Repeating history

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The day one of my oneshots is actually proofread is the day you should assume I've been kidnapped 😂
A few quick notes on this oneshot:
1. It combines OG with current storylines (Jiley and Pinn (Piper and Finn))
2. For anyone who no longer watches the show, Finn (one of Piper's best friends) dated Piper's other best friend, Amy. This is important for the storyline
3. Contrary to actual season 7 storylines, this oneshot has Michelle and Emily as co-studio heads still
4. Instead of business school, assume Riley became a social worker
I'm playing around with mixing OG and current storylines. Let me know what you think:)
Enjoy xo

Riley's POV

I pulled my legs into my chest, leaning my head on James's shoulder. He smiled, tightening his grip on me as we continued to chat with our friends. A troupe was having a small get together, kind of like a reunion since its been so long since we've all seen each other. The last time was Christmas. "I miss being teenagers and being on A troupe. Going to Regionals, Nationals, Internationals." Michelle sighed.
"We definitely have to go on a trip somewhere, all of us." Thalia stated.
"I think Spain." James suggested. I scoffed.
"For the last time James, you cannot speak Spanish." I told him, causing the group to laugh.
"I can so!" He replied, offended.
"No, you can only say one thing, that people look like potatoes." I laughed. He exhaled, pretending to be mad at me. I giggled, cuddling closer to him. He couldn't help but smile as I did. I knew I'd break him.
"Seriously though, Spain would be nice." Hunter said.
"If only our pay checks allowed it." Emily laughed. The rest of us chuckled too. Being in your early twenties, you don't make much unfortunately.
"Yeah, I was thinking something more along the lines of splitting the cost of a cottage for a week." Thalia agreed.
"That's actually not a bad idea. It would be fun to just hang out at a cottage together for one week in the summer." West replied.
"So long as we can all book the same week off." Amanda responded. I heard my phone ring, causing me to sigh.
"That's probably work." I rolled my eyes.
"Speaking of the devil." Emily chuckled.
"I'll be right back." I announced, grabbing my purse and walking through Eldon and Thalia's apartment to an empty room. I pulled my phone from my purse, seeing the caller ID. It surprisingly wasn't work calling. It was Piper. "Hello?" I asked happily, putting the phone to my ear.
"Riley I need to talk you, it's important." She said. She was whispering, as if she was afraid she'd be heard.
"What's wrong? What's going on?" I asked, worried she was in trouble.
"I need advice. I need to talk to you now." She stated. I could hear her voice wavering, she was probably shaking.
"Alright, calm down. Where are you?" I questioned.
"I'm at home." She replied.
"Okay Piper. I'm at Eldon and Thalia's, but I'll just get James and we'll come get you."
"No!" She exclaimed. I furrowed my brows, puzzled. "You can't take James, he can't know. No one can know." She told me.
"Alright, okay. I'll say I have to leave for work, I'll tell James I'm meeting him at home. I need you to take a few deep breaths. You need to calm down." I said softly.
"Okay." Piper replied. I heard her sniffle through the phone.
"Good. Tell your mom you're going for coffee with me. I'm on my way, I'll be there soon." I stated.
"Alright. Bye." Piper responded, before I heard her hang up. I put my phone back in my purse, sighing. I have no clue what could have her so wound up. I licked my lips, fixing my hair, before walking back out to face my friends.
"So?" Michelle asked, eyebrows raised.
"There's an emergency involving a case, I have to go." I replied, grabbing my coat and shoes.
"What happened?" Chloe inquired, soun sign concerned.
"I'm not allowed to say." I responded. I said goodbye, before walking out of the apartment and to my car. I drove to Piper's house and didn't even have to get out of the car. Piper was running outside as soon as she saw my car pull up. She got in, and immediately broke down. "Piper, what's wrong? What's going on?" I asked. She was so upset. She looked so scared.
"Riley, I think I-I'm pregnant." She cried. My eyes widened in shock.
"Who else have you told?" I questioned, placing my hand on my arm and rubbing it soothingly.
"No one." She replied.
"Not even Finn or Amy?" I asked. She shook her head.
"I thought you'd know what to do." She responded. I sighed. It's a little harder when the pregnant teen is your boyfriends little sister.
"Okay, well you just said you think you're pregnant, right?" I asked. Piper nodded. "Alright, well honey, you have to know whether you are or not before we figure out what to do." I stated.
"O-okay." Piper said.
"I'm going to take you to the store and we're gonna buy some pregnancy tests for you. Then you're going to take one." I told her. She nodded her head. I gave a nod, trying to repress any emotions I was feeling until I knew for certain whether she is or isn't pregnant. I put the car in drive, heading to the closest store. Whe we got there, I bought the tests and took Piper to the public washroom. I didn't know when James would be home and didn't want to risk him walking in. Piper took the test, placing it on the counter as she washed her hands.
"What if I am?" She asked quietly. I was silent. I didn't know what to say. "How mad will James be?" She questioned.
"He loves you. He always will, no matter what." I told her. She licked her lips, looking down. We both knew the answer. Real mad. How mad will he be when he finds out I knew and kept it from him? He'll be pretty pissed, but it won't keep me from letting Piper tell him. I have no place telling him this. "Why don't you go on and check it honey? The result should be ready by now." I told Piper. She took a breath, lifting the stick off the counter.
"I'm not." She said, tears slipping down her cheeks as she let out a sigh of relief. I exhaled, feeling relieved as well. Thank god.
"Alright, get yourself cleaned up and I'll take you home." I said. I grabbed the test, putting it back in the box, before putting the box in my purse. Debra doesn't need to be finding pregnancy tests in Piper's room. About an hour later I was walking in my apartment. I'd seen James's car in the parking lot but the apartment was dark so I knew he was in bed. I quietly got myself ready for bed, before slipping in beside him. He turned, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his chest.
"How was work?" He asked, combing his fingers through my hair.
"I thought you were asleep." I told him.
"Not without my girl." He responded, kissing my head lightly. I smiled, snuggling into him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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