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Across stormy seas


"Mummy i'm scared" ethen says as he clings onto my dress as we hide in the bedroom of the ship. We heard loud noises of fighting above. I hold him close as i put him in the closet.

"I know sweetheart but you have to be brave for mommy ok" i say kissing his head i'm about to close the closet door when his little hand grabs the hem of my skirt. I turn to look at him his big brown eyes look up at me.

"Don't go mummy" he says about to cry he's only five but he's such a strong little one for his age. I'm about to answer him when i hear footsteps coming our way i quickly push him into the closet and close the door. I unsheathe my sword before the door burst open revealing two british soldiers. One has dark black hair and is tall and lean the other has dark brown hair and although he is tall he doesn't look nearly as strong as the other man.

"Well wot have we here" says the man with the black hair his eyes travel up and down my body for a moment i keep my sword pointed at the two of them.

"Looks like a lady pirate to me mate" says the brown haired man he points his sword at me. I cautiously keep my body in front of the closet. Lucky Ethen is quiet and isn't making a sound.

"Well you know what the punishment for being a pirate is don't you lass" lays the man with the black hair i glare at him not saying a word.

"It doesn't have to be that way tho does it sweetheart" he says knocking my sword easily out of my hand he pulls me close and steps behind me just how i want him too. All british soldiers are like this there disgusting pigs. And they say pirates are bad.

"We could make a deal. You could help me i could help you" he whispers in my ear as his hand runs around my waist. The man with the brown hair watches with a smirk on his face. This is almost too easy i turn around slowly to face him i place my hands around his waist and he smile at me

"Thats a good girl" he says trying to be seductive i like my lips and start to bend down i know exactly what he thinks i'm going to do i slowly grab the dagger out of my boot while he is distracted. I stand up slowly hiding the knife he runs his hands over my body. He starts to lift the hem of my skirt slowly but before he gets to far i drag my blade across his neck causing him to choke and bleed. He falls to the ground his friend rushes to try and help him but i grab my sword and stab him in the back. To easy honestly. I wipe my hands on my dress when the door burst open i hold my sword at the neck of a man i look up at see the steely blue eyes.

"Alright then love" jack asks i lower my sword and let out a slightly shaky breath.

"Scared me" i say as a small smile crosses my face he wraps his arm around my waist and touches his head to mine.

"Wears the boy" he ask a flicker of concern crosses his tan face i nod towards the closet he starts to walk toward it but i stop him.

"What" he say confused i point in the direction of the two soldiers lying in a pool of blood on the floor.

"Oh right then" he says we lift them quickly out of the room when we come back in he closes the door i run to the closet and open it kneeling down our son run to me and gives me a big hug.

"There there love it's alright" i say soothingly. He's still a baby but the poor boy has seen some things a child his age never should.

"Theres my boy" jack say when Ethen runs to him he picks him up and holds him.

"You were very brave today son" i say smiling at him i kiss the top of his brown hair.

"Like daddy and mummy" he says proudly making me and jack laugh. Hes such a cute little pirate. We put him in his room which is connected to mine and jacks and he falls asleep easily. I change into a clean dress and jack takes off his shirt i see him flinch slightly as he does so.

"Jack you're hurt' i say concerned i see i long cut on his back by his shoulder blade. I quickly get water and bandages to clean it.

"I'm alright love you're not getting rid of me that easily " he says once i clean the cut it's not too deep and should heal fine. He turns around and moves the hair out of my face. He leans in and keses me softly.

"These men they didn't get near ya did they" he says after a moment. I look at the pool of blood on the floor knowing it'll probably stane.

" no they were typical british gentlemen" i say sarcastically he chuckles a little as we sit up in our bed

"Dirty basterds" he says seriously. There was a time men like them would have scared me jack taught me how to use a sword.

"You always said a women is a man's greatest weakness" i say seductively i move over so i'm sitting on his lap facing him. I start to kiss his neck and his hands travel up the sides of my body sending shivers down my spine.

"That remains true" i breaths out i love getting him all worked up like this. I kiss his lips softly before looking at him.

" there still going to come after us won't they" i say sadly. The british navy have been after us ever since i killed john and although we've made out fine i worry about the effects it could have on ethan.

"I'm afraid so... but on the bright side it'll take the next ship a month or so to catch up with us now" he says always keeping things light hearted. Since we defeated this latest armada of ships it'll take them some time before the next attack.

"Ever the optimist jack" i say laying on his bare chest. God i wouldn't trade this for the world. He laughs and kisses the top of my golden hair . We survived another battle. On to the next adventure. Its suprising how much i have changed in the past few years. My once dull brown blond hair has latent in to a rich gold, my pale ivory skin now has a tan look to it, and my once meek and scared demeanor has formed to ta much more powerful one.

"I love you jack" i say softly. I often think of how my life was before all this. I often wonder about my family, i wonder if they've heard the stories about me. In the past few years me and jack have made quite a reputation for ourselves.

"I love you too Mrs. Sparrow" he say pulling me close to him i slowly fall into a comfortable sleep

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now