Forgetting (part 3 of if courage is love, then you are so brave)

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Posted a new book called The Little Secret. Please read it! Thank you and enjoy!

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Riley's POV

"We just need to take some blood, okay?" The doctor told me. They were doing yet another examination, making sure my stitches were okay, I wasn't ill, and that I was just overall doing fine. This was the 4th one since I got to the hospital a week ago. I didn't exactly mind though, it was less time I was alone. As long as I was with someone I could trust, I felt safe, but as soon as I was alone, I felt vulnerable.
"Okay." I said, responding to the doctors question. I held my arm out while they prepped everything. It took 5 minutes to prep and take my blood, and then I sat holding a cotton ball to my arm to stop the slight bleeding. I've heard the doctors talking to James and my parents, they said I was doing extraordinarily well. They were saying I could go home soon, as long as I kept this up. So I'm trying my hardest to forget about what happened, because I want to go home. I want to be able to act like everything's normal again, and nothing ever happened. Everyone keeps saying they need to be careful, one event can cause a major drawback for me. I'm not supposed to hear what they say, but I do.
"Alright, now that the doctors are done, here's your medication and some water." One of the nurses smiled, walking in my room. She was my favourite nurse, her name is Shannon. She always sits with me when I don't have visitors, especially at night because I'm too scared to be alone then, and we just talk as if nothing happened. She's the only one who doesn't look at me with pity. Even Piper gives me the poorly concealed sympathy. I ignore it, and everyone thinks I don't notice. I do though, and I wish it would stop.
"Thank you." I smiled back at Shannon. She turned on her heel and left, the doctors already out the door. I lifted the plastic cup containing the pills, looking inside. There were 9 blue and white pills. Every one taken every 2 hours. 2 for pain, 1 to reduce stress, 2 for vitamins, 1 for minerals, and 3 for immune system support. I may've only spent a week in that factory, but according to the doctors, it weakened my immune system to that of someone who's lived in poverty their entire life. I slowly took my pills, using the water on the table beside my bed to swallow them. I had just swallowed the last one, when Michelle walked in.
"Hey!" She smiled.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked her, placing the plastic cup back on the table, beside the empty water glass.
"Nothing much, but I hear you should be getting out of here soon." Michelle said, lowering her voice so the doctors couldn't hear.
"Yeah, I've heard too. By the end of the week as long as everything stays the same." I responded, copying her whisper.
"Regionals are only 2 months away." She told me, once again at a normal volume, changing the topic.
"I'm excited to see Miss Nationals Soloist performing again, hopefully we make it to Nationals so she can defend her title." I replied.
"You've already decided soloists for Nationals?" She laughed. "What if I quit dance?"
"Impossible. You love it too much." I stated.
"You are correct." Michelle laughed once more. "Miss Kate's coming back from London, I heard she's hoping to work at the studio. Will you be giving it back and joining A troupe again? I'd love to see another Jiley duet." She joked.
"I would love to give her the studio back, especially because of the amount of stress it comes with. As for the duet though, you'll have to talk to James and the doctors on that one." I chuckled. There's only a list of a million things I'm not allowed to do right now, or for the next six months. And I'm pretty sure dance is one of them, unfortunately.
"Hmm, shame." Michelle sighed. "Those duets just keep getting better and better." I smiled, thinking about all the duets I've done with James. They definitely got more intense each time. "A little birdies told me that James is gonna pop the question soon." Michelle stated, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I doubt that." I laughed. "Sure we've been dating for 4 years, not including our 2 breaks, but I'm pretty sure he's still not ready to settle down yet. Otherwise we probably would've been engaged after our Internationals duet won." I explained. All last year we'd joked about getting married, and we'd always joke if the time was right, James would ask on the Internationals stage. And he didn't, he's just not ready yet. We're still young anyways.
"I see your point, but the past events can change even his mind." Michelle responded.
"I disagree." I told her.
"Okay that's fine, but when he asks I will tell you 'I told you so'." She said. We continued to talk for another hour, when a knock on the door interrupted us.
"I'm sorry, but I need to speak to Riley alone for a minute, if that's alright." The doctors told me and Michelle.
"Yeah, that's fine. I'll wait outside." Michelle responded, standing up and walking out the door. Once she had closed it, the doctor walked towards me.
"Here are your pills." He said, placing another plastic cup and glass of water on the table. "But I need to speak to you about your blood test results." He added.
"Is everything alright?!" I asked worriedly.
"Yes." He told me, hesitating, before finishing. "It's something.... New."
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean." I said, puzzled.
"Well." The doctor sighed. "It appears your hormone levels are higher than usual, and there are some new hormones as well." I gave him a confused look, which he noticed. He licked his lips, swallowing, before he sighed. "You're pregnant, miss Pells. Just over a week." He explained. My eyes widened as they filled with tears.
"Th-that's not possible." I stuttered. "There's no way I could be pregnant." I stated.
"I double checked the results myself. I'm sorry." He told me, before walking towards the door. I continued to stare at him through my blurred vision. "I'll leave you alone." He added as he turned the handle. I swallowed, before speaking.
"Can you please tell Michelle to go?" I choked out. The doctor nodded, before walking out the door. Once he was gone, I broke, crying hysterically. I can't believe Tyler gets what he wants. I'm having my kidnappers baby. I looked up from my lap, where I had been staring as I cried, seeing the bright blue and white pills. 'They're for your health.' I had been told. 'To keep you alive.' But maybe I don't want to live anymore. I lifted the plastic cup, throwing the blankets off my legs, shakily standing up. I then walked to another table in the room, which held cards, and other gifts I'd gotten. I tilted the cup, allowing the pills to fall into a vase filled with flowers from James. Once they were all in the water, I crushed the cup in my hand, dropping it to the floor.

2 days later

James's POV

I was standing with Riley's family and Doctor. She's refused any visitors within the last 2 days, and I'm pretty sure he wanted to talk about that. "I have some bad news, unfortunately, Riley will not be leaving this week. Or the next. It seems she's had that drawback." He announced.
"What?! But she was doing so well!" Emily stated, shocked. I was too. What could've happened?
"It seems the results of her blood test weren't the best. She's stopped taking her pills and refuses to eat, she'll barely drink as well. Riley will have to stay in care until we've worked past this." He explained.
"How long will that take?" Her dad, Frank, asked, looking upset.
"It could take anywhere from a few weeks to a year." The doctor said calmly.
"A year?!" I exclaimed. Riley wanted to be out for Regionals, it's only a few weeks away.
"I'm afraid so." The doctor replied.
"What was her drawback?" Riley's mom, Colleen, inquired, on the verge of tears. She was in Frank's arms, him holding her tight. Emily had her arms crossed over her chest, attempting to comfort herself.
"It was what your daughter was most afraid of, she'll be having a baby with her kidnapper." The words repeated in my head as we all stood in silence, shocked. We hadn't known she had been raped. Even more sympathy washed over me, before I felt rage. How dare they do this to her! How dare they touch her!
"I need to see her! Now!" I stated. I didn't wait for the doctor to respond before I opened the door to her room, storming over to the bed, where she lay, despite the doctors shouts of protest. Riley warily looked over at me, looking more broken than ever. Her face was stained with tears, her hair was knotted, and she was as pale as a ghost. The huge dark circles under her eyes told me she hadn't been sleeping. "God Ri." I whispered, tears filling my eyes. I leaned my forehead against hers, closing my eyes as the tears fell. "I'm so sorry." She didn't respond, but I heard her whimper, and felt her shaking against me, and knew she was crying as well. "Don't do this to yourself, if you die only Piper will testify against them. It won't be enough, they'll walk. They can't be set free for what they've done to you. You need to hold on so they get what they deserve." I told her softly, grabbing her hands.
"I c-can't get rid of the b-baby. The doctor said I'm j-just too w-weak for the operation. When I'm strong e-enough, I'll be too f-far along. I'll have to give b-birth to this child." Riley cried. I moved my arms to wrap around her, holding her tight.
"You'll be fine. You'll make this work." I replied, wrapping her back soothingly.

A few months later (I don't know anything about trials, but please still read this awful recreation)

Riley's POV

James held my left hand in his, other and around my waist, guiding me to my seat, while I had my right arm placed protectively over my 4 month bump.

James held my left hand in his, other and around my waist, guiding me to my seat, while I had my right arm placed protectively over my 4 month bump

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I looked around the room. All my friends and family were here, as well as Piper and James's family, and Miss Kate, who got back from England 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant. Let's just say she was shocked by how much how changed. Then my eyes fell on them, the 3 men I saw in the alley. I now know their names, Chris, Tyler, and Garrison. Garrison was the man who stole the Regionals money, but we thankfully got it back after he was arrested. Chris drove Piper home that night. But the one my eyes couldn't move from was Tyler. He's the one who held me in the factory and got me pregnant. He's my child's father. James pulled out my chair for me, and I sat beside Piper. He gave me a quick kiss, before walking to sit with the rest of his family. I looked down at my hands as I waited for the jury to enter. A few moments later, I heard a voice. "All rise for the honourable judge William." I stood slowly, lifting my head. The jury had entered now, and the judge was walking through the door. I noticed the jurors staring at my bump, and saw one of them whisper something to an other.
"You may be seated." The judge called, and everyone sat. For the next few days the same thing happened where the judge would come in, people would testify, evidence would be revealed to the jury, and I would tune most of it out. Finally though, the final day came. As the jury reentered, their decision made, I watched closely. I don't know what I'll do if they get to walk.
"We find them...... Guilty."

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