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Ch18 Jack's POV

"Caption there's too many of them" fred yells as he kill another clay man. I fight one significantly taller than me kicking him in the shin then stabbing him. I have no clue who these people are and i almost feel bad intruding their home, after all this is their land but they took angelica and i still need that treasure.

" just hold them off" i say i see mary fight thus posed chief as she knocks him unconscious. I turn around fight two men with long pointy spears i grab one and snap it in half. Me fred and hugo put our backs together fighting our way through the crowd but soon there's more of them i look and see the fire i started has been put out and there returning.

"Oh bugger" i whisper under my breath the surround un more and i see mary turn back and look at me in the distance i hear her call my name i look and see angelica grabbing her pulling her up i soon fell a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything goes black.

"jack ... jack" i hear a voice call me followed by someone moving me i open my eyes and see hugo kiking me. I sit up and see fred still passed out on the floor next to me. Passed out but breathing. I struggle against the ropes binding my wrist but can't undo them. I hear footsteps coming and i sit against the wall. I man with black face paint and a blue hate walks in he almost looks like a pirate if it weren't for the face paint.

" i've heard you been causing a bit of trouble" the man says i see now the mn at the alter wasn't the leader.

"And who might you be... it's rude not to introduce yourself first mate" i ask casually leaning against the stone wall, i glance to my right and see are weapons in a corner.

"I am chief Kamite languor " he says and i look at him smirking

"That's a mouthful" i comment regarding his name he glares at me for moment before continuing.

"What business have you here pirate" he say putting his hands on his hips. A small group has formed i smell the air and it smells damp and musty i wonder how far in the cave we are.

"Its none of your business what my business is" i retort with a mocking face chefe what's his face grabs my collar ad pulls me close.

"Seeing as it's my island it is my business" he hisses in my face i keep my facial expression blanke untill he puts me down.

"Well if you must know we've been stranded on open sea for months and needed supplies so we landed here honest mistake" i say fred and hugo nod as i say this. The chief think for a minute before walking away. The grope of his followers then grab us and pull us to are feet to start walking.

"So you're letting us go then" i ask hopefully he chuckles and shakes his head.

"Not at all you interrupted a very important ritual of ours but thankfully i found out how you can make up for it" he says he drags us deeper into the have then into a small cramped section his minions through us in and move a big boldor in front of the opening cutting out all light.

"Jack" hugh says in a slightly afraid voice. I feel around for the wall and sit down

"What" i say as i try and think i look around but can't see a damn thing which is bloody useful when you're trying to escape.

"How do we get out " he asks pounding on the boulder that is far too heavy for the three of us to move.

"There not done with us yet if they were they would have killed us already" fred say i look in the direction of his voice and can make out nothing but a slight grey twinge from his beard. I sigh and run my hands through my hair as i sit on the cold damp rock ground.

"Nothing to do but wait" i say one thing i can't stand is boredom i mean i'm a pirate for god sake i live for adventure, so sitting here in the dark drives me crazy. I wonder how long they leave us in here for. It's so dark so there's no concept of time. Hours or maybe days later To my right i hear a soft snoring coming from fred i roll my eyes wishing i could sleep. I can't help but think of mary and ethen i hope there ok. I lye down and start to drift off just when i'm about to fall asleep i hear the scraping sound of the boloder being moved i jump to my feet.

"About time" i whisper as it slowly moves. I here a grumble from freed as he wakes up from the noise. It seems like we've been in here for days. The soft light shines in causing me to squint my eyes as the chef and some guards walk in and grab me i'm escorted out leaving hugo and fred behind.

" you'll be needing to let the other to go as well mate" i say as i'm pushed forward.

"You're not going anywhere" the chief says we enter a room with a small table and chairs im then tied to the chairs by the tribe guards.

"Now mr karte" i say one i am settled in and my eyes have adjusted to the lights

" its kalmate" he corrects slightly annoyed

"I've heard it both way.. Anyway what are you keeping us here fore were of no use" i say crossing my jegs in the chair as best i can.

"Ah but you are of use no tell who was the women with gold hair " he says smoothly i grit my teeth knowing the only women with gold hair is mary .  

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