Shower fights

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I hope everyone's staying inside and are safe and healthy. Where I live, we hadn't been quarantined yet, but we are in a state of emergency meaning everything but essentials has been closed down. I've had some time on my hands so I picked up writing again. Let me know if you guys are still interested in my books, I might update them more frequently now that I have the time. I may also post a new one. Hope you enjoy❤️
Not proof read as always;)

James's POV

"Ri, I said I needed to shower first!" I snapped as I walked into the washroom connected to the room Riley and I were sharing. We were staying in an air BNB in Miami. Internationals had just ended, and we were enjoying our last few days here as a team. It had been a pretty big argument over whether Riley and I could share a room or not, but ultimately it came down to the fact that we are both adults and we're already planning to move in together, so Kate couldn't really stop us.
"Yeah, and I got here first." She replied. I exhaled, annoyed. The guys and I were supposed to leave in 30 minutes. I needed to shower now. Frustrated, I walked over to the sink, picking up Riley's cup from last night, and filling it with cold water. Then I walked back over to the shower, reaching over the door of the door and dumping the water on Riley. She shrieked in surprise at the sudden blast of cold water. Then she turned to face me, looking pretty angry. Then she turned her head, before she quickly grabbed the shower faucet, lifting it over the door, soaking me. After I had stepped out of her reach, she put the faucet back into place, smirking at me. She looked pretty pleased with herself. "If you'd waited, I would've said you can come in here with me." She stated, turning away from me to face the water again. I grumbled to myself, removing my boxers and thanking Jesus I hadn't been dressed. However, that gave me an idea. I stepped into the shower silently, starting to clean myself off. Riley was watching me while she rinsed her hair. "What? No shenanigans today?" She questioned, a brow arched. Usually if I come in I'll try to distract her from actually showering, try to get her to fool around with me.
"Nope." I replied simply, turning my gaze away from her. She rolled her eyes, grabbing her conditioner and putting it on her hair. Then she rinsed it out, before stepping around me and walking out of the shower. I watched through the glass door as she wrapped herself in a towel, heading to the bedroom to grab her clothes. A few minutes later she reappeared, fully dressed. She walked to the sink, starting to brush her hair. She hadn't noticed I'd taken the cup into the shower. The filled it up again, before stepping out of the shower. The hot water from the shower had caused the mirror to fog up so Riley couldn't see I was standing behind her. I chuckled quietly, dumping the cup of water on her head. Riley stood still, her chest rising and falling as she breathes heavily. She slowly turned to face me, a furious look on her face. She was completely soaked again. Her clothes were dripping wet. I started laughing, but as I saw the look she gave me, I slowly stopped. She inhaled, stepping to the side and walking away from me silently. Alright, she's pretty pissed off. Maybe I took it a little too far drenching her again when she was already ready. I walked back to the shower, stepping back in to finish showering so I could hurry up and try to apologize to her.

Eldon's POV

Riley wandered into the kitchen, not paying attention to anyone else. Her hair was dripping wet and she had a towel wrapped around her. I exchanged a glance with Thalia, trying to silently urge her to say something, seeing as it would be weird if I did. We all watched Riley silently grab a large bowl. She filled it with water, before going to the freezer and grabbing the ice cube tray. She dumped all the ice in the bowl before she disappeared again. "Go see what's going on!" Thalia whispered.
"Me?!" I asked. What if this was some weird sexual thing? I don't want to see them doing that!
"Go!" Thalia snapped, pushing me out of the kitchen. I sighed, making my way upstairs. The other guys were following closely. The girls were following as well but staying farther back. When I got to the top of the stairs, the door to James and Riley's room was open. I stepped in cautiously, watching as Riley walked into the bathroom. I followed, making it just in time to see Riley throw open the shower door and dump the icy water on James.
"Fuck!" He exclaimed as Riley laughed. I couldn't help but start laughing either, rather amused by the sight. James grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist as the other guys entered, followed slowly by the girls. I was still in hysterics as James spoke again. "Oh it is not over." He stated, glaring at Riley.
"That is the end!" Riley laughed, James looking very pissed off.
"It is not over." James said again.
"I wasn't even wet!" Riley replied.
"Nope." James responded.
"Go ahead and try to pull that on me." She challenged him.
"I won't try, I will." He assured her.
"I dare you." Riley stated.
"I will." James replied.
"I dare you." She repeated.
"I don't need a dare." James told her. Riley shrugged, turning away from him.
"Sorry guys, I have to get dressed again." She told us as she walked back into the bedroom. We all left, everyone still laughing at the scene we'd witnessed.


Riley's POV

I was still furious with James for what he'd done. So I got in the shower first? He didn't have to dump cold water on me. Or soak me when I was fully ready. We had been avoiding each other all day, I think the others were worried we'd explode soon. I was talking with Michelle and Giselle, sitting outside the air BNB, enjoying the sun. I could hear James chatting with West and Noah a little ways away. While we were talking, I couldn't help but notice Michelle and Giselle kept glancing between me and where James sat. I was just deciding to ask them what's going on, when Stephanie spoke. "I think we should all play truth or dare!" She announced, gaining everyone's attention. I looked to where she was sitting with Thalia, Amanda, Max, Eldon and Cierra.
"That sounds fun." Michelle said, confusing me. She hates truth or dare. She's hated it since we played before Regionals and she almost had to admit to liking Eldon in front of everyone.
"There's no harm playing." Amanda shrugged, confusing me even more. She is definitely still hiding some of the things she did to us while she was being a double agent. It's for good reasons, I'm sure to would hurt us. Why would she want to play a game where these things could come out? Everyone else agreed it would be fun. Everyone except James and I.
"Yeah, I don't think so." I said, slowly beginning to realize this was some sort of plan they had.
"I'm not in the mood to play." James replied.
"Oh come on guys! It'll be a bonding experience! It'll be fun!" Stephanie told us while she dragged me over to where the rest of A troupe was gathering in a circle. James groaned, walking over reluctantly and sitting as far away from me as he could. "I'll go first! Michelle, truth or dare?" Stephanie asked, sounding way too excited to be playing this game.
"Dare." Michelle answered from her spot beside me.
"I dare you to switch places with James." Stephanie said. I scoffed, knowing they were trying to get James and I to get along again.
"Really guys?" James questioned, looking annoyed.
"A dare is a dare, now move it!" West defended. I rubbed my hand over my face, rather frustrated with the group, as James begrudgingly switched places with Michelle, sitting beside me. I turned my head, refusing to look at him.
"Noah truth or dare?" Michelle inquired.
"Truth." Noah replied.
"Who do you like?" She asked. Noah's cheeks heated up slightly.
"Richelle." He admitted, causing me to laugh a little. I know she likes him back. They would be so darn cute together.
"Amanda, truth or dare?" He questioned.
"Dare." She chose wisely.
"I dare you to ask James next." Noah said.
"What kind of a dare is that?" James questioned.
"James, I dare you-" Amanda started.
"Uh, I didn't choose truth or dare yet." He stated. Amanda furrowed her brows.
"I heard you say dare." She said. Everyone else nodded and agreed they'd 'heard him say dare'. "Anyway, I dare you to kiss Riley." I put my head in my hands, unimpressed. This is ridiculous.
"Really guys?" I asked, lifting my head to send them all a look.
"A dare is a dare." Michelle shrugged, earning her a glare from both James and myself.
"I am not-" James started, Amanda cutting him off.
"Everyone else did their dares." She stated. I sighed, shaking my head.
"Come on, are you all 7?" I questioned, unamused by their immaturity.
"You're the ones acting immature." Stephanie mumbled, crossing her arms. I exhaled. They're all getting on my nerves.
"Alright, fine." James said, before I felt him grab my face. In one quick motion he turned me to face him before pressing our lips together hard. I heard A troupe cheering happily as we both pulled away. I turned to face them, still rather unamused.
"Happy now?" I questioned, a brow arched. Amanda nodded her head, causing me to roll my eyes.
"You're forgetting something." Thalia stated, her arms crossed. I furrowed my brows.
"You kissed, now you have to make up and say you love each other." Eldon explained. I let out a chuckle. I can't believe them. Are they really worried a stupid water fight could break us up? Is that what this is about? I looked over at James, seeing him looking at me.
"I'm sorry." I stated.
"Me too." James replied. We smiled at each other. Our friends are annoying, but I guess they're only trying to help us.
"Alright." I said, turning back to A troupe. "I'm done with this game now." I told them, standing up.
"Same." James replied. I started walking back to the house, hearing James following me. He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. "I really am sorry about this morning." He said, before he lowered his hand to rest on my butt. I rolled my eyes, stepping away from his grasp as we entered the house. We walked away from the sliding door so A troupe couldn't see us anymore, then I turned to face him, grabbing his hands in mine.
"I think another shower might make it up to me." I whispered, biting my bottom lip. James smirked, crashing our lips together as we fumbled our way up the stairs.

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