It's meaningless, but it's so much more

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James's POV

I looked across Hidalgos, my gaze landing on Riley. She stood talking to Michelle and Stephanie, smiling and laughing. I was with Eldon and West, who were arguing over who gets the last mini cupcake. "Arm wrestle. Whoever wins gets the last cupcake." Eldon stated, before West agreed, and they started. Riley glanced away form the girls, noticing me staring. Smirking, she said something to them, before standing, and walking out of the cafe, letting her hips swing. As she walked, I found it impossible to look away from her butt. She purposefully wore dark wash skinny jeans, and that tight red shirt. She knew what would drive me crazy. I was genuinely surprised when my phone buzzed only a few seconds after she left. I didn't think she would be texting me. I lifted my phone off the table, not just to check the text, but also because Eldon and West were getting dangerously close to breaking it with their arm wrestling. I was even more surprised than I already was, when I saw it was her that had texted me.
Riley- Costume closet in 5
"Hey guys, I gonna go get some extra rehearsal in." I announced, standing up. They nodded, not really paying attention as they were too busy still wrestling for that damn cupcake. As I headed up to the costume closet, I found myself wondering if this was a joke, and she wasn't gonna be there when I showed up. Normally Riley only dresses like how she did today to tease me, and normally she won't come anywhere near me when she does. Riley and I, we have a complicated relationship. We hate each other, no, we despise each other. We can't be in the same room together, alone, for more than 5 minutes without arguing. Give us 10 minutes and we could start World War 3. But nevertheless, we still end up in the costume closet every week, sometimes multiple times. No one else other than us knows about what we do. There has been one time though, where we almost thought we'd have to tell people. We almost thought we'd be stuck together.

Riley sat on her bed, staring at the wall. She wasn't herself. I hate her and even I could see that. I'd never seen her like this, she was terrified, and almost broken. Some of her friends and family were starting to worry about her, some of my friends were starting to worry about her. I couldn't describe how I felt about her, maybe slightly worried, slightly guilty. I don't know really. I also know why she's like this though. Something they don't know. She wore an oversized greyish purple shirt, along with a more fitted style of grey track pants. Her ombré hair with just left down, and was tousled from her running her fingers through it. Her brown eyes held no emotion, they were just empty pools of nothingness. She hadn't spoke since she told me how long it would be. It's like she's in some sort of trance or something, and she won't snap out of it. It had been silent between us for a while now, and it was becoming unbearable. I finally made the decision to speak, unable to sit in silence anymore. "How much longer?" I asked her quietly, looking up at her from my place on the floor, leaning against her bed frame.
"I don't know." She responded in a whisper, never breaking her gaze at the wall. "I'm too scared to look. I don't wanna know the answer." She added. I stood slowly, making my way beside her. Sitting with a few inches between us, I reached over her, grabbing her phone off her bedside table. I pressed the power button, looking at the lock screen, or more specifically, the timer on the lock screen. I watched it count down from 6 seconds, until it started buzzing in my hand. I looked up Riley, stopping the timer and gently placing my hand on her thigh.
"It'll be alright." I told her quietly. She nodded, tears filling her eyes as she attempted to keep her stare at the wall for as long as possible. Finally, she broke, turning and lifting the white stick off the table. Turning the object in her hands, her breath hitched as she saw the result. Negative. She exhaled, letting her eyes close and a small smile spread across her face as all the stress and anxiety left her body.
"Thank god." She said, standing up and hiding the test in her drawer and taking her phone from my outstretched hand. "I could not possibly deal with you for 18 years." She stated, wiping the tears under her eyes and on her cheeks.
"Me?! I'm happy I don't have to deal with you!" I replied, causing her to roll her eyes. There was only one problem now, I didn't feel relieved like I had thought I would, I felt disappointed.

That day I realized that I didn't actually hate Riley like I used to. In fact, I realized I was in love with her. But she still hates me, so I pretend to hate her as well, and we still meet in the costume closet like we're about to right now. The costume closets the only time I get to kiss her, to touch her, to make love to her. To her, it's just meaningless sex, but to me, it's so much more. I reached the closet, seeing Riley standing outside, waiting for me. "Finally! What took you so long?!" She snapped, sounding annoyed.
"Wasn't sure if you'd actually show up." I shrugged. "You like to tease me."
"Just shut up and get in there before we're late." Riley sighed. I rolled my eyes, opening the door for her. She entered, myself following. I closed the door, turning back to her as she threw herself on me, kissing roughly. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close, as she wrapped hers around my neck. We kissed fiercely as I backed her up, her back hitting one of the walls. I pulled my lips from Riley's, lifting her shirt off and throwing it behind me, revealing her black bra. Our lips connected again, and she moaned, allowing me to slip my tongue into her mouth. She reciprocated, and we made out for a few minutes, before she disconnected our lips again. She pulled my shirt off, kissing me again as she dropped it to the floor. She moaned again, and I broke from her lips, kissing down her jawline and neck. Her hands found the zipper and button of my pants, pulling them off, followed by me removing her jeans.
"How long do we have?" I mumbled against her neck, before moving down to her chest.
"Only about 20 minutes." She replied, breathlessly. I unclasped her bra, dropping it to the ground and kissing her cleavage. Her hands moved to my chest, resting them there. "Grab the condom." She instructed, due to the little time we had. I pulled away from her chest, bending down to pull a condom from in my wallet. I turned back to her, holding it in my hands as we kissed again. We pulled away, and I reached to pull her panties down. She stopped me however, grabbing my hands. "Be careful." She warned.
"I know Riley. I always am." I told her, slightly annoyed.
"Don't let the condom break." She continued, like she always does, completely ignoring the comment I made.
"I won't. I promise." I stated, even though I found myself secretly hoping it would. She smiled, removing her hands and letting me continue as we kissed again, rushing to get to rehearsal on time.

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