Miss thesaurus!

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Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
-Martin Luther King, Jr

Rose's pov

Walk to the school was always boring.I plugged in my earphones in my iPod and was listening to some songs and humming the tune.

When someone barged into me and me being the clumsy me I couldn't maintain my balance and fell down.

"Hey watch where you-" and the person who collided with me stopped.I looked up through my bangs to find piercing green eyes staring at me.I was mesmerized by there color it was so deep and it looked like it contained so many secrets.

I stayed there (on the ground) for what seems like eternity with his green eyes boring into my hazel.When I finally snapped out of the trance and stood up and brushed my jeans.

"Gee thankyou so much for helping"I sarcastically muttered under my breath hoping that he wouldn't hear but I knew he heard what I said by his eyes that widened.

I checked my watch shittake mushrooms! I'm getting late."Now if you won't mind I have to go to school"
I walked around him and I only reached metres away from him when I heard him call out"wait"

I turned around once again met his gaze and he approached me.

"Hi I'm Jay Stone" he put his hand forward as if he wanted me to shake it.

Ofcourse he wants you to shake his hand.Genius.shut up conscience I don't have time for you right now.

I decided against shaking his hand and just asked him"what do you want?"I didn't mean to sound like a snotty brat like I was irritated by him but just I was in a hurry and didn't have time for chit-chats.

"I want you to marry me"he said and his eyes widened like it just came out wrong.But for a second there I actually thought he was sincere.
I was feeling merciful today so I spared him from embarrassment.

I dryly replied "haha very funny"

He hesitated like he didn't know what to say but still said "umm I just wanted to say sorry for um making you fall"

"Its ok" it was really ok so with that I turned in my heels (sneakers samething) and walked to my destination.

I reached school and was going towards my locker when someone from behind put their hands on my eyes and refrained me from seeing the world. I being always alert took a hold of their hand and slammed them against the lockers.Wide eyed Dove looked in my direction and I quickly let go of her.

Dove Thompson,is my one and only friend-best friend that is.She is totally your typical American sweetheart;
Long blonde hair,electric blue eyes,tall & skinny figure-you get the picture right.

"What the hell is wrong with you?why can't you greet me like any normal person with a hug or a kiss?" she asked rubbing her arms and back

I shrugged but still replied "tsk tsk tsk Dove no swearing there are children in the School and besides when you signed the contract in which you sold yourself to the devil aka me you should've known the consequences and anyways if I were normal your life would be so dull."and walked away from her towards my locker

She just rolled her eyes and caught up with me.

"So how was your vacation in Hawaii?"I started the conversation.

"ooh ooh let me tell you about it.It was amazing we stayed in Fairmount orchard,and oh my god it was so gorgeous and the beaches they were awesome.... "and she went on and on but I couldn't help but not pay attention I was wondering about the boy-Jay I think. He looked so familiar like I've seen him some where I just can't point out where.

When Dove snapped my out "Hello were you even listening?"

"yeah yeah I was listening"nodding my head.

"oh really"she raised an eyebrow"what did I just say"she asked amusingly.

"Just how much you love me and that I'm the bestest of the best friend in world and you don't know what you'll do without me"I sheepishly grinned.

Shaking her head but still smiled "I don't think bestest is a real word"she retorted

"ok miss thesaurus you are so right I'm wrong there happy"

"so happy "she finished with a big smile.

Our conversation got cut off when we saw a large crowd in the middle of the hallway.

End of chapter 3 hope you liked it. this story is not edited. plz tell me if you find any grammatical mistakes.no hurtful comments plz


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