I told you so

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Okay so I had even more ideas to continue this, but it's already insanely long so I thought maybe a part 2?
Let me know! Also please continue to request any oneshots you'd like to see! I enjoy reading through your requests and coming up with ideas. Feel free to request any other ships you'd like to see in some oneshots (jiley will still be there of course). I know the show has progressed and there's a lot of new ships that people love! I'll take any, from season 1 to season 7.
Thanks so much!

Riley's POV

I was sitting with Michelle, James, Emily and Chloe, just catching up with Michelle. She had just come back to the studio and everyone just wanted to hear about what's gone on in her life for the past 6 weeks. She was telling us about a disaster she had in art class, when my phone rang. I looked at it, seeing my doctors contact pop up. That's...... Weird. "Sorry guys, I just need a minute." I told them, standing up. They all responded with some version of "it's fine", before I wandered to the hallway, someplace quieter to answer my phone. "Hello?" I said, after answering.
"Hi, Riley Carter?" The voice asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"This is Dr. Samuels, I'm calling about the Pap smear you did last week." She stated.
"Okay..." I trailed off, furrowing my brow. This is my first one, so maybe they call you after? Except Emily's already had one and she said the office was busy, so they didn't bother calling if everything was fine.
"Um... It appears that there are some abnormal cells on your cervix." The doctor started, hesitantly.
"What does that mean?" I asked confusedly. It was quiet for a moment.
"We rate the level of abnormal cells into groups, called 'CIN level blank'. There are 3 levels of abnormal cells. Level 1 are a few cells that the immune system can fight off on its own. Level 2 is where we start to intervene. Level 3 is where there's the highest amount of abnormal cells and we try to remove them before they become cervical cancer." She explained. I licked my lips. That was a little concerning, but I was still positive. I'm only 17, what are the chances of me having cancer? It's probably like level 1. She'll just tell me to make sure I'm eating right and exercising, and overall just living a held that lifestyle.
"So what level am I at?" I questioned, rubbing my arm. The silence on the other side of the phone lasted longer this time. Finally, the doctor spoke quietly.
"I've referred you to another doctor, more specialized in this area. You'll have to come in 2 weeks from today to get a colposcopy to get more accurate results. However, from what I can see, I'd say you're at a level 3." My heart froze in my chest. I stared blankly at the wall in front of me. Tears brimmed my eyes. It took all my strength to hold them in.
"O-okay." I stuttered, my voice breathy. I couldn't believe it. How?! Why me? "Alright, th-thank you. I'll, um.... I'll be in in 2 weeks." I stumbled, hanging up the phone. I took a couple moments to simply breath, thoughts swirling my brain. She has to be wrong. There's no way I could be at a level 3! Right? I cleared my throat, wiping my eyes and sniffling, checking in my phone to make sure I looked presentable, before walking back to my friends.


It had been a month since I got the call from my doctor. I'd gone to get the colposcopy. I'd also gotten a biopsy. Today the genealogist had scheduled for me to come in to discuss the results. He hadn't said anything at the first appointment 2 weeks ago, which I couldn't decide was reassuring or worrisome. I walked downstairs, heading to make breakfast and hopefully forgetting about the appointment later today. I didn't want to stress over it. Stressing won't change anything. "Riley, why aren't you dressed?! We're gonna be late!" Emily said as I entered the kitchen. I saw her in her dance clothes, just putting her water bottle in her dance bag.
"Oh, um... I have a dentists appointment today." I told her. I couldn't bare to tell anyone the truth. I didn't want their pity or their sympathy. I just wanted to be treated normally, that's the best thing for me right now.
"Are you kidding me?! Riley, it's the last rehearsal before Nationals!" Emily exclaimed.
"Sorry Em, I must've blanked out. Apologize to miss Kate for me." I replied, lying. Emily looked pissed.
"Just cancel the appointment! Nationals is more important." She told me.
"I can't, they won't be able to get me in again for like a month and my tooth is bugging me. I'll just rehearse on my own at home." I said. Emily exhaled angrily, grabbing her bag and leaving without another word. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I knew today was the last rehearsal before Nationals. It was either today for the appointment, or right during the duet round. If we make it to duets, I have to be there. I can't be at an appointment then. I waited until I heard Emily's car drive down the street before I grabbed my keys and bag, heading out. I drove in silence to the doctors office, not even putting the radio on. The thoughts swirling my head were loud enough. The 10 minute wait in the waiting room felt like forever, and by the time the doctor came in the exam room I thought I'd already lived 2 lifetimes.
"Alright Miss Carter, let's discuss your results." He stated, opening the file and looking through. I bit my lip nervously. He read, staying silent. My heart dropped into my stomach. "Well, the biopsy did come back with abnormal cells." He finally said. I nodded, waiting anxiously for him to finish. He didn't meet my eyes. He didn't look up. He continued to stare at the file. "Um.... It appears to be worse than anticipated. I'm afraid you have stage 1 cervical cancer." My breath hitched. My eyes filled with tears. No. I can't possibly. He has to be wrong. I can't have cancer at 17, I just can't. "So, starting next week I'm going to schedule you to come back 5 days a week, for 6 weeks. We'll do radiation therapy, which has less side effects than chemotherapy. You're luckily I'm the early stages, so if you come back for every appointment and get the radiation therapy, I strongly believe he cancer will be gone." He told me. I nodded, my mind in another place. I couldn't believe it. I have cancer. I'm 17 and I have cancer. He continued to talk, myself drowning him out. It was impossible to focus on, let alone listen to what he said. When I finally left the office, I bolted to my car, where I proceeded to sit and cry. I looked at the dates he'd given me for my radiation therapy. I would be missing the first 2, assuming we make it to the duet and semi-finals rounds of Nationals. They were the same days, and I can't be leaving to go to the doctors in the middle of the competition. I took a breath, telling myself it was fine. He said himself that it's the early stages. Missing 2 appointments won't kill me.

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