.

"Exactly, and it's consistent with exposure to poison gas," Barry says. 

"What kind of poison?" Joe asks.

"I'll need to take a lung sample, see if I can narrow it down."

Eddie goes to talk to Joe and I realize something off. Like when you watch a sci-fi movie and physics just doesn't quite work right. 

"Shouldn't they all have fallen in the same spot?" I ask. "It's like the gas-"

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