Lies and promises

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Riley's POV

"James?" I called as I closed his front door. His parents had taken Piper out for the day, James said they went shopping or to a show or something. Basically, they were doing something he wasn't interested in, so he'd stayed home. We surprisingly didn't have an Internationals rehearsal today, so he'd spent the last week begging me to come over this afternoon. He said he wanted to spend time alone. I finally agreed to come over, and I'd texted him about an hour ago saying I'd be here soon. But when I knocked on the door, I got no reply. Thankfully, it had been unlocked. Now that I was inside, I could hear water running, meaning he was probably taking a shower. I wandered upstairs, hearing the water turn off. I walked into James's bedroom just as he emerged from his bathroom. His face lit up as he saw me.
"Hey Riles!" He said happily, walking over to give me a kiss. He was only in a towel, his hair was drenched and his skin still had water droplets on it. He had literally just gotten out of the shower. "It's too bad you weren't 20 minutes earlier, we could've taken that shower together." James whispered in my ear. I bit my cheek.
"Yeah, it is too bad." I replied, avoiding his gaze. "I'll just go get comfortable downstairs, wait until you're ready." I said, turning to leave him to get dressed. However, he grabbed my hand, turning me back around.
"You don't have to leave." He smirked, moving his hand to rub my upper arm. I cleared my throat as I felt my body tense up, hoping James wouldn't notice. Thankfully, he seemed not to, as he turned away, starting to rummage through a drawer. I didn't see what he pulled out, but whatever it was, it wasn't clothes. He placed it on the table beside his bed, before he sat, motioning for me to join him. I made my way over hesitantly, sitting beside him, but keeping about a foot between us. James furrowed his brows, seeming confused by my behaviour. "C'mon Ri, you know I don't bite." He chuckled, encouraging me to move closer to him. I slowly edged my way closer, finally seeing a smile break across James's face when my thigh brushed his. He tucked my hair behind my ear, before lowering his hand to rub up and down my thigh. Really high up my thigh. I licked my lips, exhaling quietly as I tried to relax my tense muscles. You trust James. He'd never hurt you. Why are you so tense today? "I'm glad you came over." James whispered, slowly leaning closer. I inhaled, as if the oxygen was courage, before our lips touched. Instantly, all the tension left my body. His soft, slow, passionate kisses reminded me I have nothing to fear. It's James. I love him. His tongue slipped in my mouth, deepening the kiss. I moaned softly, placing my hands on his cheeks and holding his lips against mine. James wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me right up against him, before he pushed me to lay down, straddling me.

James's POV

I moved my kisses from Riley's lips to her neck, distracting her from my hand slipping into her shirt, allowing me to fiddle with her bra strap. Then I stated softly sucking on her neck, slipping my hand down to cup her breast. She let out an unsteady exhale. I smirked to myself, squeezing her breast through her bra. "That feel good Riles?" I asked her. She was quiet for a second as I squeezed harder.
"Y-yes." She stuttered. She was breathing heavily already. I released her breast, moving my hands under her to unclasp her bra. I pulled the straps down her arms, before removing her bra and throwing it across the room. I kissed down to her chest, until I reached the neckline of her shirt, hindering me from going any farther. I grasped the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head, before throwing it behind me. Her breath hitched as I started sucking on her breasts. I glanced up, seeing her biting her lip. I rubbed my hands up and down her sides, before I started to kiss down her tummy, my hands fiddling with the button of her jean shorts. "James." Riley said, her hands pulling at my hair. I unzipped her shorts, beginning to pull them down, along with her panties, my kisses moving farther and farther down. Riley pulled on my hair more the farther down I went. Then she spoke again. "James stop!" She exclaimed. I lifted my head, looking up at her. She untangled her fingers from my hair, turning her face towards the wall, hiding it from me.
"Is everything alright? Did something happen?" I asked worriedly. I was scared something had just happened to her. Maybe she was suddenly in excruciating pain. Maybe I need to take her to the hospital. What if she's sick? What if her appendix just burst or something?!
"No. Nothing happened." Riley replied, still looking away from me. I furrowed my brows.
"Why'd you tell me to stop then?" I asked, rather confused.
"I'm just..... Not in the mood." She shrugged, finally looking at me.
"I can go slower. I'm sorry, that was a bit fast. I just got excited." I apologized, moving up from between her legs to kiss her lips again. Riley pulled from the kiss, turning away from me again.
"No. I don't need you to 'go slower'. I don't want to right now." She argued, pulling away from me to grab her shirt from the ground. I sighed as she pulled it back over her head, giving her hair.
"Riley, it's been a year and a half since we started dating, a little over a year we've been together considering our break! What is your issue?! Why are you never 'in the mood'?!" I snapped, feeling rather angry.
"Relationships aren't all about sex!" She replied, keeping her back to me.
"I know that, considering we've never had sex! I'm fucking sick of cuddling and talking! I don't want to wait anymore!" I told her. Riley sighed, turning to face me.
"I'm just not ready." She told me. I exhaled angrily.
"You were ready with Charlie! And with that bastard from your school! Do you even trust me at all?! Do you love me, or was that a lie?!" I shouted, standing up from the bed and starting to pace the room.
"I do love you." Riley stated.
"Well you don't act like it! Why would you sleep with Charlie but not me?!" I exclaimed.
"Can you please put some pants on?" Riley asked timidly, her head turned away from me. I sent her a glare, grabbing a pair of boxers and pulling them on. When I looked to her, I saw she was still looking away. I sighed, grabbing sweatpants and pulling those on too.
"Better? Or do you want me in a parka?!" I snapped. Riley looked at her hands, sitting on my bed hesitantly. I watched her, letting the silence continue between us for a little while before I spoke again. "I think you should leave." I said, calmer than I'd been previously. I watched Riley's shoulders drop as she exhaled.
"Fine." She replied quietly, standing up and turning to walk out the door. Something didn't feel right though. I still didn't understand why Charlie and that bastard at her school were good enough, but I'm not. I have been more than patient, especially since she slept with Charlie on their first date. She didn't even date the kid at her school. They just hooked up a few times. We've been dating for over a year. I stepped forward, grabbing Riley's wrist and turning her to face me. She looked at the wall, avoiding my eyes.
"Just tell me why I'm not good enough. Why it was okay with them, but you won't sleep with me." I requested. Riley sniffled, reaching her hand up to wipe her eyes, which were pooling with tears. She swallowed, walking back into my room and sitting on the bed, motioning for me to do the same.
"Remember when we sat down after we got back together, cause I had the idea we needed to talk?" She asked me. I nodded. Of course I did. That's when she told me about Charlie and the other kid. "Well, I said I wanted everything out in the open. So you were open. You told me about the girls before me, you told me about you and Beth during our break and....... And you told me about how you slept with Beth during our break. And Amanda, Katie, Hayley, Stephanie and countless others before we got together in the first place. And then I said I'd lost my virginity to Charlie, and had a fling of sorts with the kid from school." She continued.
"I remember." I muttered. My blood still boiled whenever she mentioned losing her virginity to Charlie. I was supposed to be the one she trusted to take it. Then I made one stupid mistake and she gave it to someone else. I'd never cared with anyone before, but with Riley..... It was different. She's my girl. I can't picture her with someone else, and I don't want to.
"I......... I might've.... Lied." Riley admitted. I licked my lips, watching her sadly.
"There were more than those 2?" I questioned, feeling queasy. A third guy?! Maybe even a fourth! God, who knows how many people she slept with! But we were broken up, I was with Beth. I ant say anything! Even though it's killing me inside.
"No." She replied, confusing me. "There was never anyone. I made it up. I'm a virgin." She sighed. I immediately softened. I reached forward, tilting her head up to look into her eyes. I sighed, seeing the tears slowly falling down her face. I wiped them away, before tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Why did you lie? Why didn't you want me to know? I wouldn't have been so adamant if I knew. I wouldn't have pushed you so hard." I told her.
"You've been with so many girls, I can't even count them all. Girls are always throwing themselves on you. I felt ashamed. You were listing off all these girls that would do anything to have you, and I was just sitting there, having nothing to say except that I went on one terrible date with Charlie. And then it just came out, and after I said it I was scared to tell you the truth. But I was also scared if we did have sex the other girls would be better than me, and you'd want them over me." Riley cried. I pulled her into my arms, holding her tight against my chest.
"Riles, I really wish you'd told me the truth. I don't actually care that much about sex. I wanted it more because I thought you'd slept with Charlie and that other guy, but you wouldn't with me. If I'd known, I wouldn't have pushed like I did. We can wait till you're ready baby, no rush. Losing your virginity is scary, I don't want to rush you into it." I told her. Riley pulled from my chest, leaning up to connect our lips.
"Thank you." She said after she pulled away.
"And I'd never leave you. There is no girl I could possibly want more than you. You're the only girl I've ever loved." I told her. She smiled, cuddling into my chest. "Promise you'll never keep something like this from me again." I requested.
"I promise."

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