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"Angelica" i call out sitting up from jack's lap. I squint my eyes trying to see but the fires have long since been out i nuge jack who groans a little before waking up.

"I heard a scream i think it was angelica" i whisper he fully wakes up nodding his head. He unsheathes his sword we both walk forward jack wakes gibbs and part of the crew up slowly as a small group we walk forward. I stumble and tryp falling to the ground. I small cry escapes my lips as i see the body of one of the crew members.

" jack" i cry out he helps me up then bands down to look at the body he pulls his hand away covered in a bit of blood.

"Hese alive sit him up against the wall and wake the others" jack commands the crew does as they are told. I can't help thinking about ethen he has sam and ian with him along with johanna, his godmother. If anything should happen to me i hope she takes good care of my baby. Another scream takes place cutting through the silent night me jack and six other me run out looking for her while gibbs and the rest stay behind.

" angelica" one of the younger men calls out his maybe thirty with long blond hair and tan skin. Hugo hes name is.

"Silence you ninnie keep calling like that and who ever took mrs angelica will come for us next" a man by the name of fred says slapping hugo upside the head.

"Sorry" he mumbles as We slowly walk through the stone and trees being as quies as possible. All of a sudden we hear heavy footsteps and rustling coming are way jack makes a silent gesture for us all to climb the trees and hide. I grab the first branch of a large pine and hoisted myself up i climb as fast as i can getting sap all over my hands and pants. I get to a high branch just as the footsteps come under me. I look and see angelica being dragged by two men whose bodies are covered in gray clay making them blend in.

"Get off of me" angelica screams getting the gag out of her mouth as she struggles against the men. There tall over six feet easy the two men are followed by a small group there's about ten or so of them. If we were to fight them not we might have a chance. I look over to see jack in a tree next to me he watches but makes no sign of moving.

"Let me go" angelica screams once again and the two men holding her stop right under jack one of the men puts a cloth over her mouth she struggles against it until her body slumps from passing out. The man with the cloth picks her up over her shoulder and continues to walk forward.after they are out of earshot jack climbs down and we all follow.

"We follow them for now no one do anything stupid" jack whispers

"aye " the crew mumbles almost in unison and we stick to the trees ass we follow an stone path. We walk for ten minutes or so hardly making a sound when we come to the end of the path. We see a large black cave and a red glow coming from the inside.

"Half of you with me half of you stay near" jack commands me hugo and fred follow jack while three others stay behind. We stick close to the wall and inch are way until we come to a large cleft in the cave.

"I've never seen a cave so big" hugo say in awl as he looks over the edge fred pulls him back quickly before anyone can see him.

"There's a latter" i whisper pointing to the other side of the cave where there is large rope netting attached to the rocks that leads all the way down. I look over carefully and it's a long way down if one were to jump they would die. I can just make out a large fire at the bottom fifth a crowd of people around it and i see who i assume is angelica unconscious tied to a stone table.

"They'll see us if we go down that way" fred states me and jack both nod knowing its true.

"Thed get us before we even hit the ground" jack stated aggrading ge pick up a rock almost the size of his hand and threw it up and down.

"A diversion" i say looking down again the tribe of people are all covered in gray blue clay and have cole smeared around there eyes i see a few women who have large tree branches in there hair. One woman brings out a slab of bark with different knives in it.

"yes " jack says after a long moment of silence he takes the rock that was in his hand and throws it down and into an empty part of the cave. A small group of the tribal people go to envegestate jack then picks up another rock and throws it to the opposite part of the cave belov. More people go and look jack then runs over to the rope and cuts a long large piece and runs back. He then ties it to a rook as me fred and hugo look at him christoly.

"Take this down to that opening there" he say handing me the rope as he points to an opening halfway down the long wall. I nod tieing the rope around my waist jack then lowers me down slowly i grip the rope trying not to look down once my feet touch the ground jack then shimmies down the rope followed by the other two. I here chanting as the tribe forms around angelica she wakes up her eyes growing wide with fear as the circle around her. Then a man covered in black and blue clay with long braided hair comes forward standing in front of angelica.

"What are they going to do to her" hugo asks fear prominent in his voice as he hold a touch he made in his hand.

"Looks like a human sacrifice and from my experience there not pretty" jack replys quietly he looks around the cave for something to use he comes back with a large tree branch he brakes the branch in pieces and taking the torch he lights them. He then chucks them to wear he through the rocks earlier causing the people to disperse.

"Well take the rest then while they're distracted mary will get angelica" he says quickly through more fire he then climbs down the wall holding on to every rock he can hugo and fred follow him they take on the few remaining men and start to fight. I start to slowly climb down gripping tight to the rocks i look over my shoulder and see the chief standing over angelica's head with a knife i pick up the pas halfway down i lose my footing and fall. I grip my leg in pain after i hit the rocks.

" why'd it have to be a city of stone it couldn't have been a city of fluffy flores od somthing" i mumble to myself as i stand in a regain my composure and take out my sword and limp towards angelica. The rest of the people are trying to put out the fire or fight the boys. I sneak up behind the chief and am about to slit hi thought when he moves his arm knocking me two the ground. I fall with a thug and get back up he swings for me again but i duck he growls and lunges at me with the knife i fight him off with my sword. He corners my to a wall and walks toward me with a knife speaking in a language i don't understand. Ige reach for something anything and i grab a rock i through it before he gets to close knocking him unconscious i then go and untie angelica.

"Bout time" she hissed grabbing her wrist i roll my eyes at her i lead her to the rops and start to climb i look down and see the bows surrounded by the trib.

" jack" i call out and i'm about to climb back down to help him when angelica grabs me.

"Leave him we can't help them" she says in a shouted whisper no one notices us yet i struggle against her but she keeps pulling.

"Jack no let me go damn it" i yell not caring who hears but she is under me and pushes me up. I start to cry as i see the tribal people hit the boys over the head knocking them out. I can't lose him.  

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now