If courage is love, then you are so brave

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Thank you so much for 2k! This was published last night but it wasn't done so I took it down again. It's a little dark, and more of Riley and Piper at the start, but there's Jiley at the end. Not sure if I want to make a part 2, tell me what you think! Thanks again!

Not proof read

Riley's POV

"Piper would you please listen to me?!" I yelled, running after her.
"Riley, you not only broke James's heart, but you heart me too. I thought we were sisters, I trusted you. And then you kissed Alfie." Piper choked out. She was doing her best to keep the tears from falling, but she wasn't able to fully stop it, meaning a few stray tears were rolling down her face. She turned without another word, walking down the hallway, towards the door to outside.
"Where are you going?" I asked, walking after her.
"I'm going home." She told me, without turning around.
"I thought I was driving you." I said, confused. Piper froze, before turning around to face me again.
"Riley. Look. I'm not getting a ride with you after seeing you kiss Alfie. I'll walk." She stated harshly. My eyes widened, and I felt even more hurt inside than I did before. But not just hurt, also, a protective feeling.
"Piper I am not letting you walk home in the dark around here." I told her firmly. She just rolled her eyes, turning and walking towards the door. "Don't you dare walk out that door!" I yelled at her. She ignored me, pushing the door open and walking away. I sighed, briskly walking after her. "Piper! PIPER!" I shouted as we both walked across the parking lot to an alley round back.
"What?!" She snapped, looking at me.
"Come back here." I said as calmly as possible.
"No." She answered, walking down the alley and turning the corner, leaving my sight.
"Piper!" I exclaimed. It's dark out, it's late, and this isn't always the best neighbourhood, I'm terrified for her. I sighed, starting to walk along the alley, but froze at the next sound. A scream. My eyes widened, and I ran down the alley, turning the corner. There stood 3 guys, all of them covered with tattoos of skulls and fire and possibly gang logos, and in one of their arms, looking pale and terrified, Piper. The man was holding her with one of his large arms, the other pressing a gun to the side of her head.
"Walk towards the man on my right, slowly. If you try anything, we'll shoot her." The man holding Piper instructed me. Then, to let me know he meant business, he loaded the gun, never moving it from her head. Fear filled me as I slowly moved one foot in front of the other, walking over to the guy the first man had mentioned. "If you cooperate with us no one will get hurt." The first man continued to tell me as I neared them. I took a final step, standing only a foot from the man. "Do you have any money?" He asked.
"In the dance studio in the building behind us, but there's at least 5 people in there, and the key to the money is at my apartment." I said truthfully.
"Get in the car." That was the last thing he said. I walked shakily to the car, my panic increasing. Please let Piper go, please let Piper go, she doesn't deserve this. I do. I got in the car, sitting down. Much to my dismay, the man holding Piper walked forward, pushing her in the car behind me. Then the door was slammed closed on us. I turned, looking for a door handle to escape, but to no avail. There was no handle on the inside. No way out.
"I-I should've listened to you. I'm sorry Riley." Piper spoke, her voice shaky. I turned to look at her. This was the first thing she's said.
"It's not your fault." I told her softly, placing my hand on her arm and rubbing it reassuringly. The man that had been holding Piper and the one that he'd addressed got in the front of the car, starting the engine.
"No talking. We're gonna drive somewhere, and when we get there, you will give me your address and your key and tell me where the money is. Got it?" The man asked. I nodded, not wanting to get myself in trouble. The one who hasn't spoken this entire time, the one I was directed to walk towards and who was sitting in the drivers seat, turned the wheel harshly, and Piper and I were thrown against the side of the car as it skidded in a circle, before the man hit the gas. Once out of the alleyway, he drove at a normal speed, so as to blend in and not be pulled over while transporting Piper and myself. We drove for a while, at least 2 hours, and were in the middle of no where now. We pulled up outside a large, seemingly abandoned factory, before the man stopped the car. "Write your address, along with the location of the key, and the money. If you're lying, we will kill you." The man threatened as he handed me a pencil and paper. I shakily wrote my address, but made sure it was clear so I wasn't harmed. Then the location of the key and money, just like he'd asked. Then he took the paper, and picked up a flip phone, probably a burner, and dialled something, before putting it to his ear. I could vaguely hear another voice answer the call, but couldn't make out what they were saying. "Yeah she gave us it, 1126 Prescott street." He said. My apartment was across from the studio, I knew whoever was on the phone, I assume the third man who hadn't come with us, was already there. "What's your number?" The man snapped at me.
"42." I spoke.
"42." The man said into the phone, and it was silent as I waited for the man to speak. I turned to look at Piper, who looked terrified.
"Why are you telling them this?" She whispered.
"Just stay quiet and do as they tell you. No arguments." I whispered back, not in the mood to argue right now. The man said something on the phone, before flipping it closed.
"We got the money babe." He smirked at me. It was the Regionals money, but it was all I had. If this set us free, I'm sure everyone would understand. It was a ransom situation.
"Will you let us go?" Piper asked hopefully. I sent her a glare. Why won't she listen to me?!
"That's cute, she thinks we're gonna let them go." The man who drove laughed. This was the first time I'd heard him speak, it was all the other man.
"I think you misinterpreted our intentions. We drove you here for a reason." The first one said, before holding up the gun he had and loading it. Piper's eyes widened. No no no. This isn't how it should be. It shouldn't end like this for her.
"Let's make a deal." I spoke up.

Jiley OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now