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Weeks pass as we sail the navy never catch up to us. It's late one night as me and jack sit hand and hand on the ship just watching the night sky. I put ethen to bed a while ago. The poor thing still has nightmares from when we were almost hung. I shiver a little as the cool night air blows through the thin fabric of my cotton shirt. Jack pulls me closer to him keeping me warm.

"Captain" gibbs calls jack and i both stand up and walk to gibbs who is at the wheel there in the distance there is an island with tall rock mountains separately placed are pine trees but the black and gray rock consume the majority. Angelica soon walks near us looking out at the island.

"Is this it then" jack asks her i look at her too if there really is something to stop the navy i have to get my hand on it.

"Aye the island of destruction" she says some crew member who have gathered around start to mumble. There are many legends of the island.

"An island built of rock and soot said to be the place where the greek god zeus defeated the titans, any man who has ever went to that island has been consumed by the spirit of the latinos and encased in lava, if you believe in such things" gibbs says nervously running a hand through his gray hair.

"And what of the treasure" jack asks looking between angelica and gibbs.

" greek legend says when the titans died there blood spattered in parts of the island turning to an endless amount of diamonds. Angelica says calmly the crew mumbles in excitement.

"And what about the navy" i ask diamonds and treasure would be nice but if the navy get a hold of us again it could be the last time.

" there is a legend of a elixer that whoever drinks it has power over the skies" gibbs says i look at them a little confused.

"Control the weather the wind and the sky's, the nav could never catch up or we could take them down " jack explains i nod in understanding .

"But these are all myths what if they aren't true" i ask if the possibility of an elixir really worth the life of any of the crew.

"And what if the are" jack mumbled walking away he takes out a spy class and looks out at the island.

"It's dangerous jack deadly even" gibbs says in a casus tone. Hes alway been superstitious but even so.

"It seems to me the reward outweighs the risk" jack says turning around to face everyone the crew by now have all gathered around.

"We go ashore at dawn" jack says walking to sam and ian i hear him mumble to them as i walk past he's probably telling them to stay behind with ethan. I walk down to are room and sit lie down in bed. I might as well try and sleep before we get there. After a few minutes the bed dips as jack lays down next to me.

" you don't have to come with you know" he turning from his back to his side to face me, i do the same looking into hiss stormy eyes.

" and leave you alone with her... never" i say jokingly he pulls me close to him.

"Im serious i don't want you getting hurt" he whispered into my hair. I seem to always melt at his touch i run my hand over his strong arms and sighing.

"We both need this for ethan and were both doing this together" i reply he lets out a deep breath in defeat and roles to his back i lay my head on his chest enjoying the warmth.

"Sam and ian will stay here with ethan along with some of the crew to watch the ship" he states i nod and drift off to sleep for a few hours. I wake up to a slight rustling sound and open my eyes to jack getting dressed i sit up and stretch my arms above my head before standing up i get dressed in silence putting on black trousers a cream colored shirt and a brown jacket. I grab my sword and dagger as i finish getting ready . we head up together looking out i can see we're almost to the island. We all eat and take satchels with food and extra weapons with us. A light load but enough to last us for a day or too.

"Mommy and daddy will be back in a couple days now you make sure you listen to sam and ian ok" i say crouching down ethen nods and i hug him long and hard. I just have a bad feeling about this tryp.

" you be good alright " jack says messing ethan's hair he nods and jack picks him up hugging him jack takes a long band of red leather with a shell in the middle fro his hair he ties it into necklaces and puts it around ethan's neck before kissing his head. I wave to him as we get in the long booths and row to shore. Once the boats hit the shore we all step off and walk on a beach but instead of white hot sand it black almost gravel like. The wind starts to pick up blowing my hair around.

"Wear is the elixir supposed to be" jack asks angelica as she walks up next to us.

"There at the top" she says pointing up far back in the horizon there are large mountains but of course angelica points to the tallest one.

"Well let's not all just stand here" jack says walking forward we walk into an almost forest there are large ping and oak trees yet the ground is solid rock there's hardly any dirt at all. We walk for what seems like hours until the sun starts to set. In a matter of minutes the air goes from warm to freezing. I see a few of the crew members start to shiver. I breath out and i see my breath in front of me.

"captain .... We should stop here for the night" gibbs says vearing off to the side there's a large cave that doesn't go too far back into the mountains.

"Aye we settle here for the night" jack says the crew makes a small fire and we all settle in for the night with a few men left on watch.

"Cold love" jack says leaning up against the wall with ne i ned and snuggle close to him closing my eyes in a light sleep until i am woken by loud high pitched scream.

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now