One moment

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Not proof read, enjoy!

James POV

I opened my eyes slowly. The brightness of the florescent lights was blinding. I closed my eyes again to protect them from the light when I heard a voice. "James?" It asked.
"Riles." I mumbled, knowing it would be her. It was silent for a second after that, before another voice spoke.
"No, it's Piper, Emily, mom, Eldon, Noah, Richelle, Michelle, and West." It said. I opened my eyes again to see them all looking at me.
"Where?" I mumbled, unable to get more than one word out of my mouth.
"Where-where is, she?" The second voice, which I now realized belonged to Piper, said. I nodded to answer her question. She bit her lip as Emily turned away, tears in her eyes. I felt someone place a gentle hand on my arm, and out of the people here, I was guessing it was my mom. As my brain starting processing things faster, I realized my mom had been the first voice to speak. But they hadn't answered my question yet. I wasn't satisfied.
"Where's Riley?" I asked, more conscious now. My eyes were fully open by now and I was almost ready to spring up into a seated position. My whole body was filled with alarm as I asked my question one final time, in a demanding tone. "Where is Riley?" I demanded clearly. I needed an answer. Now.
"James. You-you crashed your car. It-" Michelle started cautiously, but got cut off by West.
"It was totalled dude! The paramedics could barely get in there, and-" He started to say, before he got cut off by Eldon.
"West! Not the time!" He said sternly. West closed his mouth, which had been hanging open, and stayed quiet as the story began to be told again.
"It was bad. The paramedics got you both out but-" Michelle started to say again, but I had suddenly realized something.
"Why isn't anyone with her? Go! Emily why aren't you with her?!" I asked. I was so confused. They didn't need to worry about me. They didn't need to be with me, they needed to be with Riley. Especially Emily, I mean she's Riley's sister. It was then Emily burst into tears, sobbing as they fell down her face. My mom, who was sitting beside her, removed her hand from my arm and wrapped her arms around Emily in a hug.
"She-she didn't make it James." Michelle finished, before anyone could interrupt her again. I sat there for a second, completely shocked, before one word escaped my mouth.
"W-what?" I stuttered.
"She died at the scene. I'm sorry." Piper said quietly. Everything was silent again as I processed the information. The next thing that happened was the room went white and a loud beeping sound filled my ears, before it stopped. Everything disappeared. And then, she appeared.
"James." She said cautiously.
"Who are you?" I asked. I noticed I was suddenly standing in the endless white I had seen. I was dressed normally. What happened to the hospital?
"That's not important. What is, is that you have an important choice to make. You can change a piece of your past, and save Riley and yourself, or keep it the way it is, and accept the present." The woman said. She wore all white and looked like she was glowing.
"Are you crazy? I'm changing the past if it means keeping my baby girl safe." I replied without hesitation.
"You should know, changing this part of your past affects everything that comes after it, you'll lose something in the process." She warned.
"I don't care. I need my baby to be safe." I replied, making my final decision.
"Alright." The woman said, before the scene in front of me changed.

"Hey I got you something." I said to Riley, who was standing in front of me. She wore light blue shorts, with a pink tank top, and a blue and white striped tank top over top. As well, her hair was pulled into a high ponytail.
"K." She said, surprised, but nervous. I could tell by the way she was playing with her hands.
"It's from the top of a mountain." I said impressively.
"The-the top of the mountain?" She asked, not believing me.
"Like the top of a mountain." I said, standing up off the bench I was sat on. I walked to my bag as I continued speaking. "Like Rocky Mountains." I said, grabbing a water bottle out of my bag. I walked back and showed it to her.
"A water bottle?" She asked, skeptical.
"Yeah." I replied, crossing my arms. She let out a laugh. "It's natural spring mountain water." I clarified. She nodded.
"Mm got it." She said.
"Yeah." I responded as she twisted the cap off and took a sip, laughing again slightly. She looked at it, nervous again, moving it in her hands. She was avoiding my eyes at first, but looked at me as she spoke.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked.
"Yeah sure." I responded, my arms still crossed over my chest. She looked down again, looking like she needed to build up courage, before she asked me a question again.
"Do you, think I should be in the front row?" She asked, looking me dead in the eyes. I looked away from her eyes for a millisecond, before I met them again and spoke.
"K, honestly?" I asked. She nodded.
"Honestly." Was her response. I hesitated, looking at her. This was what I had to change. I had to lie to my baby girl. Except, she isn't my baby girl now, she's just, my friend Riley. I nodded my head.
"Yeah. You're a great dancer and you deserve to have some of the spotlight sometime." I told her.
"Even with my audition? It was a disaster. I didn't even dance." She told me.
"You wouldn't be on A troupe if you didn't deserve it." I told her. She nodded, looking away from my eyes.
"Thanks for your opinion." She said, turning and walking away.

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