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Ch15 Mary's POV

"Now you rest love" i say kissing ethan on the head as i put him in his bed. After we escaped he practically fell asleep in my arms. I shiver at the thought of my baby being killed for no reason. I tuck him in and he falls asleep. We made it were alive. For a while i thought that was the end that we were done for.

"Is he asleep" jack asks as i walk out of his room i noe and jack pulls me close to him and kisses me. It's a passionate kiss his hands roam my body as are tongs fight each other.

"You don't think tell catch us do you" i ask concerned looking up at him

"Not anytime soon we've got a decent head start if they're chasing us' he replied and it's true it would have taken them a good amount of time to ready a ship and a crew after are escape.

"I'm sorry" he whispers when we come up for air i look and see a sadness in his eyes.

"For what" i ask a little confused he still has his hands around my waist i love the feeling of his warm body next to mine.

"For almost getting you and ethen killed" he replied a give him a small smile as i move closer to him.

"It's not your fault, we shouldn't have gone to my patients" i say turning around in his arms i lean my head back on his chest. He kisses the top of mt head sweetly.

"I never want anything to happen to you" he says. Its funny how a near death experience can change one's perspective. I did chose this life and i want my son to have a choice i don't want him to be trapped or branded a pirate, not that it's necessarily a bad thing just he'll be stuck with it the rest of his life. I want him to be able to chose.

"I chose this life jack i will suffer the consequences if need be" i reply i don't want to die but if i would have died i would have had a great last five years better than all the years i spent suffering with john.

"But ethen" he says unsure i turn around to face him putting my hands around his neck.

"Don't blame yourself jack were all ok " i say playing with his hair.

"He could have been killed this isn't a life for a child" he states i know its true but it's the life we have.

"We have to keep him safe but hell decides what he wants in the opportune moment" i say he smirks a little he always says to wait for the opportune moment. I lean in and kiss him.

"I thought i was going to lose you" he says taking some of my hair between his fingers and playing with it. I nod and lean against him a little.

" i did too i was so scared" i say shivering a little at the thought i crawl under the deep red covers of the bed jack slides in next to me and i lie my head on his chest.

"We have to go after the treasure" he states i put my leg on top of him already falling asleep from the exhausting day.

"And we will" i mumble into his bare chest we both fall asleep safe and warm if only for a little while. I wake up with jack's hands around me i stretch a little before sitting up i go and check one then who is still sleeping soundly in his bed.. I turn around and start to get dressed jack slowly sits up and watched me as i lace my corset.

"Tie me up" i walking over to him i move my hair out of the way and he runs his hands along my sides.

"I much rather untie these laces" he whispers kissing my shoulder blade. A blush a little as he runs his hands around my front pulling my to his lap making me giggle. He kisses me and flips me sso i'm on my back i wrap my legs around him and dray him closer to me.

"Mummy" ethen calls from hs room jack stops for a moment hovering over me.

"Mummyyyy" ethen yells in a sad little voice with a heavy sigh jack rolls off of me i fix my hair and pull a light colored shirt and trousers on. I open his door and see him sitting up in his bed with a tear stained face.

"Whats wrong sweetheart" i say sitting next to him he crawls into my arms and starts to cry a little.

"I had a bad dream that the mean men came and hurt us " he says he doesn't understand all of what almost happen they other day but he knows enuf to be scared. I wish i could tell him that will never happen that the monsters aren't real but the bad men meaning the british soldiers are very real.

"It's alright dear were all right no matter what happen we love each other" i tell him having nothing better to say. Something bad could happen any minute but at least he is loved. I remember seeing all the morphing running in the street stealing food ar begging for money i would never abandoning my child like that. I kiss the top of his head and get him dressed once on deck i see jack at the helm with his compass out.

"I wonder how long it will take" i say coming next to jack he looks out at the horizon and sighs

"Who's to say love i just hope we get there before the navy catches up" jack replus twisting one of his dreadlocks in his hand i nod in agreement. I hope we make it soon  

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon