Moved on

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Emily's POV

"Hey guys." Riley said, gaining our attention.
"Oh hey, here, take my seat." West told her, immediately jumping up from his spot on the couch. Riley smiled at him, holding the armrest and her belly as she sat down.
"Still no baby, huh?" Michelle stated, eyeing Riley's bump from where she was sitting beside her.
"No." Riley sighed, leaning her head back against the couch. "God, I don't know what it is. I mean, I've tried everything. Walking, herbal tea, eating spicy foods. Nothing will put me into labour."
"You've just made such a nice home for the baby, it doesn't want to leave." Thalia told her. Riley broke out in laughter.
"Oh, honey that is really nice, but I know that it's bullshit." She laughed.
"When were you due?" Eldon asked. He asks everyday. He can't remember.
"5 days ago." Riley groaned. "Could somebody get me a peach mango juice? I just sat down and I really don't want to get up again." She added.
"Yeah Ri, I'll go." I told her, standing up.
"Thank you. My cards in my purse." She replied, smiling at me.
"Don't worry about it, I got it." I responded.
"I'm gonna go get a juice too, I'll be back." Michelle stated, standing up and walking with me to the counter.
"Can I get a peach mango juice please?" I asked the lady. She nodded, going to grab a bottle from the fridge.
"Here." Michelle sighed, handing me a twenty. I smiled, placing it on the counter to pay for the juice. "Man, that's $120 now! Why do I keep losing?!" She exclaimed, causing me to laugh.
"Here you go." The lady said, handing me Riley's juice and my change.
"Thank you." I replied, putting the money in my purse.
"She has to have the baby tomorrow for sure!" Michelle stated.
"If you say so." I shrugged.
"Another $20, she's having the kid tomorrow. You'll see." She told me. I chuckled.
"Deal." I responded. We walked back over to where the rest of our friends were sitting. "Here you go." I said, handing my sister juice.
"Thank you." She told me, opening it to take a sip.
"Oh shit, Ri you're going to be late for your appointment." Eldon announced, checking the time on his phone.
"Ugh! I forgot." Riley sighed.
"I'll pull the car up." Eldon said, leaving the juice bar to get his car.
"I'll be here, trying to stand up." Riley muttered. She placed her hand on the armrest and the other on Michelle's shoulder, hoisting herself up.
"I'm sure you'll have it by this time tomorrow." Michelle told her, rubbing her arm. Riley sent her a small smile.
"Sure." She replied sarcastically. "Bye guys." She added, waddling towards the door.
"Oh my god!" Stephanie exclaimed once Riley was out of earshot.
"What?" I asked her.
"James just posted on Twitter that he's home." She replied, staring at the tweet on her phone.
"What? Why didn't he tell us?" West asked, looking a bit offended.
"I didn't know their tour was over already." Thalia said.
"It is, but they're supposed to be in Europe for a few more days. John isn't coming home until Tuesday." Michelle responded.
"Well I personally hope he isn't coming around here. I don't want to see him, not after what he did to Riley." I stated.
"I'm sure she doesn't want to see him either." Hunter added.
"Let's just not mention anything to her. She doesn't need to worry about anything else, her stress levels are already probably through the roof." Michelle said.
"I agree." I replied.


"Riley, you're glowing." Kate smiled, walking over to my sister, who was entering studio A.
"Thank you." She said, giving Kate and awkward hug, due to the bump.
"You're still pregnant?" Michelle asked, looking a bit disheveled.
"No, I just decided to smuggle a watermelon." Riley replied sarcastically. Michelle sighed, not looking pleased.
"Twenty dollars." I mouthed to Michelle.
"Take a seat Ri." Eldon told her, attempting to guide her to the benches so she could sit down.
"No no, I'm fine standing. If I sit down I might not be able to stand up." She replied. "Besides, I need to pee. Michelle can you help me?" She added.
"Of course." Michelle said, walking with her down the hall to the bathroom.
"Alright A troupe, let's see this dance again." I stated, turning back to the group of dancers who were just finishing their water break. They walked to their places, waiting for the music. I pressed play, and they performed their dance. I smiled watching it. It was great. Definitely ready for Regionals. They hit their end pose, breathing heavily. Eldon, Kate and myself all clapped.
"That was fantastic!" Kate exclaimed happily.
"Almost as good as our Regionals dance." Someone joked. My eyes widened as I turned, seeing who I expected to. James stood in the doorway, a goofy smirk on his face. We stood in silence for a moment, just staring at him. He had guts to walk back into studio A. "I'm just kidding, it was great guys." He said, looking confused by the stares he was receiving.
"James..... You're home." Piper stuttered. "When did you come home?" She questioned.
"I got in yesterday, took the day to relax and settle down. Went to see mom and dad this morning, they said you'd be here." James replied. Piper stared at him for a minute, causing James to speak again. "Aren't you gonna give me a hug or something?" He asked. She reluctantly walked over, hugging her brother.
"Why didn't you tell me you were home?" Piper asked him.
"I was busy." He answered.
"You always are." She mumbled in reply. I exhaled, wishing he'd leave. He left on tour a year and a half ago and it was like he was suddenly too busy for everyone. 2 weeks into the tour, he just suddenly stopped texting Riley. She texted and called, but she never got an answer. Meanwhile, James would be tweeting or posting photos of him and the band. He essentially just cut her out of his life. She's not the only one either. He barely talks to his friends of his family. It's surprising he's here to be honest. There's no reason for him to be pretending to have interest in our lives anymore. He doesn't even know what's been going on the past year. Michelle came running into studio A, gaining everyone's attention.
"Riley's water just broke!" She exclaimed.
"I'm getting the car." Eldon said, running out the door. James stood in the doorway, in shock.
"What did you say?" He asked Michelle. I rolled my eyes. Like he has a right to care.
"Come on Michelle, let's go." I told her, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of studio A.

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