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I awake to the sun shining on my face i stretch out on the bed releasing i'm the only one in it. I get dressed and walk back on deck. The crew are busy running around setting sail. I see them standing by jack as he gives orders.

"Allright tend the mass and lower the starbert side" jack commands

" tend the mass and lower the starbert side" ethen calls out putting his hands on his hips like his father i laugh at the sight.

"Stop doing that" jack says looking at him then he looks up to me as i walk over to him

"Stop doing that" ethen says doing an almost perfect impression of him me and jack both burst out laughing.

"Mind your father Ethen" i say once i stop laughing

"Yes mind your old dad" jack says picking them up he screams and start laughing as jack tickles him. I smile at the two of them. Jack is such a good father to him. Even when he was first born jack was a good father always taking care of him letting him sleep with us when he was a baby no matter how much he wanted it to just be the two of us.

"Which way are we headed" i say after ethen runs off to play. There aren't any other kids aboard but most of the crew enjoy ethen so he runs along to help them.

"Tortuga its the closes port within the next few day" he says i nod taking a bit out of an apple from the table.

"What about ethen that's no place for a child dear" i reply. I don't mind tortuga it may be a bit rough around the edges but the navy never comes there because they would be outnumbered by pirates and old salers who can't afford the taxes or navy ports.

" i was going to have sam stay with him here" jack says i nod sam is one of the youngest men on the ship and watch after ethen like a brother. The crew has changed som as well lilly left to go find her patients while her brother ian stayed here to be with johanna. Jack's lifelong friend gibbs came aboard shortly after ethen was born. He's a nice man very superstitious but always watches his tongue around ethen which i appreciate i don't need my five year old learning sailor talk.

"How long till we be in tortuga jack" gibbs says walking up to us he takes i sip out of his flask.

"A day or two were not staying long, if the navy gets news of the perl being in tortuga they'll be on us in minutes." jack says taking the flacs from gibs and drinking.

"Ay but won't they be needing to rebuild themselves, we took out a good number of them this past fight it had to have hurt their numbers" gibbs says a little confused. I look at jack confused as well.

"Didn't you says they wouldn't catch up to us for a month" i ask, we just had i fight we won but if theys battles continue regularly are numbers will start to decrees.

" yes thats if they dont find us it'll take them a month, tortuga isn't far from the next british port they could easily have a armada there." he says explaining

"Then why risk it jack you're not one to go looking for a fight" gibbs says and jack scoffs at him making me laugh.

"Im not looking for a fight it's very unlikely they'll find us there but i don't want to take the chance" he explains i guess it makes sense but it's a bit two risky for my liking .

" alright jack i don't like it but we wouldn't get far if we didn't restock" i say nodding. I glance over at ethen who's playing with sam. At least he'll be on the ship safe. I hope. There are some days i wonder if ethen is jacks or if he's johns. He looks like jack but sometimes when i look at him i see just a glimpse of john it scares me to think he could be johns. One thing i do know is he won't be anything like him jack and i will see to that.

"Daddy come play" ethen says running over to us i smile at him he has a toy wooden sword in his hand. Jack pulls out his sword and starts to play fight with him.

"Be careful now" i saw getting a little worried since jack's sword is real.

"Were fine dear" jack says just as ethen hits him in the shin making him cringe in pain. I burst out laughing. Boys . i walk over to johanna and see her sitting by herself. Her and ian have been together for a few years now im suprised they havent gotten married yet.

"Mary" she calls out getting up and walking towards me she is a big smile on her face as she runs up to me.

"Mary i have great news" she says once she reaches me her thick british accents ringing through.

"Well out with it" i saw laughing as she bounces up and down on her feet obviously excited about her surprise.

"I have a secret" she whisper excitedly. I roll my eyes at how childish she being. Its nice having another woman on the ship i love jack and the crew to death but having girl time is nice.

"Well tell me then" i yell smiling not being able to wait any longer.

"Im pregnant" she whisper smiling. I lot out a happy scream and hug her.

"Thats amazing who have you told so far" i ask smiling ethen will be so happy to have a little friend to play with. I can't help thinking if she has a girl maybe they'll fall in love and get married.

"Just you" she says and my mouth drops open in shock. She looks around to make sure no one was listening

"You haven't told ian yet then" i say knowing johanna i would have thought he would have been the first person she would have told. I mean she was the first person i told when i found out about ethen but that was different.

"I don't know how he'll take it im just waiting for the right moment" she say unsure of herself i can understand most pirates are family men. I was scared to tell jack my self but that was also because i didn't know if it was his.

" if he loves you he'll be ok and if not.... You're not alone" i say putting my arm around her. Ian is a good man i'm sure he'll be ok happy even.

"I hope you're right" she says i nod and we sit down to have something to eat. 

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now