Moving on and forgiveness (part 2 of mistakes and recovery)

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Riley's POV

"Ri, I think I caught whatever you have. I can't go into the studio for you today. Sorry." Emily's voice said on my voicemail. I was afraid this would happen. Something would come up and Emily wouldn't be able to go into the studio, and I would have to. It's only been 3 days. I'm not ready. Not yet.
"Babe, you look nervous." James commented, looking up from his notebook, where he was working on a beat for a new song.
"It's just I have to go into the studio today." I answered, opening the closet door to find something suitable for work.
"I could come with you if you want, to help you." James suggested, causing me to whip around and look at him.
"Could you?" I asked, eyes wide. He nodded, causing a smile to grow on my face. "Thank you." I told him, turning back to the closet and pulling out a skirt.


"I'm just gonna get a juice. I'll be back." James told me, walking out of my office. We've been here for a few hours now. It's nice. James works on band stuff on one side of my desk while I fill out paperwork on the other. It's nice to be able to talk to someone as I work, it's not as lonely. I heard footsteps enter the studio, and watch Henry enter, shortly followed by Sloane and Amy, then Michelle and Amanda. I almost forgot about rehearsal. I didn't realize it was so close to 3 though. I guess time flies when you're actually having fun. I turn back to my papers, continuing with the work.

Piper's POV

I slowly entered the studio, and my mood dampened seeing Riley at her desk. For the past few days it's been Emily, someone that hasn't caused a lot of drama. I walked to the cubbies, putting my dance bag away and slowly taking off my sweater and shoes. Wandering over to the dance floor, I started stretching by Amy and Sloane, loosening the muscles in my legs. Within 10 minutes, everyone else from A troupe slowly entered, making their way to the floor and beginning to stretch. Riley glanced up, noticing everyone was here, and moved some of the things on her desk around, beginning to stand up. She stopped, however, when another set of footsteps entered the studio, and then her office. James. I feel bad for my brother. All he did was go to London, and he comes back to this. "This isn't good." I heard Michelle whisper, and only then realized how close her and Amanda were. I looked down, not overly happy about what's about to go down in front of me. It wasn't long before James was walking out of the studio again. I saw Riley sigh, before leaving her office.
"I'll be back in a minute. Just keep stretching." She instructed, her voice cracking slightly as she held in tears, following James out. I knew James probably needed to calm down and be cheered up at the same time right now, so I decided to follow both of them out. They were both out of my sight by the time I had made it to the hallway, but I knew where James would be. I walked the hallways until I made it to Lost and Found, passing all the doorways until hearing his voice come from inside one. I opened the door, doing a double take as I saw James hugging Riley as she sniffled. Their backs were to me, so they didn't notice I was here. I continued to watch them as James calmed her down.
"Babe, it's just A troupe, you'll be fine. You did this 4 days ago, nothing's changed. Why are you so afraid to do it by yourself?" He asked softly, placing kisses on her head.
"I don't know, but I can't do it. I just can't." Riley cried. "I need you with me."
"Riles, you can do this. You'll be fine. And I'll be right down the hall in band practice if you need me." James reassured her.
"Okay." She sniffled, pulling out of James's arms.
"I'll be back in an hour." He called to her as she left through a different doorway from the one I'm in. I felt myself fill with rage. She cheated on him, she broke up with him, she fell in love with someone else, and now he forgives her? And then James doesn't even have the decency to tell his own sister that him and his girlfriend are back together?
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, causing him to turn around, finally noticing I'm here. "Are you an idiot? Do you know what she's done to you?" I questioned, unable to believe what I had just witnessed.
"I did the same thing to her, not that it should matter to you." He answered.
"Are you trying to say I'm not important?" I inquired, feeling hurt.
"No! I'm trying to say it's my life!" He shouted.
"I'm just trying to tell you you're being stupid." I stated, feeling tears in my eyes. I'm just trying to protect him. I hate seeing him hurt. James softened, walking over to me.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." He told me, stopping a few feet away.
"It's fine." I mumbled.
"Why are you mad I'm with Riley again? Didn't you love her?" He asked, confused.
"Yeah, like a sister. That's why it hurt me so much when everything happened. I can't watch it again." I admitted, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"It won't happen again Pipes, I promise. We were probably gonna get back together anyway." James explained.
"You don't know that it won't." I said, waiting for his answer.
"Maybe I don't. But I feel this time will be right. You shouldn't worry about stuff like this." He told me softly, before a silence fell over us. "You wanna know a secret?" He asked after a moment. I nodded, sniffling still. "Riley's hurting more than you are, I can guarantee it. So please, be nice to her." He stated.
"Why? Why should I?" I inquired, needing to know.
"Because, she just miscarried your niece or nephew." Was James's answer. I closed my eyes, feeling guilty instantly.
"James I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that." I told him, reopening my eyes. I watched him shrug, as if I hadn't offended him at all, but knew that inside he was hurting too.
"You should head back to rehearsal." He told me, and I nodded, knowing we'd continue talking later.


I walked back into rehearsal, heading straight for Riley's office. I had been gone for almost an hour, spending 15 talking to James, the rest running around the block. Skylar was leading A troupe through one of our routines, obvious spaces left for me. I'll be there in a second. Riley looked up, noticing me at the door. "Piper, where've you been? You just left." She said, sounding worried. I might have been mad at her, but she has never been upset with me. She's only ever been sad when I wouldn't talk to her. She's sometimes like a mother figure to me.
"I got you something." I told her. Her brows furrowed in confusion, as she looked at me. I carried the bag over, placing it on her desk. "I'll go join rehearsal now." I said, walking out of her office and over to the dance floor.

Riley's POV

I pulled a sealed envelope out of the bag, placing it off to the side, before grabbing some aspirin, a stress ball, and some Epsom salts. Grabbing the envelope again, I opened it, revealing a card with flowers on the front. Inside was Piper's writing.
Dear Riley,
I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately, it was unfair seeing as the situation was out of your control. I hope one day you forgive me and we can go back to when I was your favourite sister. Make sure James is nice to you!
Ps, I'm sorry for your loss. Hope the painkillers and stress relievers help!
I smiled slightly, looking out at Piper rehearsing. Footsteps entered my office, and I see James look over everything on my desk, reading the card over my shoulder. "That was nice of her." He said, obviously proud of his sister.
"It was, wasn't it?"

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