Our miracle (part 2 of I told you so)

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Not proof read just like every other part:)

James's POV

"We're so proud of you!" My mom said as she hugged me. The team had just come home from winning Internationals. We're literally standing in the airport, just off the plane.
"Thanks mom." I responded, half heartedly giving her a hug. "Where's Riley?" I asked, rather confused. Riley had stayed home because she had her last Pap smear to determine that the cancer and pre-cancerous cells were gone. She'd also told me last night when I called her (while on stage holding the Internationals trophy) that she would pick me up at the airport. She'd said we had some celebrating to do. I wasn't gonna disagree. However, I was confused and disappointed to not see my girlfriend waiting for me at the gate.
"She called and asked me to pick you up. She said something had come up." Mom answered. My eyes widened as my body filled with panic.
"Do you think the cancer came back?!" I questioned, insanely worried. Mom shook her head.
"No. She called you and said she was cleared completely. Remember how excited you'd been?" She replied. I nodded. I remember standing backstage last week and getting that call. If I hadn't been pumped already, I definitely was then. "Come on, I'll drive you back to your apartment. I know you want to see Riley." Mom smiled, leading me towards her car. The drive was mostly quiet, I was anxious as to what could have come up that would stop Riley from picking me up. She would've told me of it was something unimportant. She simply would've texted with an apology and a promise to make it up to me. But she hadn't. I hadn't heard anything from her, even after I sent a text to say I'd landed. That was what worried me. When we got to my apartment, I said bye to my mom, jumping out and grabbing my bag, practically running to the elevators. Once I got to the apartment and unlocked the door, I called for my girlfriend.
"Riles?" I asked, stepping inside. It was quiet. "Riley?" I called again. I heard floorboards creaking, before she appeared. Her face was tear stained, her eyes were red, and a few tears were still slipping down her cheeks. My heart dropped as I looked at her. "Baby what happened?" I questioned, stepping closer towards her. She bit her lip, fiddling with something behind her back. She glanced at the ground, exhaling as she started to shake, tears pouring down her face again. She reached around from behind her back, handing me something. I furrowed my brow, taking the object. She watched me, struggling to keep herself from smiling. I looked down at the object, turning it over in my hands. My eyes widened as tears filled them. "Are you serious?" I asked, making eye contact. Riley nodded.
"Yeah. I've been crying for hours, I didn't think it was safe for me to drive to pick you up." She said, letting out a small laugh.
"Oh my god." I muttered, glancing back at the object as tears rolled down my face as well. "You-you're pregnant! We're having a baby!" I exclaimed. Riley nodded, the biggest smile on her face as she sobbed. I stepped forward, wrapping her in a hug. "We're having a baby." I mumbled again. I placed a kiss on Riley's forehead, rubbing her arm gently as we both cried. 7 months ago we were told Riley would never get pregnant. It was supposed to be impossible. But it happened. She's pregnant. We created a baby. We created a miracle.


Riley's POV

"So we're gonna be parents." James stated as I took a bite of food.
"I know." I replied, my mouth still full.
"There's actually a baby in you right now." He said.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Do you know how far you are?" He asked me.
"No more than 3 weeks." I told him.
"God this is crazy." He mumbled. He put his food down, causing me to furrow my brows. He walked over to me, connecting our lips. My eyes widened in surprise before I melted into the kiss. I moaned as James pulled away, kneeling on the ground and lifting my shirt, placing kisses all over my flat stomach. I smiled, letting out a small chuckle as I ran my fingers through his hair. "When do we tell people?" He smiled up at me from the floor.
"Probably not for a few months. When I called the doctor earlier they said we should wait until after 10 weeks, when the chance of miscarriage will be lower, seeing as this pregnancy is high risk." I said. James frowned.
"I wanted to tell people now." He pouted, causing me to smile. The only good thing about having cancer is it proved how much James cares about me. When I took the test, I wasn't scared he'd freak out or leave. He'd proven he was loyal and he loves me. I had nothing to fear. I'm glad about that, it made seeing the result a happy thing, which it deserves to be. I'm happy I wasn't worried about being alone, I knew James would be by my side. And he's further showing that right now with his excitement to tell everyone. If he was having second thoughts, he wouldn't be this excited or desperate to tell people. I put my fork down, leaning forward and placing a kiss on James's head.
"If you stop pouting, maybe we'll do that celebrating I mentioned earlier." I told him. The frown left his face immediately, being replaced with a smirk. He stood up, kissing me as he grabbed my thighs, lifting me and wrapping my legs around his waist as he walked to the bedroom.

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