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Ch11 Mary's POV

I walk up and stretch not opening my eyes. The world seems black and dark. I open my eyes to see its mid day. For a minute i forget where i am. I look around until i see a sleeping figure in a chair right next to me. I stare for a moment not remembering untill images flash across my mind. Jack angelica together. The horrid image along with my pounding head cause me to shut my eyes and grown. I also feel a pain in my hands and legs that i can't remember. I heard a loud noise as a chair being knocked over.

"Mary love you're ok" jack says coming to the edge of the bed grabbing my hand i sit up i pull it my hand from his and slap him across the face. The sound echoes around the room hurting my ears.

"How could you" i whisper holding back a sob.

" mary i didn't i swear it was to get the treasure to stop the british" he ramble i wipe my eyes standing up i wobble a little and jack puts his arm around to steady me. I push him off standing on my own.

"After everything we've been through after everything i've been through. We have a son. I love you and you throw it away to be with her" i yell justering to ethan's room i don't know how long i've been asleep for but i want to see my baby

"Mary i swear it wasn't like that..." he starts coming to me placing his hands on my arms until my hand collided with his face.

"Dont touch me don't you dare touch you bastard. You could have the slut for all i care" i yell backing up from him i run out the door and down the hall to my old room. I hear footsteps running behind me but i get to the room slamming the door and locking it.

"Mary" jack says i can hear the pain in his voice which only makes me sob harder. After john i thought the pain would be over after john i thought i would never feel like this again. I still have nightmares about john but jack has always been there to keep them at bay. All of a sudden my stomach lurches and i run to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth i make it to the bason and through up. My head starts to pound as i lean over the the bole.

"Mary whats going on what happend are you sick" jack yells through the door his deep voice filled with concern. I take slow deep breaths to steady my breathing i lean against the wall listen to my rapid heart beat.

"Go away" i cry out as i hear jack banging on the door. I lay my head on the floor wanting to rest not wanting to move at all. I think about how i jumped into the water all those years ago wanting to be lost at sea but jack stopped and saved me. I wish he wouldn't have i wish i would have died then and there. I can't do that now not with ethan i would never leave him i know have to live with this pain. All of a sudden the door bursts open and jack comes running in riding to my side picking me off the floor and into his muscular arms.

"Let go of me.. Let me go" i scream as hard as i can but my throat is so raw the its not vary lous. I move and thrash my body around but he's too strong for me in my inebriated state.

" leave me be.. I hate you i hate you let me go" i yell crying he hold onto me tighter as i do everything to get away from him. I see the pain in his eyes as i say this. I know i don't really mean it. He holds me at i struggle and kik.

"I'm so sorry love" he whispers i see a small tear slip from his eye i free my self slowly and start to run but he's too fast and catches my arm pulling me back to him. He then kisses me. I try to push him away but he is to strong. I start to give in. before i know it are tongs are fighting for dominance. Its an almost angry kiss, if every emotion we have ever felt could be represented with a physical gesture this is it.i bit his lip a little making him growl. He picks me up and moves me against the wall. My blue dress flowing around me. He stops for a moment placing me back on my feet he leans his forehead against mine as we breath heavily.

"I love you always have always will" he says seriously i look and see the truthfulness in his clear eyes.

"Then why did you.." i trial of not moving from my spot we both stand up straight he places his hands on my shoulders gently.

" to see if i could get her to give up the treasure" he stats. I sigh understanding a little more he still kissed her

"What happens after you asked her about the treasure that's when i left because you were going to kiss her" i say leaning against the wall. Tears start to fall down my face just at the thought.

"i ... i was because i thought that's what would convince her, thats how weve always been but we didnt" he says i look up from the floor looking to see if he's telling the truth. I can always tell when he's lying. He tends to mess with his hair and fidget. I look to him and see nun of that.

"Did you get it" i ask that would at least make this all worthwhile

"No she knew that's what i wanted shes smart" he says shaking his head i hear a sense of bitterness in his voice towards her that i find a bit comforting. I still don't know what to do.

"Take out your compass" i say breathing outward. He tilts his head in questioning but does what i ask. He holds it out to my but i shake my head.

"Opean it" i say he does so thearrow moves back and forth untill it points twords me. The thing you want most. I move to the right and the arrow follows me.

" i love you mary" he says snaping the compas closed. He walks twords me taking my hand and kising it.

"And i you" i say a tear all from my eys he puts his hand fo my cheak and wips it away with his thum. He leans in and kisses me gently moving his hand to my back side as my hands get lost in his hair. The kiss is passionate and long. We brake for air and he pulls me close to him in an embrace.  

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt