Chapter 17 - "Do you need anymore proof than that?!"

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After almost twenty minutes of yelling at people who can't drive or park in a spot, I finally walk into the Central City Train Station and spot the awkward blonde a little ways away from a charging station.

"Hey! Felicity!" I call out, waving my hand at her so she can see me.

"Oh my gosh, thank goodness." She laughs, giving me a hug. "It has been waaaayy too long."

"That's partially my fault," I respond guiding her out of the train station to Caitlin's car. "I did technically take an eight-month nap."

"You're so casual about it," She laughs, hopping into the car and I start it, pulling out of the parking lot and heading to my apartment. "But I have to say, I know you might have been in a comatose state.....but hibernating for 8 months without a care in the world sounds really relaxing."

"Not if you woke up tired," I snark back and she laughs.

"That's relatable." She says and I can notice her smile disappearing. 

"Fel what's wrong?" I ask, glancing at her sudden change in demeanor.

"I'm sorry, I just never got to tell you how sorry I was when I heard about Ronnie." She responds and I sigh, the heartache reforming in my chest. "I mean, I still told were just asleep."

"Don't worry about it," I respond. "I've just tried to keep my head held high. And plus, someone brought it up that Ronnie wouldn't want me moping around because he was gone."

"Barry say that?" She asks.

"Caitlin actually," I respond. "She had the extra time to heal compared to me, so she knew what I was dealing with."

"Wow," Felicity remarks. "And you still find a way to keep smiling."

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," I reply with a smile, wriggling my gloved fingers as blue electricity dances across them.

She laughs and we arrive at my apartment and drop off her stuff at my guest bedroom before running back to the car and driving back to CCPD.

"So how's the IT job at CCPD compared to a secretary of Queen Consolidated?" She asks and I snort.

"I forgot about that," I laugh. "It's definitely a lot more interesting and I feel like I'm actually making a difference with my day job."

"Day job as in you kept the night job?" She asks. "I thought you left Starling to get away from that."

"Yeah that's what I originally thought, and then Barry Allen smiled to my face and I got thrown right back in," I respond. 

"He does have the tendency to do that," She murmurs looking out the window and I throw a side-glance at her.

"Is that a crush I'm hearing Ms. Smoak?" I mean to tease as strange heaviness settling in my chest that I can't quite identify.

"NO! Well....yes? I don't know!" She rambles. "When Barry came to Starling City to find the forensics about the mirakuru soldiers, I thought we had something. We danced, it was great and he was interested. And then you two got struck by lighting. So other than obviously checking that you and Barry were okay....."

"You wanted to see if that attraction was still there." I finish as we get out of the car and enter the elevator up to the precinct. "And technically I absorbed the city's electrical grid which was far more power than any lightning bolt can produce."

"Is that the reason for the gloves?" She asks.

"Cisco and Dr. Wells thinks they might be able to regulate my powers from frying everything I touch. And so far they've done that job." I say, walking up the lab.

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