Gardeners, pregancy, and marriage

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This is stupid, but I needed something to update. Also, I'm not caught up on season 5 so I'm sorry if things aren't right according to the show.
Semi-proof read

Riley's POV

"Stupid gardener." I said angrily as I stormed into studio 1.
"He's not a gardener, he's a counsellor." James called from behind me. I stopped walking, and turning, facing him.
"He's a quack!" I snapped, before turning away from him again.
"Hey, hi, yeah. What are you doing in my studio?" Emily asked, folding her hands together and clenching her teeth. She could tell what she was about to get into by acknowledging us, and I know she really didn't want to.
"You two!" I exclaimed, pointing to Emily and Piper, catching her by surprise. "You deal with him!" I said, walking over to the opposite side of the room, before turning and watching them, waiting for them to do something. Before they got the chance, however, Stephanie, who moved back from LA deciding fame wasn't for her, walked in.
"No romantic dinners, no walks on the beach. There is no way I can be inseminated. I tried, it just doesn't feel right." She told Emily and myself as she stopped in front of us.
"That's.... Gross." I responded, a disgusted look forming on my face.
"No, what's gross is me pushing the issue because I randomly decided I wanted to have a kid. I want love first. I want what you guys have." Steph smiled, looking between me and James.
"Not today you don't, trust me." I heard a voice say. Steph turned, looking at Piper, who decided to pipe up, as I sent her a death glare. "Okay, sorry." She surrendered, her hands up.
"Why? What's going on?" Steph asked, looking at me and James again.
"Ask him!" I exclaimed, pointing to James. However, before anyone could ask him anything again, I looked around, noticing one person missing. "Where's Michelle?" I asked, confused.
"Probably in studio A with her troupe." Daniel answered, sounding annoyed.
"Seriously?! The 3 of you can't ever be in the same place when I need it, can you?!" I snapped, looking at Piper and Emily again. "Honestly. Richelle, go get Michelle." I told her sternly. She looked around, unsure.
"I don't think that's really a-" she started.
"Now!" I shrieked, and she ran out, heading to studio A.
"Do you think I should look at sperm banks?" Steph suddenly asked, looking deep in thought.
"Okay!" Emily freaked out, gaining our attention. "I'm trying to run a rehearsal here! There's a bunch of teenagers who really don't care about your problems in this room right now! Does anyone even care?!" She asked, looking between Stephanie, James, and myself. Steph shook her head, James mumbled something around the word 'no', and I told her straight up
"No, not really." Daniel sighed in frustration, while Emily responded to me.
"Yeah, I didn't think so." She said. "Alright, well in that case, Steph I think you should wait. Your guy will come along soon, I'm sure of it." Emily told her.
"Is this what A troupe was like 2 years ago?" A girl, if I'm not mistaken I believe Emily told me her name is Jacquie, questioned.
"Yeah, pretty much." Noah shrugged from his place beside me. I furrowed my brow, and hit him across the head. "Ow!" He exclaimed, holding the back of his head, where I had hit him.
"Thank you." Stephanie commented, earning an annoyed look from Noah.
"It's a wonder you guys ever won Internationals." Tyler, I'm pretty sure, said, earning glares from James, Stephanie, and myself, seeing as we were on the winning team.
"You wanted to see me?" Michelle asked, rather confused as she entered the studio, Richelle, and I noticed West as well, following. However as soon as she saw me and James, she understood a little more.
"Yes I did! I was needing to rant, but I thought I'd just rant to you, Emily, and Piper all at once to save me from repeating myself." I explained.
"What's up?" She inquired, looking between me and James. He glanced at me with this questioning look, asking 'you wanna explain?'
"Go ahead. I wanna hear this." I told him, and he nodded.
"Riley and I went to counsellor today, as you know, and she wasn't impressed by him." James explained.
"Why not? Thought you said he was really good." West commented, looking over at me confused. I glared at James, encouraging him to continue.
"She's mad because he asked us how many times we have sex." He said simply.
"Oh no!" I snapped, not letting anyone say anything. "The gardener didn't just ask us how many times we have sex." I told them.
"Here we go again about the gardener." James sighed, and I glared at him once more, waiting for him to be quiet.
"He asked us how many times we have sex in a day. A day! One day! He asked how many times we have sex in one flipping day!" I exclaimed. "No wonder you wanted to see him." I scoffed.
"I can't help you there bro." West said, James shaking his head.
"I should've known the guys was crazy, I mean he asked us to meet him in a garden. He's a gardener!" I said.
"He's not a gardener, for the last time honey, and I didn't know he would be bad. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Arthur recommended him." James told me.
"Yes, but their problem was that Arthur didn't want the cat, not that you didn't want to get married!" I stated.
"I think it's time for you to leave." Daniel said, grabbing our attention.
"Shut up!" James and I yelled at him in sync, before turning back to each other.
"Listen, you guys are so connected, I mean did you see that?" Stephanie commented, referring to us yelling at Daniel.
"What she's trying to say is that it doesn't matter if you're married or not, it doesn't make any difference." Piper told us sweetly.
"Yeah yeah yeah, that's sweet and all mushy and stuff, but we can still break up at any moment because of a stupid fight. If we're married we're forced to at least try and work it out before calling it quits." I said, the girls nodding.
"Valid point." Michelle commented.
"Wait! Can we go back to my problem for a minute? I want Michelle's opinion." Steph suddenly burst out. I shrugged, and she smiled. "Okay, so I've been wanting a kid for a while now, but I just can't find the perfect guy, you know? And when I think I have, I just can't get it to happen. What are your thoughts on artificial insemination?" She asked.
"Well you're young, I think you should keep trying to find a guy. It's not like your chances are gonna dry up anytime soon." Michelle explained.
"I know I know, but I just want a kid so badly. I've been trying to find the perfect father for a year now and it hasn't worked out. I already moved out of LA and gave up on my dreams, this is all I have left." Stephanie stated.
"Give it a bit more time, you'll find him." Michelle told her sincerely.
"That's what I said!" Emily exclaimed. "Of course you don't listen to me though." She sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Okay back to me now! Why the hell won't you marry me?!" I questioned, crossing my arms.
"You know." West started, turning to look at James as well. "That is a good question. You guys have been dating for 4 years, not including your 2 breaks, and you're of legal age, and you obviously love each other. Why aren't you getting married?" He asked, confusedly.
"See!" I snapped.
"Riley, you know I don't want to make a big deal out of any of this." James sighed.
"We don't have to. I'd be fine with only 30 people at our wedding, I'd be fine if it was only you, me, and the minister! I just want it to happen." I told him.
"Alright, fine then. We can get married." James stated, causing my face to light up. I screamed, running over to him, before jumping in his arms, holding him in a tight hug.
"Was that really that hard?" Michelle asked him, an eyebrow raised. James scowled at her, while Michelle and the other girls, Steph, Emily, and Piper, laughed. James placed me back on my feet, before I looked at him seriously.
"By the way, I am not wearing a veil." I told him sternly.
"What? How can you get married without wearing a veil?" He asked me, confusedly.
"You're the one who wants a small wedding." I said snippily, placing my hands on my hips.
"Yeah, but you can't get married without a veil." James protested. I shrugged at him.
"If you want one so much, why don't you wear one?" I questioned, turning and walking out of the studio, hearing a few giggles come from the teenagers behind me.
"Riley? Riley!" James called, chasing after me down the hallway.

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