Last kiss

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I posted a new story! It's called The Story of my Life. Of all my books, I'd say I'm most proud of this one. It's super different and has a lot of plot twists! If you check out any of my other books, I would recommend this one!
Thanks so much! Xoxo

Not proof read.... But are any really?

Riley's POV

I took a breath, placing the pen to the slightly crumpled paper.
I wrote this 3 years ago, on our anniversary. I always told myself I'd give it to you, but whenever the opportunity arose, I'd chicken out. When I saw you were playing in town tonight, I realized this was my last chance. I'm getting married tomorrow. While I'll never forget you or our time together, he loves me and he makes me happy. Thank you for being my first love. I'll forever cherish the memories you gave me. I wish you a lifetime of success and happiness.
Riley xo
I sighed, dropping the pen on my desk as I stared at the engagement ring on my left hand. It sparkled in the light, reminding me of how James used to say my eyes would do the same. I'd always thought James would be the one I'd end up with forever. Somehow, I'd told myself he'd come back. But he didn't, he just slipped farther and farther away. I'm not as certain that Andrew is the one for me, but he love me. He treats me well and we get along. How likely am I to find that again? I pushed the thoughts from my mind, folding the paper again and slipping it back into the envelope with James's name on it. I licked the envelope, finally sealing it after 3 years. Then I placed the pen back in my desk drawer, before dropping the envelope into my purse. A quiet knock turned my attention to the open door. Andrew smiled at me from the doorway. "You look beautiful." He told me. I sent him a soft smile.
"Thank you." I replied, glancing over my outfit, checking for wrinkles.
"Are you ready to go?" He questioned, glancing at the time on his watch.
"I have to make a quick stop, I'll meet you there." I said, walking over to place a kiss on his lips.
"Okay baby, but don't be too long. I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you head off with the girls tonight." He responded.
"I won't. I promise." I stated, placing another kiss on his cheek. He turned, walking away to grab his keys and head to his car. I watched him go, waiting for the sound of the front door closing, before I walked to grab my purse. I headed to the front door as well, grabbing my keys and coat before exiting the apartment. I locked the door, heading outside to the parking lot. Once I got in my car, I started driving to where I knew he'd be. It was a little out of my way, but tonight was the last night I could give him the letter. I'd pushed it off for 3 years, I had to do it now. As I pulled up outside the crowded arena, I found myself worrying slightly that I wouldn't be able to get in. I glanced at the clock on the dashboard. 7:18. Dinner starts at 8. I don't have much time, but I'll try my hardest. I stepped out of the car, locking it before walking towards the arena. As I saw the long line up to get in, another idea flashed through my mind. The back entrance. When James and I dated, I used to go through the back entrance to get into venues. It was less crowded and easier to get in without being mobbed. Of course, you needed a pass to get in. But it's worth a shot. I changed my path, walking around the arena to where I saw the tour bus. No one was around, so I was thinking I had a good chance of getting in undetected. As I neared the doors of the arena, I saw them open, causing me to sigh. So far my plan is not going how I thought it would. By as I saw the person exit, I realized today was really my lucky day. Colin, the band's manager, exited the building, walking towards the tour bus. I started walking again, heading straight towards him. "Colin!" I called, picking up my pace. He turned upon hearing his name, surprise spreading across his face as he saw me.
"Riley Evans? What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding shocked to see me. "God, it's been what? 3 years?" He questioned.
"4." I corrected him. He smiled at me.
"You're looking good." He said.
"Thank you." I replied, reaching to tuck my hair behind my ear.
"Wow, you're engaged." He stated, noticing the ring on my left hand. I glanced at it, nodding.
"Yeah. Weddings tomorrow." I told him.
"Jesus. That's insane." He replied. "Is there something I can do for you?" He inquired.
"Actually, there is." I answered, reaching into my purse to retrieve the envelope. "Could you do me a favour and give this to James? I would really appreciate it." I smiled. Colin's friendliness turned to a look of apprehension. He stared at the envelope uncertainly. Finally, he locked his lips, exhaling.
"Sure thing." He nodded, taking the envelope from my extended hand. "Uh, congratulations again on the engagement." He added.
"Thank you." I said again, sending him a small smile. "I'll, um..... See you later." I told him, turning on my heel and heading back to my car.

Jiley OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant