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"We should get going love" jack says i sigh and roll over to my stomach throwing my arm over him. He laughs at me and pulls me close kissing my dark blond hair he gets up and starts to put his closes on i do the same slipping to the soft cotton fabric of my dress i re tie my corset and put my boots on. Being on the ship and not being a proper lady i switch out between dresses and trousers when i feel like it. We walk back outside to the bar the loud noise willing the room.

"Want one last drink" jack says smirking i nod. There's no such thing as a last drink for either of us. I lean up against the door frame i look around and see if i can't find lavender to say goodbye but i don't. I turn my eyes back to where jack was and see he isn't ordering drinks. I stand up straight and start to look for him. I turn the coroner to the storage room and hear voices. One male one female.

"Jack you must help me you owe me that much" the female voice says she has a thick spanish accent. I peek around the corner and see a women with long thick black hair in black boots and i red petticoat.

"I do not" jack says she has a sword pointed at his throat i can tell he's a little nervous of this women. I look at her once more and can't help but notice her low cut shirt exposing her large breast, much larger than my own. A twinge of jealousy washes over me for a moment.

"You do jack you left me there on the altar alone" she yells tightening her grip on the sword. He was going to marry her, that's news to me. Her back is facing me now giving me the perfect opportunity to strike.

"I'm sorry love but i've moved on i suggest you do the same my wife wouldn't like the sight of this" jack says seeing me as i peek around the corner.

"So the stories are true then i don't believe it you're not the marrying type jack" she says in a slightly seductive tone that makes my blood boil

"Oh but he is dear" i say coming up behind her putting my sword around her neck. Jack smiles at me.

"Told you so. Hello dearest " jack says to her then me smiling i roll my eye at him. The women gets out of my grip and turns to me arming herself with her sword.

"Well jack i'm surprised at you" she says as me and her circle each other. Neither one of us backing down jack backs up and grab his sword.

"Why should you be just because he left you at the altar doesn't mean he would leave anyone else" i counter i see her eyes flicker to my wedding ring her eyes widened in surprise. She lunges at me but i'm quick to block her we fight both of us being good with a sword. She my even be a bit better than me but i know i am smarter she does some fancy move that ends with her sword pointed at my neck i still have my sword i smile at her.

"Could have picked a better sword fighter jack" she says slightly her eyes never leaving mine jack is about to step in but i shake my head at him.

"Hey went with someone smarter instead" i say taking my sword and stabbing it at a wine barrel causing red wine to hit her in the face i then disarm her of her sword kicking it out of reach pointing mine at her.

" now if you'll excuse us i say walking backwards towards the door i grab her sword and run for the door. Jack is quickly behind me we exit the tavern and make our way towards the ship. Once aboard i pull jack down to are room i shut the door behind us looking at him expectantly.

"what " he says after a moment i place my hands on my hips and cock my head at him.

"Who the bloody hell is she and what did she want" i ask annoyed. I know he's a pirate and has probably had many a encounter with women but still for one to track him down like that i don't like it.

"That's angelica, we ummm... well i she is" he trails off not knowing exactly what to say.

"You left her at the altar i get that but what did she want" i ask raising my voice a little i just don't like the way she look at him and i don't like that she came to him for anything.

"She wanted help, she's going after a hidden treasure and needed a ship and a crew" he says. I wonder how long ago they were together.

"and " i exclaim wanting to know what he replied to her.

"I said i was too busy running from the navy" he replied simply. Well im glad he told her no i don't know what i would do if she was onboard.
"There's nothing to worry about dearest, me and angelica were in the past" he says drawing me closer to him i roll my eyes as he moves a strand of hair out of my face

"I would have thought last night would have proven that to you" he whispers turning me around he proceeds to kiss my neck until i give in. bloody pirates.

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now