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Riley's POV

"I'm trying to fix this!" I yelled at James.
"Obviously not hard enough!" He spat back.
"I'm trying as hard as I can! It's you who's not putting any effort in whatsoever!" I shouted. I had a few tears escaping from my eyes at this point, staining my face.
"If you're trying that hard to fix us, why are you still with Alfie? Huh?!" James exclaimed. I sobbed, crossing my arms.
"I never thought you'd want us fighting like this." I choked out, before walking into the bedroom I used to share with James, slamming the door shut.
"Riley Soutas! We're not finished!" He shouted angrily, banging on the door. I ignored him, letting the tears roll down my cheeks. "I am trying to fix this, to fix us! It's not my fault this happened!" He continued to yell. I was shaking violently as I sobbed, curling into a ball in the corner, all while James continued to tell through the door. "Why am I always the only one that's trying?!" He asked.
"I am trying!" I yelled as loud as possible. "I love you! I love you, you idiot! Maybe you haven't noticed that Alfie's the only one to realize just how hard I've been trying!" I was met by silence. That shut him up. "Yeah, just ignore that too!" I shouted, before hearing his heavy footsteps walk away from the door.

James's POV

I slammed my car door shut, walking into the familiar building. I made my way through the juice bar, ignoring the 'hellos' from my friends and sister. I stormed into the studio, heading to the music room. Fortunately, it was empty. I pulled the door closed behind me, and sat at the drum kit, picking up my drumsticks. I began to hit the drums furiously, soon finding myself playing a beat. Deep inside, I was secretly hoping Riley would come down the hallway, opening the door. She'd stand and watch me for a minute, while I got my anger out on the drums. And when I'd break a drumstick from the amount of force I was using, which was the only thing keeping me from punching Alfie, Riley would walk over and gently grab my hand. She would sit on my lap, and let me rant to her about everything. Everything I was mad about, or angry at. Everything. Then she'd tell me I'm stronger than my problems, tell me how to fix it, and if by magic, she'd produce new drumsticks from her back pocket. We would share a kiss, and she would get off my lap, telling me to play her the new song I'd been working on or the song I wrote for her. And everything would be fine. But I knew that wouldn't happen. And when I heard the footsteps coming down the hallway to check on me, it was my sister who opened the door. Piper gently closed the door behind her, walking over to me. I stopped my drumming, holding both drumsticks in one hand as I glared at her. "You okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine." I replied, somewhat harshly. I know she's being nice and trying to help, which she doesn't have to, but she's not doing it right. Riley would know to let me get all of my anger out before calming me down, so that I don't want to punch her. Piper doesn't. I separated my drumsticks, beginning to play the beat once again, harder then the time before.
"That beat sounds good." Piper complimented me. I nodded, continuing to drum. "James." She said in a stern tone, a way of telling me to listen to her. I sighed, stopping and looking at her, anger still evident on my face. "You know, lots of musicians use their anger to write songs. It helps them to release all the negative feelings. Maybe you should try it." She suggested. I nodded again, knowing I probably wouldn't try it.
"Thanks Pipes." I replied, avoiding her eyes.
"James, I'm trying to help you. Just try what I'm telling you!" She exclaimed, before turning and walking out of the music room, closing the door behind her. I sighed, moving away from the drum kit. I may as well give her the benefit of the doubt. I thought, pulling a notebook out of my bag along with a pen, and started writing.
I fought every chance of us getting here
But somehow we always come back


"Dude this song is awesome!" Luke exclaimed, reading over the lyrics I had just spent hours working on. "How did you come up with the idea?" He questioned, looking up from the paper to me. I shrugged, not wanting to tell him the inspiration, my broken relationship.
"It just came to me." I told them. They and John, who were reading the lyrics over Luke's shoulder, both smiled.
"I know this song will be a hit. Have you figured out a beat to go with it yet?" Theo asked, making eye contact.
"Yeah man, I'll show you." I responded, grabbing my drumsticks and sitting at the kit, starting to play the best I'd been playing earlier.
"Man, I know some great chords to go with that beat." John said, moving to pick up his guitar before starting to play as well, while we figured out the rest of the song.

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