My first crush...HAZEL!

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Immature love says:'I love you because I need you'.
Mature love says:'I need you because I love you.'
-Erich Fromm.

Rose's pov

Click click click click click click click...

"Would you stop that?"I ordered looking at Jay.

"Stop what?"Jay innocently asked as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about-with his eyes holding a mischievous glint.

"Clicking the pen"I gritted my teeth.
"Why does it annoy you?" "Yes!" "Then I won't stop"he poked out his tongue,why do must be always surrounded by children-Mum,Jay,etc.

"Jay if you won't stop right now I'm going to poke your eye out with the same pen!"I stated.

"No you wouldn't you adore me too much to that"he retorted.

"Say that when this pen goes through your eye and out if your skull."

"Wow Rose, that's harsh even for you."Now I was getting angry.He saw my anger and lifted up his hand in mock surrender and said"okay okay"

The next thing he asked me was well expectedly unexpected "So you and Marcel close?"

At first I wanted to tell him the truth because his face looked so sad and cute but then I wanted to tease him a bit.

"Yeah me and Martin are close."It was true he was one of my best friend before the-before I changed.

"huh?"he asked in confusion.

"His name is Martin not Marcel."I corrected him.

His face now wore a frown as if my words or my relationship with Martin really hurted him but he managed to put on a fake smile and said"Good for him"

Before I could say anything the class bell rang and he got up and left without another word being shared.

Jay's pov

Its official she has a boyfriend.I can't believe I lost the finished line to him.To Martin.Just the way she corrected his name proves how much in love she was with him.The only girl I ever liked was taken, other than my crush in middle school-I don't even remember her real name just that she was my first kiss.

She was cute with her two pigtails,colorful clothes,rosy cheeks and hazel eyes.Hey Rose has hazel eyes too,I must have a thing for them hazels.

But she wasn't like Rose at all like-she was bubbly,funny,nice,sweet and she never said anything bad to anyone even not to Maria Stella.

Now I remember Maria,she used to bully Hazel-I always used to call her hazel because of her eyes and even didn't ask for her name,not that she minded anyways she always just giggled at the name.I even remember she 'accidentally' spilled punch all over Hazel and my sweet sweet Hazel didn't even stood up for herself but I did I told Maria to stop harassing her that's when I realised I really liked her.

I thought about her all summer and finally mustered enough courage to tell her.

So on the first day of school I walked straight up to her and kissed her.It was sweet and I felt tingles all over my body.

I was so happy that when I asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes-my very first girlfriend(actually my only girlfriend).I went home to tell my mum the news but instead of telling her I got the news we were leaving town because of my father's job.

I was still in the past when a body crashed into me-Martin. I glared at him-he stole my Rose from me.But I wanted to be civil with him so I offered him my hand."Jay,Jay Stone"

He shook my hand and replied "Martin Richard"

Then he did something astonishing he pulled me in a Bro-hug.Guess he must be a hugger.He came close to my ear and said"Rose isn't my girlfriend."He pulled away and left me stunned.


End of chapter 12.hope you liked it.pointing out grammatical mistakes will be most appreciated.
This story is not edited.


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