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Ch5 Jack's POV

"Want one last drink" i ask mary as we leave the tavern. She nods i head over to the bar and am about to order when i get pulled back into the storage room.

" angelica" i say surprised as i see the latina women standing in front of me. I haven't seen her since i left her stranded on an island which years before that i haven't seen her since i left her at the alter.

"Hello jack" she says my eyes can't help but travel down her curvy body. She is attractive but i shake the thoughts from my head. Mary is probably looking for me by now.

" i am most pleased to be seeing you again love but if you wanted to get me in a room to take advantage of you should at least buy me a drink first" i reply calmly i try pushing her sword down but she gripped it tighter pointing it at my neck.

"Enuf games sparrow i need you and your compass" she says in her spanish accent her eyes never leaving mine.

"It's my compas love if you want to be using it i need to know what you want it for" i say getting a little uncomfortable being so close to her.

"Treasure jack what else i need a ship to take me. You have one" she says plainly taking a step closer to me

"Sorry love but i've got a bit of a problem with the navy at the moment won't leave me alone" i say putting my hands up.

"Jack you must help me you owe me that much" she says in a sensitive voice that would have turned me on years ago, but know dost do much.

"I do not" i say quickly i see a strand of gold hair around the corner and know mary has came looking for me.

"You do jack you left me there on the altar alone" she yells pointing the sword closer to my throught i gul a little not moving an inch.

"I'm sorry love but i've moved on i suggest you do the same my wife wouldn't like the sight of this" i reply making small eye contact with mary so she knows i see her. Angelica doesn't suspect a thing.

"So the stories are true then i don't believe it you're not the marrying type jack" she says in a seductively as she disregard the stories she's heard. Ever since singapore many rumors about mary and i have come about.

"Oh but he is dear" mary says coolly holding a blade to angelica's through. I take a few steps back.

"Told you so. Hello dearest " i say mary gives me an exasperated expression. Angelica struggles and eventually gets out of mary's grip.

"Well jack i'm surprised at you" angelina says not looking at me as her and mary circle each other i step back and pick up my sword.

"Why should you be just because he left you at the altar doesn't mean he would leave anyone else" mary spits back angelica lunges at her and they start to fight i stay out of the way as they have it out until angelica has her sword against marys through using that damn sword move of hers she always was god at sword fighting. I'm about to jump in before she hurts mary when a see a small smile on her face.

"Could have picked a better sword fighter jack" she states never looking at me i look to mary but she shakes her head at me. I look at her confused but stay back. She must have something planned.

"He went with someone smarter instead" she spits at her quickly she stabs the wine barrel causing wine to spray all over her and angelica she kicks angelica's sword out of reach and points her own at her. I look sadly at all the wasted wine on the floor.

" now if you'll excuse us" she says slowly walking backwards she bends down and grabs angelicals sword before walking out i follow her back to the shep and to are bedroom she closes the door then looks at me. My eyes travel to her wet wine soaked body distracting me she lets out a shigh.

"what " i ask she glares at me putting her hands on her hips obviously annoyed with me.

"Who the bloody hell is she and what did she want" she asked getting mad. I was hoping not to have to explain are whole relationship to her but i suppose she should know.

"That's angelica, we ummm... well i she is" i try to start. Its a long story and i don't know how much i should tell her.

"You left her at the altar i get that but what did she want" she yells fed up with me at the moment she must have overheard that part because i never told her.

"She wanted help, she's going after a hidden treasure and needed a ship and a crew" i reply telling the truth. She stares at me for a moment.

"and " she says wanting me to go on

"I said i was too busy running from the navy" i say and it's true we have no time to be chasing after treasure

"There's nothing to worry about dearest, me and angelica were in the past" i say grabbing her hand and pulling her to me. I press her body close to mine. Angelica me be physically attractive but so is mary.

"I would have thought last night would have proven that to you" i say turning her around i kiss her neck until i fell her body relax against mine. I wouldn't want her to worry not about me and angelica besides we have a child to look after i can't go running around like that anymore.

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now