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Riley's POV

I paced my office, biting on my thumbnail. I've done this a million times before, why is it so hard now? I've never had any regrets, how come I can't let go like I've done before? I was nervous, insanely nervous. Maybe it was because I didn't want to leave these friends behind, maybe it was because this is the real me, not a fake alias I made up, or maybe it was because of him. I couldn't leave him behind. It's doesn't matter though, he already hates me, leaving wouldn't do any harm. I sighed, glancing at my laptop, before sitting at my desk. Turning on the computer, it opened, and I found the 'record' button, starting the usual video.

James's POV

"Dude, you still thinking about Riley?" Eldon asked, sitting beside me. We were at my house right now, Eldon had flew home to persuade me to come back to London. I agreed, deciding it was the best way to get away from Riley, and we were staying at my house until our flight tomorrow.
"Yeah. She kissed another guy Eldon, right in front of my sister! She purposefully called my sister into studio A, and then cheated on me in front of her! What type of person would do that?!" I asked, furious. Riley purposefully pulled Piper into this, which wasn't needed at all. It's like she's trying to cause drama.
"Calm down, alright? Everything will work itself out, I have faith in Jiley." Eldon told me. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"That makes one of us, how can I even look at Riley after that?!" I exclaimed.
"You'll figure it out, you guys have been through this before and you were fine. It's been a month since you broke up, you'll spend the next month in London, you'll calm down, come home and talk, and I guarantee Jiley will be back together." Eldon stated.
"Yeah, I guess so." I mumbled, not fully believing him.
"I know so. Now go to bed, it's midnight and we have a long flight tomorrow." He responded, before rolling over on the air mattress on the floor, where he volunteered to sleep. I sighed again, turning out the light and laying down. Too bad I can't relax.


Alfie's POV

I opened the door to studio A. It had been left unlocked, giving me the suspicion that Riley had fallen asleep here. She's normally running late, so the door wouldn't be open yet otherwise. As I entered, I noticed the empty office, and realized she was probably at the juice bar. I won't go looking for her, practice starts in like 10 minutes, she'll be back any minute. I walked to my cubby, putting my stuff away and pulling out my phone. Quickly looking through Instagram and emails, I waited for everyone to arrive. It was within 5 minutes that most people had arrived, and Cassie, the first of all of us, had wandered onto the dance floor. "Uh, does anyone know what this is?" She asked, sounding confused. I lifted my head, noticing she was pointing towards the mirror. Brows furrowed, I walked onto the dance floor, spotting what she was pointing to. On the mirror was a link to a website, written in pink lipstick. Riley's pink lipstick.
"Is she sick or something?" Cassie asked me. I shook my head.
"Don't know." I answered. I pulled out my phone, opening safari, and entering the link. A pink screen popped up, blank except for one thing in the direct middle. A square, with the words 'click here' inside. I tapped it with my finger hesitantly, a video of Riley popping up.
"Hi everyone. You must feel very confused. Me missing, the credits, checking, the cash, all gone. It's a shock. There is no easy way to say it, but here it is. You will never see me again. The sooner you accept it, the better it is for everyone. You all will ask yourselves many questions in the days ahead, you will replay every moment we shared together, think about every person we met along the way. You will begin to doubt everyone, and everything, you know. You even will begin to doubt yourselves. It's, only normal. What is everyone gonna think? My friends and family? All anyone needs to know is this, I rushed into a huge job, I wasn't ready, and I was too embarrassed to publicly step down. People will accept this. You all will still want to find me, to punish me. Piper, I want you to stand up now. Go and look under the bench. There should be a folder there, containing many papers. Now listen to me very carefully, if you ever go to the police, or try to find me, know this. 1, you will fail. You will never find me. 2, everyone you know, everyone in the world, will know what's inside that folder. Don't put yourselves through that, don't put your lovely families through it. Just, leave it be. Okay, this is the hardest part, saying goodbye. Alfie you must move on with your life, all of you have to. You are good people, with good hearts, if you aren't, this probably wouldn't have happened to you. And you will find another studio head, I know it. Goodbye A troupe, I wish you luck, I wish you happiness. Goodbye."
The screen on my phone went black, and I looked over to Piper, who standing looking at all the papers in shock. "You guys, this is really, really bad stuff. Like, everything you would want to hide from everyone." She said, breaking the silence that had fallen.
"Did Riley say the money was gone?" Amy asked. Michelle ran into the office, pulling open the drawer harshly. She yanked the money box out of it, and lifted the lid, which meant the box had been left unlocked. Glancing inside, her eyes widened. She slammed the lid shut, power walking over to us.
"Guys this must be a mistake, a prank or something. Riley would never do something like this to us. She wouldn't abandon us and take all our money." Michelle announced, trying to convince herself as much as the rest of us. "What's in that folder anyway Piper?" She added, walking over to where Piper stood. Piper sat on the bench, starting to separate the pages.
"A report stating Amanda was arrested of drunk driving, and Riley bailed her out. My guess, you never told your parents." Piper started, Amanda nodding guiltily. "Noah's report card, all failing marks, proof of Alfie's family smuggling money, an underage drinking charge against Amy, a record of...." Piper trailed off, staring at the paper. She glanced at Michelle, who I noticed was staring at the paper in shock. Piper cleared her throat, finishing her sentence. "A record of Michelle's abortion at age 16, um-" Piper started, getting cut off by Richelle.
"Stop it!" She yelled. The studio fell silent, everyone looking at Richelle, who had tears streaming down her face. "We get it! There's horrible stuff in that folder, but not everyone needs to know it! I say we burn the folder and no one will ever know." She announced. Everyone looked at each other, before all agreeing.
"But what about Riley? Why would she do this to us?" I asked, not fully satisfied. I needed answers.
"To take the money! You gave her access to your bank account, I bet everything in there's gone. James's few hundreds was probably nothing compared to your thousands, she took everything and ran!" Piper yelled. I could see the hurt on her face. Riley had told her I was a prince, meaning Piper knew I had money. I knew Riley had told her. Piper and Riley had been close. And now, I can see why she suddenly started falling for me. It wasn't really me, it was my bank account she was in love with.

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