Wanting more (part 2 of it's meaningless, but it's so much more)

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James's POV

I took a breath, pressing send on the message. I don't know if I've ever been this nervous texting a girl before. Usually I'm chill. Usually I don't care. But I can't help it. I'm always scared of what she'll say. Will she say no and I have to wait longer? Will she say she's found someone else? She wants to end it? I sighed, looking at my message. Is it okay? Should I have worded it differently? Does it sound too boyfriend/girlfriendish?
James: My parents are out of town this weekend. Would you want to come over?
Is it suggestive enough? I don't want her to know I love her. She hates me, she can't know how much I love her. I need to the message to sound masculine, like I want her over to fuck her all weekend long. I don't want it to come across as me wanting to spend time with her and make love to her, even though that's my actual intent. She answered fairly quickly, surprising me.
Riley: Your house?
I didn't know what she meant by that. It was rather vague. Did she mean 'your house?' like an inquisitive 'at your house?' or did she mean 'you want me to come to your house?' or maybe a nervous 'you want me to spend all weekend alone with you at your house?' I didn't know! Why was it so vague?! Then again, all our messages are usually short, to the point, vague. Like 'meet me at the costume closet' or 'my car in 5' or something. That was more of a tactic in case anyone saw our messages though, so we wouldn't be found out. While I'm sure the guys would be in awe at the whole friends (or more like enemies) with benefits thing we have going on, the girls would not think the same way. They'd probably not only be shocked and furious, but they'd take it out on Riley as well, calling her a 'slut' or 'whore'. I'm not gonna risk anyone finding out. That would really hurt Riley, and I love her too much to see her in pain. I held my breath as I responded to Riley's text, hoping it didn't sound like I only wanted her for sex, but at the same time that I wasn't looking forward to spending a whole weekend alone together, even though I was.
James: Yeah. Dance is on a break, my parents will be out. We could spend all weekend in bed😏
I bit the inside of my cheek. I could see she was already typing. She'd been waiting for my reply. God I hope she's horny. I don't think I could convince her to come over if she isn't.
Riley: Costume closet yesterday wasn't enough for you?🙄
She's teasing me. She's gotta be teasing me. If she doesn't want to have sex, it's usually just a straight up no. Maybe because I'm being more suggestive this time, I'm asking about an extended period of time rather than a quick 20 minutes, she's being a little more cautious. But she hasn't said no yet. This bodes well for me.
James: Think of all the stuff we can try babe😉
Riley: I'm sure you are
I wasn't, actually. I was thinking about how I could convince her that dinner and cuddling and movies were a good way to spend a 'needed break' from sex. Yeah, the sex will be great too, but I'm more interested in the non-sexual intimacy this weekend. Maybe we'll build a bond. Maybe I'll be lucky and she'll stop hating me. Maybe she'll even start liking me. Like, romantically liking me.
James: Come one babe. Me. You. One house. 48 hours. Anything you want. Doesn't that sound fun?😆
This reply took longer, like she was hesitating more. I watched the notification telling me she's typing pop up and disappear at least 3 times. It felt like there was a weight in my chest. My anxiety was building up. Come on Riley. Say yes. Do it for me. Finally, her reply came through.
Riley: Alright
A huge smile spread across my face. 48 hours, just Riley and I alone. No dance, no parents, no friends butting in. Just me and Riley and dinner dates, and movies, and cuddling. This might end up being the best weekend of my life.
James: 5 tonight
I simply told her. I didn't even bother waiting, I typed it so quick.
Riley: Someone's eager😏
James: I have every right to be
It's true, I do. This won't just be the best weekend of my life, I'm gonna try to make it the best date she's ever had.


Riley's POV

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