Secrets exposed

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*not proof read*

James's POV

She stood in the corner of studio A, talking with Michelle and Thalia. Riley. We barely ever talked to each other, we barely know anything about each other, but yet I still find myself falling in love with her. I can't help it, she's perfect. From her chocolate brown eyes, to her ombre shoulder length hair, to her hourglass figure. Anyone would be able to fall in love with her. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and glanced to see Eldon. "Bro, why don't you just go ask her out?" He asked, slightly annoyed I was paying more attention to a girl than I was to him.
"Maybe I will." I said back to him, taking him by surprise. He hadn't actually meant it, I knew that, but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna listen to him. Most of the time, Eldon can be pretty stupid, but now was one of the times when he proved he really wasn't. I left him and the boys, making my way over to Riley. She had her back to me, laughing over something that had been said. I placed my hand on her shoulder, and she jumped, looking at me.
"Oh hey James." She smiled.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" I questioned, and she nodded, walking with me to a spot where we could talk privately.
"What's up?" She asked me sweetly. Her eyes glimmered with curiosity as she waited for me to speak.
"I was hoping you might wanna go out with me sometime." I told her, a small smile growing on her face.
"After dance sound good?" She inquired, before tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear, a light blush in her cheeks. I nodded.
"Perfect." I answered, causing her smile to grow bigger.
"Alright, I can't wait." She said, before walking back over to Michelle and Thalia, her cheeks still slightly red.

Dance couldn't end fast enough. Finally though, it did, and I found myself sitting with Riley in a cafe around the corner. The waitress walked by, and I stopped her. "Sorry, can I get an iced tea, and a...chai latte?" I asked, guessing Riley's order, and seeing her nod in a approval.
"Sure." The woman answered, walking away to get the drinks for me. Once she's left, Riley spoke up.
"How'd you know I like chai lattes?" She inquired, leaning her and on the table.
"I'm observant." I responded, a smirk on my face. She smiled too, staring into my eyes.
"Tell me about yourself." She requested, sitting back in the chair and staring at me patiently.
"Well, you know I'm 19. I have a younger sister named Piper, my favourite style of dance is breakdancing, I play the drums, I have a dog named Leo, and, to contrary belief, I have not been on a date since I was 16." I told her.
"So I'm breaking your streak then?" Riley asked, eyebrows raised. "I hope it's worth it."
"What about you?" I suddenly questioned, wanting to know more about her. She let out a small laugh at how quick I was to move onto a new subject, but told me about herself.
"I'm 18, which you know, obviously I have an older sister, my favourite style of dance is contemporary, I used to play piano, but I don't play it as often now. I have 2 cats, a brother and sister, named Tasha and Tigger, and I'm taking online university courses so I can still dance." She explained. The waitress can back, giving us our drinks, and we thanked her, turning back to our conversation. "How long have you liked me?" Riley asked, sipping her latte. I felt a little embarrassed at my answer, but told her anyways.
"Since the last date I went on, when you entered the restaurant with Charlie." I told her, unable to look at her. That had been 3 years ago, but I still remember it like yesterday.
I was on a date with Beth. We were at an expensive restaurant, and everything was going great. Until she walked in. She was with Charlie, but I couldn't care less. Now I couldn't hear a word Beth was saying, I was too focussed on Riley. She wore a tight black dress, with thick straps and a plunging back and neckline, as well as a couple small cutouts at the sides. I'd never seen her dressed up before, and I had to say, it changed my view on her. The hostess greeted them, and guided them to a table. On the way, they passed the table Beth and I were sat at, and stopped, recognizing us. "Funny seeing you here." Charlie said, greeting us.
"Hi James, hi Beth." Riley said to us kindly, a smile on her face.
"Hey Riles, Charlie." I responded.
"Guys, did you plan this?" Beth asked, looking between Charlie and I.
"I swear, we didn't." I answered, truthfully.
"What a funny coincidence." Charlie said, shaking his head and chuckling slightly. "Well Ri, I think we're holding this kind woman up so we should get to our table. See you guys tomorrow." He added, guiding Riley to follow the hostess again.
"See ya." Beth and I responded, watching them disappear into the crowd.
When I finally looked up to make eyes contact with Riley again, she was smiling, a slight flush on her cheeks. "That's so sweet." She said softly, reaching her hand across the table to touch mine. We continued to talk for hours, always finding a new conversation. It was only when the cafe was closing for the night that we actually left, after paying for around 6 drinks each. We walked down the sidewalk, in a comfortable silence, heading to my car, which was parked at the studio. We reached my car after a few minutes of silence. "I better go, Emily's expecting me home soon." Riley said quietly. "I had fun. Thanks." She smiled. She turned to go, but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She turned back to me, a confused look on her face. Not even a second after she had turned to look at me again, I leaned in, connecting our lips. After getting over the initial shock, Riley began to kiss back. We pulled away after around 20 seconds. And they quickly became the best 20 seconds of my life. Riley smiled, looking down and biting her lip.
"We should do this again." I told her and she nodded.
"Soon." She said, turning and walking towards her car.


It had been a week since our first date, and Riley and I were currently on our third. We were sitting on the beach, the sun setting in front of us, a picnic spread out along the shore. I looked over at Riley, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "You're beautiful." I told her, making her blush.
"Thank you." She responded. I leaned over, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. It felt right. Whenever I was with her, it felt right. Maybe that was why a compelled me to do this, I don't really know. What I do know, is were both insane. As we pulled away from the kiss, I knew I had to ask her.
"Can I say something crazy?" I whispered. She nodded, looking intrigued. "Will you marry me?" The pause lasted all of 2 seconds, but in this moment it felt like forever. Our faces were inches apart, I could feel her warm breath on my lips. Her hair was falling her face again, framing it as if it were a painting in a museum. The sunset behind her made her seem to glow. That's when I realized I was glad I asked her to marry me.
"Yes." She answered, with no hesitation at all. She hadn't seemed shocked when I'd asked her, nor was she shocked now when she answered. We both knew it was right for us. I stared at her, smiling.
"I love you." I whispered, realizing I get to spend the rest of my life with her.
"I love you too." She responded. And then we were kissing again, her hands placed delicately on my chest, mine wrapped around her waist. We pulled away from our longest kiss, which lasted a matter of minutes, and she spoke again. "Let's do it." She said.
"Do what?" I questioned, confused.
"Let's get married. Now. I don't wanna wait." There was a look I'd never seen before in her eye, but the large smile on her face made me certain of how much she wanted this.
"Let's do it." I told her, grabbing her hand.

2 hours and an outfit change each later, and we were walking out of the building, a wedding license in hand. We got in the car, still in silence since we left the building. "I can't believe we just did that." Riley said, breaking the silence. We looked at each other, mouths still wide open in surprise. "Maybe we should hold off on telling our family for a little bit." Riley suggested.
"Yeah." I responded, starting the car. As I began to drive Riley home, she was staring at the certificate in her hands, still shocked.
"Can I keep it?" She asked me, finally looking up.
"Sure baby, if you wanna." I replied, causing her to smile. She put it safely in her dance bag, as we pulled up outside her house. "See you tomorrow." I told her.
"Yeah." She said, leaning over to peck my lips, before getting out of the car.


We were at dance the next day, making small talk. We hadn't mentioned anything about being married, trying to avoid the topic. Not only because A troupe was hear and could overhear, but because we weren't sure if we really wanted this to last. We jumped the gun just a little bit on the whole marriage thing I think. "Hey, I'm gonna get my water, be back in a sec." Giselle said, leaving me and Riley alone.
"What're you thinking?" I asked quietly, and quickly.
"We maybe rushed into it, but I'm not mad about it. Let's just not tell anyone, I don't wanna be lectured by everyone." She answered in a hushed tone. I nodded, happy we'd agreed on the topic, and went back to the other conversation at a normal volume. There was a loud thud, and everyone looked to see Riley's dance bag on the ground, all the papers and sweaters and other things inside it scattered across the floor.
"Sorry Ri." Giselle said, slightly embarrassed seeing as she had knocked it over.
"It's fine." Riley responded, standing up to help Giselle put everything back. I followed to help the girls, seeing as Riley keeps a lot in her bag, and it was all on the floor currently. They smiled a smile of appreciation, and went back to picking up items. Giselle picked up the last piece of paper, hesitating slightly.
"Guys, what's this?" She asked, turning it around. Both Riley and my eyes widened as everyone looked at us confusedly, reading what the paper was. Our marriage certificate. Riley and I looked at each other, knowing this wasn't our secret anymore.
"Busted." I mumbled, preparing to explain to everyone that we'd gotten married after a week of dating........

I think it was kinda rushed at the end, but I hope you guys still enjoyed my first oneshot.

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