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Ch10 Jack's POV

We sail westwards towards an unknown location,i sip on some run as the sun starts to set. I know mary is jealous of angelica but she's the one who wanted to go after this treasure. We don't even know if this item is real or what it is angelica has kept it a secret using that as leverage to stay aboard. We'll be making port soon and hopefully i can leave angelica there if i can just get the location of the bloody island. I her boots walk behind me i turn to see angelica standing there watching the sunset.

"Beautiful isn't it" i say walking behind her she looks back over her shoulder at me

"Best part of sailing" she says in her spanish accent i nod and move to stand next to her. I figure it's now or never to get the information i need.

"I wouldn't say the best part" i trail off putting my arm around her waist she smirks not looking at me she moves wrapping her arms around me neck. I let out a deep breath i'm doing this for mary id honestly rather not be anywhere near this women but if i get what i need then she doesn't have to be around anymore.

"I knew you'd warm up to me jakey" she purrs i ignore her seductive jab.

"Dearest angelica are history is undeniable" i state running my hands over her body it feels so different from mary's. I can tell she's enjoying this i think back to the journey to the fountain and how a similar situation happened.

"Jack you can be so charming when you want something" she says the similar phrase i kiss her bare neck trying to sell the act she tilts her head back moving her hands to my hair. I feel such guilt but i can explain this to mary she would understand. I hope.

"What of this treasure and the item that will stop the navy you have me curious" i ask standing up i move a piece of her thick black hair out of her face i look at her blank expression. I lean in to kiss her when she pulls away.

"I knew you wanted something.. You always do" she says moving back to railing her dark hair flowing behind her.

"Darling it's so much more than a want" i say leaning up against the side of the ship. I don't know if there's any point to this but i have to try.

"So you would call it a need" she asks i'm not sure weather she's talking about herself of the treasure

"Aye" i reply figuring either it's a god answer either way. She laughs at me a little making me frown ever so slightly.

"Enuf games sparrow i won't give anything up" she states looking over her shoulder once again i sigh in defeat. Shes smart i'll give her that and she knows me more than i care to admit.

"It's all a matter of leverage love, tell me what it is you want most" i says walking up behind her she sighs pushing me away.

" your clever jack very clever" she responds with a smirk and walks away. All my efforts for not. I here footsteps running up the stare and see gibbs coming towards me.

"Jack" he calls a little out of breath as he reaches me.

" aye" i see looking at him wondering what could be the matter. He runs a hand through his messy gray hair as if trying to figure out how to say something.

"Spit it out man" i say slightly annoyed he stutters before he speaks.

"I don't know what you did to that class but she's in a bad state jack" he says regaining his composer i tilt my head at him in confusion.

"What lass speak clearer man" i say the bloody man doesn't make sense half the time.

"Your wife jack, it's bad luck to have a women aboard even more so when she's up set" he says i stare at him a minute before putting it all together. Mary what could have happened.

"Wear is she" i asked concern filling my voice. When did something happen i thought she would be asleep by now.

"Saw her the cellar halfway through her third bottle... " he starts before he can finish i run down the stares i bust through the cellar door and see mary asleep on the ground surrounded by shattered glass.

"Mary" i shake her a little but she doesn't move i see three bottles of hard liquor around her. I take her hand in mine and see cuts from the glass.

" mary love wake up" i sit her up and pull her into my lap i fell her shallow breathing on my face but the rest of her is unmoving. I pick her up and carry her to our room. She doesn't move the whole way there and when i set her on the bed she lies motionless in an alcoholic coma. I open the door and glance into ethan's room and see him sleeping peacefully. Walking back to are room i grab a rag and some water to clean her cuts. She doesn't move the whole time as i do this. I feel tremendous guilt for what i did earlier and it didn't even work i still dont have the location for the treasure. I wonder if she saw what happened.

"gibbs " i yell walking above deck leaving mary alone for just a minute.

"Did mary say what happened. I found her passed out in the cellar" i say worried as hell what got into her the only logical thing i can think of is that she saw me and angelica. Gibbs shakes his head.

"She was in a bad state asked if i regretted becoming a pirate something about no honor among thieves" he explains i start to pace the floor i walking back and forth trying to figure out what to do. I start to walk away.

"Jack" gibbs call just as i reach the stares i turn and look at him with a questioning look

"Make things right with her she's a good lass" he says i nod walking back down to wear mary is she hasn't moved since i left i see a slight flush on her cheeks.

"Come back to me" i say as a small tear comes from my eye. Many a person have drank himself to death i've seen it happen before. If only i could explain to her what happened tell her why i did what i did. What will i tell ethen of his mother.

"I love you" i say i hold her body close to me. Her eyes are shut peacefully. I bury my head in her soft gold hair breathing in the sent of the sea and spices. If only i could have told her my plan before i did it. If only i would have gotten the information i wanted so i could have proof. I lay down with her in my arms and fall asleep wondering if she'll ever wake up.  

across stormy seas  ( sequel to across stranger seas)Where stories live. Discover now