Mistakes and recovery

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Not proof read, like all my oneshots will probably be

Riley's POV

I sighed, moving around the papers on my desk, trying to find the leasing agreement. I knew it was stupid though, there's a million papers all over my office and I'm 85% sure it was in the recycling a long time ago. I groaned, laying my head on my desk. It was 2 am and I was still stuck at the studio. Not that I have anywhere else to go. I refuse to go to my apartment, without James in it, it's just so lonely. I've never lived alone ever, and I'm not liking it. Well, I'm not technically alone, but I can't have a face to face conversation so to me it's lonely. It's been 10 weeks since James went to London, and a month since we broke up. I miss him so much, Alfie was a mistake, like Beth, I realize that now. I only wish I would've noticed it sooner. Now I've broken up with the man I love, there's thick tension between me and Alfie, Piper won't talk to me, I'm mad at Emily for taking charge and messing things up, and I was so distracted I didn't get anything done, and now I'm stressing out about doing everything in a week. I'm pretty sure I haven't had a full nights rest since Internationals. I sighed again, closing my eyes. Resting for a minute won't hurt, right?

Michelle's POV

I reentered the studio, I had gone down to the Junction and come back, walking into Riley's office. It was 10 am, and I was here for rehearsal, and it was clear Riley had been here all night. She sat in her office chair, her arms and head on the desk, her eyes closed as she slept. I smiled at her, placing the cup of coffee I'd bought on her desk, far enough that she wouldn't spill it, before I turned and left her office again.

 I smiled at her, placing the cup of coffee I'd bought on her desk, far enough that she wouldn't spill it, before I turned and left her office again

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I've felt bad for her. She's screwed everything up lately, with kissing Alfie and all, and she has to deal with all the consequences, tension with Alfie, Piper not talking to her, etc. It must be hard for her. Riley's always had someone in her life to lean on, Emily, James, recently Alfie. And now she's facing everything alone. She's never had to do that before which is why this is so hard on her probably. I'm worried she won't be okay in the end, I just keep watching closely to keep her safe.

Riley's POV

I groaned, opening my eyes. The strong scent of coffee wafted towards me, and I sat up, noticing the cup of warm liquid on my desk. I smiled softly, turning my gaze to focus on Michelle. She's a good friend. I stood up, walking out of my office, heading towards the washrooms. Once in a stall, I looked down, noticing something. A crimson stain.


I grabbed my phone, not really caring how much I knocked off my desk, dialling the familiar number, and putting it to my ear. "Hello?" Her voice asked.
"Em, I don't feel so well. Can you come to the studio?" I asked, lying through my teeth.
"Sure Ri. Head home now, the kids will be fine for a few minutes by themselves." She answered. I hung up, and dialled another number, this one not so familiar.
"Hi." The woman said, answering the call.

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